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Here we go again-smear campaigns

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353 posts
Jan 20, 2010
12:39 PM
Hi Everyone,

This link is to a press release put out today by someone who I do not know. It would be nice if they checked their facts, but a juicy story seems to be what everyone wants to hear or read.


Here is the truth:
A person that I did not know prior to the session paid for a 15 minute mini-reading.

I do not ask people ahead of time what they want to discuss and these discussions are always kept private. Perhaps this was a set up or something innocent that got out of hand, I have no desire to waste my time finding out.

Once I was on the phone the person asked me to connect with Michael. I asked her if she meant Michael Jackson and she said yes.

I refused and asked her why she was making the request. She proceeded to tell me events that she felt were contact with Michael. I spent over 30 minutes with this person while she related her experiences to me. I advised her to fully document the events as they occurred and wished her well with a project that she is working on.

She denies discussing this with anyone or posting anything on the net. It is interesting that press releases are now being issued about this non-event. Postings were also made to my YouTube videos and this message board. My normal policy is to ignore this type of thing but I felt that the truth needed to be told.

Thank you for your time.
Bonnie Vent
40 posts
Jan 20, 2010
1:18 PM
Thank you for openly discussing and clarifying this, Bonnie. You continue to have my full faith and support, 100%.


Edited to add: Someone somewhere may feel either personally threatened by you, your contact with Michael, or by your abilities. Or, they may be upset that they didn't get what they personally wanted - namely contact with Michael.

Last Edited by on Jan 20, 2010 1:21 PM
28 posts
Jan 20, 2010
1:50 PM

I as well fully believe in your work and support you.
I find you to be a person of integrity and strength.
Truly sorry you have to put up with this kind of hurt.


Last Edited by on Jan 20, 2010 1:54 PM
16 posts
Jan 20, 2010
1:56 PM
Hello Bonnie,

You know you have my support 100%. It is unfortunate that you have to endure this. We ALL know the TRUTH....
Stay strong...This too shall pass!

With love,

147 posts
Jan 20, 2010
2:21 PM
You had already verified to us here on a post, you do not do readings with Michael. I also know from my friends experience that you only confirm what she said, you did not reveal anything private or try to contact Michael for her. We got your back

Take care
2 posts
Jan 20, 2010
2:40 PM
Bonnie -
In the immortal words of Winston Churchill "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." I just love him.
You are the best Bonnie, don't let them tear you down.


Last Edited by on Jan 20, 2010 2:43 PM
4 posts
Jan 20, 2010
11:26 PM
What a desperate try to smear your good reputation and how obvious from which direction it is coming! We should feel sorry for people like that...they have not understood ANYTHING yet! A long way to go and learn for them....
115 posts
Jan 21, 2010
5:09 AM

You are a pro and always take the high road. Unfortunately there are those that like to smear and slander others for there own gain. Don't let them get you down. I have great admiration and respect for you and your work. With love, JMM
46 posts
Jan 21, 2010
5:27 AM
Sorry you have to put up with this crap! Well,whomever this is,I hope they know in their heart-when no one else is looking-that Mike wouldnt approve and wouldnt want anything to do with this kind of person who is vindictive and goes out to get people.Thats the same crap he had to deal with!

Check out my poems:
148 posts
Jan 21, 2010
3:22 PM
I have discovered, that the person who came here and started the thread Bonnie Vent Fraud has put Bonnie on blast on the Internet.

This may not be here we go again, but they are still here.
They do not care that this could harm the person who was seeking. All they care about is the agenda, which failed once.

Last Edited by on Jan 21, 2010 4:31 PM
356 posts
Jan 22, 2010
1:05 PM
I just wanted to let everyone know that the press release referenced above as well as the blog by Mark Edward have been removed. An abuse complaint was filed on the press release. In the case of the Skeptic's blog both the author Mark Edward and Skeptic's Magazine were contacted and they have decided to remove the blog posting.

Please rest assured that the claims made were false and this is why they were removed.

Thx to everyone who stuck by me during this ordeal. It is greatly appreciated.


Last Edited by on Jan 22, 2010 1:06 PM
118 posts
Jan 22, 2010
3:25 PM
Like our sister Dawn said, we have your back! JMM
357 posts
Jan 22, 2010
3:45 PM
Looks like I spoke too soon. Mark Edward has decided to re-post the blog even though Skeptics Magazine informed my attorney that this situation was "taken care of". Please don't be concerned it is under control.

His readers do seem to be coming here and posting what I write onto his blog comments. So to the person who thinks I am a idiot for my last posting, the blog was gone for a short time today and then restored. I was willing to let this go with a retraction, but I gather Mark Edward is not.

151 posts
Jan 22, 2010
3:50 PM
Dishonesty and injustice, I am sorry you have to take this further. I think you handled it very well, and respectfully.
5 posts
Jan 24, 2010
4:28 PM
Dear Bonnie,

As I said in my other post;
The truth will always win,so don`t you worry

What I can`t understand is that those people never learn,
in the end they always end up being a loser....

I`m sorry that you have to be the victim of those who
don`t know the meaning of live ;
Thruth and Love.

120 posts
Jan 24, 2010
7:17 PM
Interesting that it is the same person who started the trouble here. Wow, someone needs to get a life!!! If people put the same amont of energy into loving and giving instead of lies and deceit, our world would be a much better place. Heal the world!


Last Edited by on Jan 24, 2010 7:18 PM
31 posts
Jan 24, 2010
11:11 PM
It seems that anyone who stands up in Michael's defence (in life, and death) pays the price. We are seeing just a glimps of what Michael had to deal with. It truely amazes me that he managed to stay sane throughout his life. The stuff he had to deal with is beyond comprehension, and continues to break my heart.

I now understand his need to constantly guard himself.

JMM, you are right on. These people who claim to be MJ fans and then come here and start trouble and post rediculous press releases, do not know him at all and what he was about. If they did truely care about Michael, they would be putting their energy into loving and giving. There are thousands of people in Haiti who need help and prayers, who are hurting...And you know what? that's where Michael's attention would be right now if he were alive. Not on childish drama.

Now, I am not trying to sound all high and mighty, but, I am an educated person. And the only reason I am stating this is because I understand the importance of fact checking and research. Bonnie is a professional. As anyone can see, she documents everything. She has come forth and told the truth of the situation of the press release fiasco, and is handling it as the true professional that she is....And that says a lot.

The reason I felt I needed to make a stand on this is because one of the blog posters on the MA site made reference to Bonnie's followers being a little "ditzy" for believing all of this in the first place. And I know that everyone who comes here and posts regularly (including myself) are NOT ditzy people. We are all smart and educated adults who simply desire to seek the truth. I think if we were the ditzy kind we would be following that other person...Enough said about that.

What is most important here is that Michael was a precious soul who has passed and he seems to be caught in the "inbetween" (feel free to corect me if I am wrong, Bonnie). He needed help, and the one person who has been dedicated to assist him is Bonnie, which has not been an easy task.

So, Bonnie, I just want to say thank you for staying true to your ethical values and commitment and I will continue to send postive energy in your direction.

God Bless,


It's all for love...L.O.V.E.

Last Edited by on Jan 24, 2010 11:23 PM
121 posts
Jan 25, 2010
5:34 AM
Well stated Susanna. Yes, Michael would have his focus on Haiti and probably still does. This smear campaign is a small glipse into what the man had to live with most of his life. I don't know how he dealt with it. It breaks my heart too.

Bonnie, I am sure Michael could give you some advice on how to personally handle this type of situation. He was tough, had to be. You are a pro, in every sense of the word, and I truly believe in you and your gift. You have been very helpful to Michael and to others who have crossed over and it is appreciated. Keep up the good work. I too will send positive energy your way.

With Love,

Last Edited by on Jan 25, 2010 7:01 AM
30 posts
Jan 25, 2010
7:42 AM
I agree with everyone posting above.
Personally I’d rather be thought of as “ditzy” than ignorant, unaware, and insensitive.

47 posts
Jan 26, 2010
7:37 AM
It doesn't really bother me if they think we are weird or out of touch with reality,or whatever they think of us here.It just bugs the crap out of me that they took a vindictive lie as gospel! But I guess you can't do anything about people that like to gossip and jump on the negative bandwagon just for kicks.Michael knew all too well that just because you are accussed of something,doesn't make it true. Sad fact of life that it happens like this. Pity,isn't it?

Check out my poems:
43 posts
Jan 26, 2010
10:27 AM
So very true, MsChris68, so very true. I do feel for Bonnie, and for Michael, very acutely in this regard because I have been in a similar situation myself a few years ago. In my own experience, the people who "took a vindictive lie as gospel" either had their own agendas, or resented me strongly to begin with. Jumping on the "negative bandwagon" was, and is, all too easy for such people.

"Michael knew all too well that just because you are accused of something,doesn't make it true. Sad fact of life that it happens like this. Pity,isn't it?"

You said it, MsChris68. Amen.

48 posts
Jan 26, 2010
12:52 PM
Thanx,Carmen;).And I was thinking something else.It's one thing to be skeptical.That's fine and it's actually a good thing to have some skepticism.Granted.However being skeptic and being mean-spirited,cruel and having a holier than thou attitude are not mutually exclusive.There are plenty of things I am skeptical about,but I don't go around taunting and degrading those that think differently. I don't feel morally or intellectually superior by putting others down. I realize it's a moot point,though,since not everyone thinks like we do.

Check out my poems:
155 posts
Jan 26, 2010
4:15 PM
Evening guys I completely agree. Being skeptical does not mean closed minded.
How can someone be truly skeptical if they consider their own opinion of greater respect then someone else?
Isn't the greatest skeptic the one who questions their own ideas, challenges their own expectations?

There is a big difference between being a thoughtful skeptic who knows discussion requires listening and possibly learning. And a closed minded person waiting for the gotcha rather then an exchange of ideas. Closed minded people have caused too much harm to to many.
1 post
Feb 03, 2010
6:16 PM
Hi Bonnie,

I am very sorry and saddened that you have been put under additional strain with this ‘smear’ campaign and I hope that justice is swiftly served. I am just one of many people that stumbled upon your site very early in the piece and have continued to visit seeking the comfort and reassurance that only your collaboration with MJ could bring.

Bonnie, you are an exceptionally talented woman. I am in awe of your ability. Thankyou for honing your skills to a point where you are able to be a channel and provide a link to the spirit world. Thankyou so much for being a person that MJ can trust in passing on his messages to the public untainted. Each message you have delivered has been needed and endlessly appreciated. I know it can’t be easy being open to speculation & slander. Thankyou for dedicating so much of your time to MJ - posting videos & messages, answering endless emails, as well as the behind the scenes work & all you do.

If it’s any consolation any attempted ‘smear campaign’ on you has absolutely zero impact on me and anyone else worth having on your side. I wouldn’t even waste my time checking out a link to read what has been written or said about you because I see this as completely pointless. It holds no interest for me whatsoever.

I have never posted here before but thankyou to all the wonderful posters who have – reading all the posts has provided me with much comfort.


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