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Real Ghost Stories-Whaley House > Allergic to Ghostly Perfume???

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7 Sep 2006

Name: Louis

City: San Diego

State: CA

Date Experience Occurred: march, 2006

Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House

With whom did you come in contact?: Anna Whaley

In what area did this occur?: Left of Music Room

Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no

Did you experience cold spots?: no

Moving furniture or lights?: no

Knocking or other sounds?: no


Please explain your experience: I first bought an early day ticket to the Whaley house.  I was upstairs and heard some footsteps. Then I met Violet floating as an orb and disappeared from site. Later I went downstairs to the music room and got a strange and pleasant smell of some kind of perfume, but after that my nose started itching.




google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

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