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173 posts
Mar 26, 2011
2:40 PM
I had a question about this show coming out soon is it like the the show on discovery channel A Haunting?

905 posts
Mar 29, 2011
8:06 AM
Sounds like it is going to be scary or maybe even scarier if you compare it to a A Haunting


I recently mustered up the nerve and watched the "A Haunting in Connecticut" episode. I have seen it come on several times before but could not watch it. It's scary stuff. I would not be caught dead watching this not too far in the past but curiosity about what exactly took place got the better of me.

Interesting that The Connection explains that dark entities attach themselves to an individual if they are in a negative state of mind. But I wonder if that was how it worked in this particular case.

There is a dark history to the house and it appears that some sort of portal was created for this entity to enter. I wonder if the house were to be destroyed would that close the access for something like what was manifesting there.

Last Edited by on Mar 29, 2011 8:06 AM
174 posts
Mar 29, 2011
4:16 PM
Thanks for the reply Irina and I have seen that episode of A Haunting and no doubt there is a negative presence but they tend to way over dramatize it because it is for entertainment purposes and the Connection did mention that there is lower level energy and beings and that it is pretty rare though but does happen at some locations depending on certain things that have happened there but as far as demon I don't think the connection referred to them as that but the lower beings they meant were lower dimensional beings and also they don't like people to dwell in the dark places but that is the individuals own decision and their experience they choose to have. Also I don't know if this is true but I have heard that a really but a way to disperse energy is to burn the place but as I said I don't know if that is true but just thought I would add that. Also I have a felling that there is a location that I am aware of that possibly does have activity and from what I have heard negative but I think it is a angry spirit person or persons if more of them and I will not go to the place it just seems negative and I like to keep away from that.


Last Edited by on Mar 29, 2011 4:18 PM

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