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287 posts
Jul 14, 2010
9:22 PM
Giving this thread a 'bump' for Patti and anyone else who missed it.
199 posts
Jul 15, 2010
10:03 AM
You are correct. There most certainly is much more hidden meaning in Michael’s work.

There are several prevalent themes which have already been touched on here. There is still much more information to bring out and into focus as we move forward with decoding what Michael expressed through the use of symbolism on his person and in and through his art.

Here is another tidbit.

Ute and I have been discussing the "Dangerous" cover art outside of the board and the hand symbolism employed by Michael. She has pointed out to me that in the live performance of Dangerous, with the exception of Michael, all others around him wear RED GLOVES. I had to complete the thought with that being SYMBOLIC of “blood on their hands”.

Here is a link to that performance:
Michael Jackson - Dangerous, MTV, 1995 (HQ)

Please note the Smooth Criminal notes inserted at the 2:45 point in the performance.
Again the theme here is in keeping with the Smooth Criminal and You Rock My World videos.

Also if you research and pay close attention to the lyrics you may realize that there is more of a hidden meaning to the word “girl” and it is symbolic of the occult theme in this composition.

Last Edited by on Jul 16, 2010 7:32 PM
90 posts
Jul 16, 2010
5:59 PM
Irina, I have been in away for 9 days and am just getting back. Thanks for your posts. Just wanted to respond and let you know I am here listening and learning!

16 posts
Jul 22, 2010
12:38 PM
I don`t know if this is where to post it, but in the video They don`t care about us at 4.22 I`m confinced Michael makes a sign...
maybe somebody will be able to "read" what he says ( if he does...)

17 posts
Jul 22, 2010
12:40 PM
sorry, it`s about 4.24
45 posts
Jul 22, 2010
9:39 PM
Hi Karin,

I watched the vid. Can you describe the sign more detailed, pls?
The scenes change very fast. And I had to watch another prison version because what you posted is blocked for Germany.
This happens from time to time, do not know why - maybe it is censured or...... ?
Yes, and probably there is another sign at that time you point out to-
I saw the following signs in order:
1.arms and hands over head, one arm with fist, the other hand holds the arm with the fist
2. right hand in front of Michael acting with this hand, fingers up
Which sign of these did you notice? Or is it the sign before these signs.
What I can tell you already is that do pay attention please to the lines he sings along with the signs and/or the dance moves.
There are also hidden messages.
And listen to the lines he sings additionally in between the lines of the verses.

18 posts
Jul 23, 2010
3:29 AM
Helo Ute,

It`s the unsencored version ,so maybe that`s why you can`t watch it?!
I made some stills from the vid. for you
I`ll try to find the video on another site later for you(have got to go now)
He is not singing at that moment
In the comments at that video I saw just now that somebody was asking about the same signs, but there was no answer from anybody...

( I don`t know how to make the link show the pics )

Found the video at another site,but HERE THE SCENE IS CUT OUT!

Does anyone know how to download a youtube video and then store it somewhere?

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2010 3:41 AM
19 posts
Jul 23, 2010
3:58 AM
Found another version , hope you will be able to watch this one

The signs are at 4.27 here


Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2010 3:59 AM
47 posts
Jul 23, 2010
5:13 AM
Hi Karin,

I tried to watch the vid on your link, but it is also blocked for Germany, because of Sony music containment.

I found a version on Dailymotion, where he shows a sign (at 4:27) I tried to describe in the second point. First he holds his hand up high, then does something with his hands - as far as I see - turns them round somehow.
Is this the sign you´re asking for?
20 posts
Jul 23, 2010
8:40 AM
Yes, I watched the video at dailymotion, that`s it!
At most video`s the sign is taken out, so it must have some specific meaning...?
216 posts
Jul 23, 2010
9:01 AM
Hi Karin, Ute

I looked at the video today.

What Michael is using appears to be the SIGN LANGUAGE FOR THE DEAF. He is either using the alphabet of full word hand sings I am not sure yet at this point.

At 4:22 one very likely interpretation is a very Common Expletive. I do not think I need to spell it out?

It is also a sign indicating a threat, or the same expletive I am referring to above, used by the the bad guys in many gangster movies.

I will attempt, and suggest you do the same, to further investigate sign language. If anyone here knows sign language that would speed things up.

By the way Karin,
Thank you! for posting this as I have not seen this version until now.The message here is certainly very intense and politically charged. It is obvious that Michael decided to take things head on at this stage of his life and career.

One more thought: obviously the specific hand sign at 4:22, in my interpretation of it, is intended only for those who merit such meaning and not for the innocent.

Best Regards

Last Edited by on Jul 23, 2010 10:01 AM
564 posts
Aug 09, 2010
8:11 AM
Hi Everyone,

This is a request for more information regarding the symbols in music:

Dear Ms Vent,

First of all I would like to thank you for your work regarding Michael Jackson. I think it's wonderful to see that there is someone who is telling the other side of the story and I hope it gives Michael the peace he needs.

Before I ask my question regarding the article about "the music industry exposed" I shall introduce myself. I'm a 32 year old teacher from The Netherlands (Europe) en I give communication skills to young adults. My English is not so good, so please forgive me for making mistakes in my writing.

A couple of months ago I read your article "the music industry exposed" and it really shocked me. I’d never heard of it. A couple days later I had this class and it was going nowhere. They where not motivated and I decided to do something really different and I told them that I read this article about hidden messages in music. My students are between the ages of 16 and 20 and this was a subject that they were really interested in. I let them see the movies/clips off your website and I asked them if anyone knew about this. I think 8 of 19 students had heard about it. A couple of students were shocked like me. But there were also student that where not impressed at all. They where convinced that these messages couldn’t do any harm. We talked about it for a whole hour and they asked me what I thought of it. I told them that I not really knew how harmful these messages in music en video clips were and that I would like to know more about it.

So now I’m here a couple of months later and I’m writing a spiritual youth book in my spare time and there is a part of the of the book that goes about the influence of music, TV, radio, internet etc, etc. Now I hope you could answer my questions about this subject:
What the consequence is of being exposed to this kind of (hidden) messages? What does it do? Has it an affect on your emotions?
Is there a difference of in consequence if you know of this messages but you don’t believe in Satan of something like that.
Is it harmful if someone has no knowledge of symbols. If you have no knowledge about symbols or Satan or anything like that than you don’t pay attention to it. If you don’t pay attention to something, how can it be harmful?

I hope you can help me answer my questions. I looked on the internet for more information. But the sources were not very reliable or it did not give me the information I needed. It’s important to me to create some awareness under young people. You probably getting a lot of emails and you are probably very busy so I hope you find a little time to help me.

Yours sincerely,
242 posts
Aug 09, 2010
9:06 AM
hello Madelon,

Just to answer briefly. The symbolism we are discussing here is about mind manipulation on a subliminal level. What is meant by this is that these messages are intended to influence and persuade the public to a certain way of thinking and feeling.

Symbolism is a form of persuasion intended to affect everything within the viewers perceptions. The visual aspects of symbolism are more powerful than words because of the nature of our mind. It can affect the self by influencing the mind, psyche, impulses, desires and beliefs of the individual.

Thus it is a form of mind control on an individual level; as well as mass behavior control on a societal level. This type of manipulation is intended to drive opinions, consumer choices and religious beliefs to name just a few of of the contexts that are affected by this. In a nutshell this is about influence and ultimately power.

Once you are aware and recognize the symbolism you are in a position to no longer be a pawn in this. Your are awakened to the fact that your opinions and actions are being influenced possibly in a way that you as an individual may not desire .

This then become an opportunity to make a choice not be a part of this type of manipulation and alter your manner of decision making. This takes some practice but it can be done.

Here is a book that I heard someone recommend which addresses this issue . I have not as yet gotten around to reading it but plan to get around to in the near future:

The Age of Manipulation: The Con in Confidence, The Sin in Sincere

Here is another book which opens up to the subject:
Subliminal Persuasion: Influence & Marketing Secrets They Don't Want You To Know

Here you can take a look at the top link called:
The Subliminal messages in Print Advertising

Last Edited by on Aug 09, 2010 9:40 AM
68 posts
Aug 09, 2010
10:17 AM
Hi Irina, Madelon and everyone,

first Irina I want to say that I totally agree with you here.
You hit the nail.
I have not yet succeeded in writing you what I wanted to tell you, sorry.

And to you and all the others I´d like to announce s.th. .
It is very important for me to do this now as I have tried already for some time to post an important - maybe for some or all(?) important - experience I made on Saturday and the whole past week.
And announcing this now will help me to set me totally free, because I feel your pure hearts and you just reading this with positive thoughts will help me to set myself free more easily and earlier.

It is about manipulation on a level when you start to speak these things out. I have wanted to post some words on the board since Saturday.
I always start concentrated, then my concentration starts to leave me gradually. I stop the thought posting it for the moment being, turn off the computer, go and do something else - then concentration returns.

To write these few words now is a constant fight for my concentration.
Moreover wanting to post s.th. my writing looks hazy to me with or without glasses, I stop - clear sight.
I know which energies want to disturb me all the time I am about to say s.th. important. I have to set myself completely free from this.

!!!I do not want to scare you, it is just to become aware of those energies more and more consciously. They try to disturb us walking our path to the divine truth, and to hold on to it!!!

This has been happening since last week when the issue of manipulation surfaced so strongly here and took its climax at a lecture about Michael.
I started to speak about the importance to recognise manipulation even if we are convinced we are not manipulated. My perception of Michael was gradually closed. I felt him beside me but I couldn´t hear him any longer. I only knew I must stay calm and in full trust and faith in my guidance and Michael.
While I was speaking I couldn´t really hear myself any longer what I said and then all my perception was closed.

Someone asked me what Michael´s message was, because I had only spoken of negative things. I wondered,because I explained to them Michael´s message at the beginning, then started to speak about him using symbolism in his work to awake people to notice what´s really going on around them - this channeling Bonnie posted on the first side here.
So at that point when I really started this issue my perception was gradually closed.
At the moment I am not able to go into further detail. I will come back to this very soon as there are some important details still to mention to understand the whole situation better.

Bonnie I hope it is okay I posted this here because I feel it might help me to set myself free much more earlier.
And to tell and warn my fellow boarders to become more and more and more and ...........aware of it. Never stop!!
And we can support each other in our tasks or wishes we feel to do for Michael.
On this board are very, very strong people who stand for the true love and the truth. If we all stand together closely and as for the same goal
we cannot only help Michael, but so many others too.

Again: please - I did not want to scare you and there is no reason to be scared!! It is just to become more and more aware of all of it!!

Thank you al for "listening " to me and thank you Bonnie.
I really hope it is okay writing this down on the board.
It might help others too.

God bless you all
244 posts
Aug 09, 2010
11:58 AM
Hi Ute,

This explains a lot of things for me as well.


Last Edited by on Aug 09, 2010 12:46 PM
245 posts
Aug 09, 2010
1:25 PM
Just one more point for Madelon-

Much visual evidence points, as I am certain you have already observed, to the fact that a certain segment of the entities behind making popular music and videos, as well as movies, as well as some behind major corporations in other industries, subscribe to the occult belief system called Luciferianism.
It is my understanding that Luciferians believe in harnessing both Light and Dark Energies (Earth, and Universal) to create the natural balance thus bringing the essence of Order and Chaos into their understanding of spirituality.
Luciferianism is interconnected with Satanism. Generally it is known that Satanism works with dark (demonic)forces, basically challenging the light (positive) energy.
Please read up more on this subject here:
as it is a complex and difficult to explain in brief words. Personally I am still trying to fully wrap my mind around it but I understand the general concepts:

Last Edited by on Aug 12, 2010 1:01 PM
1 post
Aug 09, 2010
1:53 PM
Hi Bonnie, Ute and Irina,
Thank you for your answers.
It reminds me of the book Bringers of the Dawn:
Teachings from the Pleiadians channeled by Barbara Marciniak. Maybe you know her. Somewhere in the book they speak about the influence of television and radio. The Pleiadians speak about the negative influences certain energies /entities have en how they're manipulating these kinds of media.
At the time this was very strange to me and therefore I didn't read the whole book.
But know I read your messages I’m thinking maybe there is a sense of truth in it.

What I would like to know is: do you think that these artists are fully aware of the symbolism in their music(videos)

I think I have to read your answers a couple of times to fully understand it.

Thank you so much for this information
70 posts
Aug 09, 2010
3:07 PM
Hi Madelon,

this is really a complex issue.
BTW, I also read a part of Barbara Marciniak´s books. I´ll look up the parts you mentioned here. Thank you.

To come back, we can learn to handle it more easily.
We have our intuition. With our intuition we can feel if s.th. is right or wrong. If our intuition is blocked more or less,
we can help it set it free.
What helped me a lot was the conscious reconnection with my Inner child and learning about my ego and so more about myself.

Becoming aware of how I can work with them/me helped me a lot to free myself from old patterns, fears, blocks - gaining back confidence in my intuition and myself and in life. Of course we need to/should work on it for the time of our live.
This is just my way and experience. Each of us has their own way.

How far they are aware of this depends on the person themselves and his/her purpose. This is how I feel about it so far.
I think. - however - they are trapped in this system more or less .
It depends on how successful they want to be.
The problem here is the dependancy.
When we watch their faces in their musicvideos and listen to their songtexts carefully, we can usually see where they stand and how deeply or not they are involved or trapped in the system.
Also how they bring across their message in the videos.

This is what Michael Jackson went through too and therefore he started to speak out. But not only for him but for his colleagues in the entertainment industry too.
It was also his concern for people to be treated fairly.
And not only in the entertainment industry.

To everyone:

I would like to add some words to my earlier post.
I´d like to mention that I really did not want to scare you!!
Nothing about it!
And what happened to me does not need to happen to you.
Each one has their tasks and lessons to learn.

It was just about becoming aware of and pay more attention to what is really going on around us. It need not be same in your surroundings.
This had really to do with the whole situation and background story.
There had to be cleaned/cleared a location and so the circumstances were created to come together for the result wanted.
None-the-less I was heavily effected by it - but in the end I was given the chance to leave a momentary very blocking issue.
I feel better now.
Thanks to all!

And - I did not want to create an atmosphere of confusion!

You know what I learned about it was that it is important to be aware of such energies, but not to give them full attention.
Seen from another point of view - being aware of it gives us more protection and healing.
But - this does not mean that we are not protected or could not heal, when we are not aware / that aware of it.
But the more we are aware of it the better, easier or sometimes faster we can catch the reason for a situation e.g. .
This helps a great deal, because we stop being the playball of those energies.

We can change it by working on our issues.

- So I repeat: I did neither wanted to scare you nor to confuse you!! -

We know that we all stand between these energies. The better we feel them being around ( one or the other ) the better we can handle them.
This is what I wanted to bring across.

And I hope I could do it in an understandable way.

Thank you
376 posts
Aug 11, 2010
10:36 PM
255 posts
Aug 12, 2010
8:22 AM
hi Carmen,

I remember seeing this one.
Very helpful.
Thanks for adding it here.

What is being addressed in the beginning of the video is the TRANSHUMANISM movement:


The Transhumanist and Police State Agenda in Pop Music

Pics from Rihanna’s Show: All About Police State and Transhumanism

Also think of movies such as Avatar, I.Robot to name just a couple. Although this theme has showed up in many recent movies.

***This subject matter is good for and independent thread but I want to hold off until tomorrow and not overshadow the dominant theme of the hearing today.

Last Edited by on Aug 12, 2010 9:47 AM
260 posts
Aug 12, 2010
1:04 PM
I have just posted a few videos in the Message to Humanity thread which can provide additional explanation for Madelon's question above concerning occult symbolism used within imagery employed in music and movies.
Hope it helps.


Last Edited by on Aug 12, 2010 1:04 PM
2 posts
Aug 13, 2010
4:44 AM
Hi Irina, Ute, Carmen and everybody,

What I understand of all this and the videos in the Message to Humanity is that although there are a powerfull negative forces which influences people's subconscious there is also a counterforce. This counterforce brings information to people and creates awereness. Also this force works with symbols which nog only influence the subconscious but also touches the hart. I referring to the video in which Michael fell of a bridge. The end of this video gives a powerfull image of love when the child gives the soldier a flower en Michael brings them together. This image really touched me.
Does anybody know which artists are also counterforces like Michael? I really like Oprah; do you thinks she's a counterforce?

Last Edited by on Aug 13, 2010 4:44 AM
263 posts
Aug 13, 2010
11:19 AM
hi Madelon,

I think a lot of musicians are speaking out in subtle ways through their lyrics. Those that try to go against the system in a vocal way are dealt with. Some of them are mentioned in the videos Bonnie posted at the very top here.

Based on my understanding of Michael he felt it was part of his mission and he was in a position to do so. I feel that Michael was very aware of who he is and what his purpose here is.

I found this image of one of the paintings of Michael posted here:
Ralph Cowen painting for Michael

Cowan Painting for Michael Jackson

This is what is written within the painting:
"I am a multidimensional creature going through the Earth experience to learn the consequence of thought..."
You can find references to this in many of his poems and autobiographical writing as well as in his videos.

I too wonder but so far not sure about whether there are others who are at the top of the mainstream music/ media/ movie industries who are doing this kind of work.

Oprah is someone I follow sporadically. I did not observe her come out full force and speak for Michael after his passing. So not sure there.

In fact it seems there have been very few within the entertainment industry who have. I believe the insiders know full well what happened to Michael and why but are not willing to risk their well being on his behalf. Let alone become a counterforce in general in the way that Michael did. Look at what he has been put through.

Do take a look at the message in the original version of the "They Don't Really Care About Us"(posted here). You can clearly see the message - Michael felt like a prisoner. Remember his reference to the "controlled environment" in his message.

Speaking out subliminally, which is what Michael was doing, takes having a lot of creative control. There are few who do. Speaking out openly can have dire results. Michael did but at great risk to himself as has been demonstrated.

additional note:
I just want to add that Ute, was the one who directed me to this painting originally.

Best Regards

Last Edited by on Aug 13, 2010 2:25 PM
88 posts
Aug 13, 2010
6:28 PM

Hi everyone,

referring to Irina´s post - the painting of Michael - and what is written within the painting I would like to add a tidbit.
Today German TV broadcasted on MTV videos with Michael.
Sorrily I recalled very late and could not tape everything anymore.

BUT - I turned TV on at the right moment - I would say I was guided to turn it on to tape this tidbit and message referring to a part to Irina´s post.
It is live in Wembley stadion 1988 during Michael´s BAD-Tour.
The song is "Another Part Of Me" - but Michael exchanged one small word in the refrain. And please pay attention how he is dressed, of which this could remind us. Irina and I will come back to all of this when we will start our thread about message and symbolism in Michael´s work.
We all know that Michael did nothing by chance.

I do not want to say too much Just listen please and enjoy his his joy and love in his "WOW" - performance.

The lines of the refrain are: "We´re sending out a major love and this is our message to you. The planets all are lining up - we´re all along waiting for you. You´re just another part of me. .......".

Excuse please possible mistakes in the text.
I will post all announced texts as soon as possible.

The song starts about 0:54/0:55.

Enjox xourself


Last Edited by on Aug 13, 2010 6:42 PM
89 posts
Aug 13, 2010
6:51 PM
Hi Irina,

IIIIIIII did itttttt!!! UFFFFFhh..

Thanks!! I forgot one step. This one I took now.

Hi everyone,

this song is from "Captain EO". In his book "Moonwalk" Michael says that EO comes from old Greek and means "Dawn".
It is a wonderful story.
This video can be watched on Daily motion.

264 posts
Aug 13, 2010
10:51 PM
HI Ute,

So glad you put this one up. This song is one of the first threads that unraveled it all for me. When I heard Michael sing "...the planets are lining up..." lyrics I understood his mission.

And I heard that one a while back! I know exactly what you are referring to in the clip.

Here are the lyrics again as Michael sings them in this clip of the live concert posted above. I think most people here will see the words through a different lense now:

we're takin' over
we have the truth
this is our mission
to see it through

don't point your finger
not dangerous
this is my planet
you're one of us

I'm sendin' out
a major love
and this is my
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
we're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you

you're just another
part of me . .

a rather nation
this is the truth
this final message
we're bringin' you
there is no danger
this is the truth
so come together
we're meanin' you

I'm sendin' out
a major love
and this is my
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
we're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you

you're just another
part of me . .

I'm sendin' out
a major love
and this is my
message to you
(message to you)
the planets are linin' up
they're bringin' brighter days
they're all in line
waitin' for you

you're just
another part of me
another part of me . .

we're takin' over
this is the truth (check out Michael's edit above- did you hear it?!), baby
another part of me

Last Edited by on Aug 13, 2010 11:57 PM
90 posts
Aug 14, 2010
10:38 AM
Hi Irina,

yes I heard it.
And thank you so much for writing the text down as I was out all day long and will leave for work soon.
I´ll come back tomorrow.

Thanks so much!!

37 posts
Aug 16, 2010
10:14 AM
I am sorry, I don't know how to post this video - but here is the link (to a facebook site of This is NOT it) with a very interesting video.I hope you are able to watch it.


"...be alive, be free, feel consciousness, subsciousness, being GOD..." MJ
285 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:17 AM
Vigilant Citizen: The Transhumanist and Police State agenda in pop music

Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2010 11:19 AM
580 posts
Aug 17, 2010
3:54 PM
38 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:18 PM
I don't know if its right to post this here, but I just wanted to show you that many fans are trying to organize themselves to protest against sony. This is just one example out of many that I came across today. Maybe you are interested to see it. May not be on youtube too long, I guess....

"...be alive, be free, feel consciousness, subsciousness, being GOD..." MJ

Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2010 11:22 PM
406 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:54 PM
Thank you, MlovesYou, for sharing this video protest against Sony and the possible additional parties who may have contributed to Michael's passing. I must say that I take exception to the accusation in the video made against Colony Capital and Tom Barrack, as I don't personally believe that either the company or the gentleman himself is a guilty party. I do believe Mr. Barrack wanted to help Michael to restructure his finances in some ways and work with him to use his talent and skill as an entertainer to repay the loan given to him by Colony Capital. The world famous photographer, Annie Leibovitz, is working with Colony Capital in the same fashion as Michael did, and has been doing so for several months now. In other words, she was in tremendous debt and risked losing a couple of homes in New York along with her rights to her photographs, and Colony Capital - and Tom Barrack - stepped in to help her.

If something suddenly happens to her, then we can say that two major Artists who were 'helped' out financially with loans by Colony Capital and Tom Barrack have something in common besides debt: Death. Only then will I start to cast a suspicious eye on Mr. Barrack. If this type of thing happens repeatedly - i.e. Artists being helped out financially with loans from Colony Capital, only to keel over and drop dead a few months or a year later, thereby leaving valuable assets to Colony Capital - THEN I'll take another look at Colony Capital and Mr. Barrack.

I've noticed too much of a witch hunt among some of Michael's loyal, passionate, angry and well meaning fans.

Thanks again for posting this video, and I'm glad that many of Michael's fans are not afraid to speak up and let their voices be heard. If they REALLY want to be heard LOUD AND CLEAR, they might want to consider writing a letter to the SONY corporation - to the actual head of the company - and express their thoughts and feelings. For those who wish to do this, I strongly suggest using your own words, use correct grammar and spelling, try to control your anger, and present your case.

And remember that in ALL YOU DO, SAY AND WRITE, you are representing Michael Jackson. Be dignified.


Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2010 11:57 PM
1 post
Oct 12, 2010
10:22 AM
Hi guys, a newbie here (thank you Bonnie). I've been updating myself on here for two months. After reading and watching the music industry exposed topic on here, I have to admit, it did pretty much messed my head up for a week but the topic made sense.

As a MJ fan..15 years of it, I'm more aware of his lyrics than before. I came across They Don't Care About Us UNCENSORED prison version today. Has anyone noticed something at the end? Michael has his hand on his crouch (yes, famous crotch grab!) but shaped as the 'illumati symbol/triangle' @ 4.04 and then the quick sign language at the end @ 4.50.

It has been bugging me and if anyone knows of sign language or anything to interpret this ending, then that'll be great.



Here is a screen cap of the symbol but if anyone can't see the sign language, I will happily screen cap that.

Last Edited by on Oct 12, 2010 10:24 AM
742 posts
Nov 01, 2010
12:27 PM
506 posts
Nov 01, 2010
10:45 PM
searingly honest lyrics:

I get out, I get out of all your boxes
I get out, you can't hold me in these chains
I'll get out
Father free me from this bondage
Knowin' my condition
Is the reason I must change

[Verse 1]
Your stinkin' resolution
Is no type of solution
Preventin' me from freedom
Maintainin' your polution
I won't support your lie no more
I won't even try no more
If I have to die, oh Lord
That's how I choose to live
I won't be compromised no more
I can't be victimised no more
I just don't sympathize no more
Cuz now I understand
You just wanna use me
You say "love" then abuse me
You never thought you'd loose me
But how quickly we forget
That nothin' is for certain
You thought I'd stay here hurtin'
Your guilt trip's just not workin'
Repressin' me to death
Cuz now I'm choosin' life, yo
I take the sacrifice, yo
If everything must go, then go
That's how I choose to live


[Singing rest of Verse 1]
That's how I choose to live...
Hehehehe, awhh
No more compromises
I see past your diguises
Blindin' through mind control
Stealin' my eternal soul
Appealin' through material
To keep me as your slave

[Singing Chorus]
But I get out
Oh, I get out of all your boxes
I get out
Oh, you can't hold me in these chains
I'll get out
Oh, I want out of social bondage
Knowin' my condition
Oh, is the reason I must change

[Singing Verse 2]
See, what you see is what you get
Oh, and you ain't seen nothin' yet
Oh, I don't care if you're upset
I could care less if you're upset
See it don't change the truth
And your hurt feeling's no excuse
To keep me in this box
Psychological locks
Repressin' true expression
Cementin' this repression
Promotin' mass deception
So that no one can be healed
I don't respect your system
I won't protect your system
When you talk I don't listen
Oh, let my Father's will be done

[Singing Chorus]
And just get out
Oh, just get out of all this bondage
Just get out
Oh, you can't hold me in these chains
Just get out
All these traditions killin' freedom
Knowin' my condition
Is the reason I must change

[Singing Verse 3]
I just accepted what you said
Keepin' me among the dead
The only way to know
Is to walk then learn and grow
But faith is not your speed
Oh, you'd had everyone believe
That you're the sole authority
Just follow the majority
Afraid to face reality
The system is a joke
Oh, you'd be smart to save your soul
Oh, and escape this mind control
You spent your life in sacrifice
To a system for the dead
Oh, are you sure...
Where is the passion in this living
Are you sure it's God you servin'
Obligated to a system
Getting less then you're deserving
Who made up these schools, I say
Who made up these rules, I say
Animal conditioning
Oh, just to keep us as a slave

[Singing Chorus]
Oh, just get out
Of this social (?)-----> PURGATORY
Just get out
All these traditions are a lie
Just get out
Superstition killing freedom
Knowin' my condition
Is the reason I must die
Just get out
Just get out
Just get out
Let's get out
Let's get out
Knowin' my condition
Is the reason I must die
Just get out

Last Edited by on Nov 01, 2010 11:01 PM
564 posts
Nov 19, 2010
11:19 PM
"Popular Music Is The Babylon System"

Dumbed-down, amoral, nihilistic drivel from the likes of Gaga and Katy Perry serves to keep the masses in a state of spiritual decay

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Friday, July 2, 2010

It has never been more apparent to those who have awakened from the slumber imposed upon them by popular culture that the establishment music industry now pumps out the most dumbed-down, monotonous, garbage which actually serves to induce depression and despair in those who are enlightened and aware, while providing hypnotizing bread and circuses for those still transfixed by the babylon system.

If the readers of this website sat down and watched MTV for an hour, they’d probably come away feeling dazed, confused, and disgusted at the parade of sickness, idolatry and worship of everything that’s wrong in our society. Love of money, the evisceration of morality, the exaltation of post-modern nihilism, the attack on the family, the normalization of the bizarre, the sick and the twisted.

Mainstream popular culture is nothing more than a tool which the elite use to make us feel worthless, pathetic, powerless and hopeless. They want us to believe that the most significant thing we can ever achieve in life is to look cool and garner the approval of our peers by wearing the uniform of whatever cult we are mandated to belong to, and that we can only accomplish this by mimicking the retarded behavior of the people we see in music videos. This is why legions of young people, whatever color they are or background they come from, walk around trying to look like and imitate rappers who wear their pants half way down their legs, can barely talk, and only live for getting smashed out of their skulls and having meaningless random sex with women who they objectify as instruments of carnal pleasure.

Easily the biggest stumbling block in trying to educate people as to why they are depressed, leading increasingly insular and emotionally unstable, unhealthy lives with declining living standards is dragging them away from the very distractions that contribute to their downfall.

The power of entertainment as an opiate of the masses has never been stronger, and with the
widespread rollout of 3D technology, the tools of hypnotism are only becoming more and more potent.
A London Guardian report entitled “Lady Gaga and the New World Order” gives serious credence to a website that not only discusses how popular music is used to keep people downtrodden and distracted, but how it is replete with messages and symbolism bragging about how the elite are using entertainment to keep the masses enslaved.

The Vigilant Citizen has a good claim to be the world’s most distinctive music critic. On his website, vigilantcitizen.com, he describes himself as a graduate in communications and politics and a producer for “some fairly well-known ‘urban’ artists”. He has spent five years researching “Theosophy, Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Bavarian Illuminati and Western Occultism”. All of these interests converge in his insanely detailed analyses of the symbolism of pop videos and lyrics. Thus Pink’s MTV awards performance mimics a Masonic initiation; Jay-Z’s Run This Town trumpets the coming of the New World Order (NWO); and the video for Black Eyed Peas’ Imma Be Rocking That Body advances “the transhumanist and police state agenda”.

What’s surprising is the methodical, matter-of-fact, occasionally humorous tone of his essays. He does not write like a swivel-eyed loon rambling about Obamunism (although, inevitably, there’s an unsavoury fascination with Jewish influence). To those who don’t study occult symbolism, he concedes, it might all seem “totally far-fetched and ridiculous”, but for those in the know “I was simply stating the obvious”. His examinations are certainly exhaustive. Scrolling down his densely illustrated posts, you may find yourself thinking, “Say, Lady Gaga really does very often cover up one eye. And a lot of pop stars really do pretend to be robots.”

Although the Vigilant Citizen insists he is neither a political conservative nor a
religious fundamentalist, he is heir to such off-piste 60s pop critics as the Reverend David A Noebel, author of Communism, Hypnotism and the Beatles, and Gary Allen, who theorised that post-Rubber Soul Beatles material was so technically sophisticated that it must have been “put together by behavioural scientists in some think tank”. Leftwing thinkers at the time had their own take on pop as mind control. Peter Watkins’ 1967 movie Privilege starred Manfred Mann’s Paul Jones as a puppet of the state, pacifying the populace with catchy patriotic tunes. In such analysis, the villains may change but the mechanisms remain the same.

The fact that the Guardian writer seriously discusses how popular music is littered with elitist symbolism without sneering the whole thing off as a conspiranoid delusion is an example of how abundantly clear this process is becoming.

This kind of subject matter is no longer “out there,” it’s no longer considered wild to simply point out that popular culture and particularly popular music is exercising an undue and insidious influence on the moral, societal, and spiritual development of younger generations and humanity in general.

Nowhere was it more obvious than during a recent Beyonce performance where she was surrounded by dancing riot cops. As the vigilant citizen website explains, this is about indoctrinating people to accept “the “robotization” of the human body and the gradual introduction of a virtual police state”.
In other essays, Gaga’s habit of covering one eye is explained as her rejection of God and her induction as a Luciferian priestess.

Notice how people like Christina Aguilera copy Gaga’s symbolism of humans as soulless robots.(*)

The one-eyed Luciferian theme is also seen here with Rihanna.(*)

(*refer to visuals in article)

While the website sometimes uses too broad a brush with which to identify servants of the babylon system, for example, a Bob Dylan clip is misconstrued as him saying he sold his sold to the devil, when in fact as any Dylan fan will know, in the late 70’s he became a Christian and started releasing gospel music, it does an excellent job in pointing the finger at those who really have metaphorically sold their souls - people like Katy Perry – to be used as tools with which to keep the masses in a perpetual state of disorder and spiritual decay.

Tearing down the facade of this babylon system and dragging people away from the constant hypnotic distractions of sports, dumbed-down music, fashion and every other sideshow offered up to turn our heads from our true spiritual development is as if not more important than educating people about the political aspects of the new world order agenda.

We need to make it “cool” to be informed about what is happening to our world and how we can change its course. This process has accelerated over the past decade and many music artists have incorporated this awakening into their work. Bands like Muse and the Foo Fighters, rappers like Paris and Eminem, are pushing back against the tide of zombie brainwashing being fostered on us by the likes of Gaga and Katy Perry.

There’s no better way to conclude than with Bob Marley’s “Babylon System” song, which perfectly illustrates everything we are up against in this battle.


Last Edited by on Nov 20, 2010 12:32 AM
565 posts
Nov 19, 2010
11:31 PM

Babylon system Lyrics:

We refuse to be
What you wanted us to be;
We are what we are:
That's the way (way) it's going to be. If you don't know!
You can't educate I
For no equal opportunity:
(Talkin' 'bout my freedom) Talkin' 'bout my freedom,
People freedom (freedom) and liberty!
Yeah, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
Yes, we've been trodding on the winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!

Babylon system is the vampire, yea! (vampire)
Suckin' the children day by day, yeah!
Me say: de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire,
Suckin' the blood of the sufferers, yea-ea-ea-ea-e-ah!
Building church and university, wo-o-ooh, yeah! -
Deceiving the people continually, yea-ea!
Me say them graduatin' thieves and murderers;
Look out now: they suckin' the blood of the sufferers (sufferers).
Yea-ea-ea! (sufferers)

Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth right now!
Come on and tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Tell the children the truth;
Come on and tell the children the truth.

'Cause - 'cause we've been trodding on ya winepress much too long:
Rebel, rebel!
And we've been taken for granted much too long:
Rebel, rebel now!

(Trodding on the winepress) Trodding on the winepress (rebel):
got to rebel, y'all (rebel)!
We've been trodding on the winepress much too long - ye-e-ah! (rebel)
Yea-e-ah! (rebel) Yeah! Yeah!

From the very day we left the shores (trodding on the winepress)
Of our Father's land (rebel),
We've been trampled on (rebel),
Oh now! (we've been oppressed, yeah!) Lord, Lord, go to ...

[*Sleeve notes continue:
Now we know everything we got to rebel
Somebody got to pay for the work
We've done, rebel.]

232 posts
Nov 25, 2010
6:55 PM
Hi Irina,

I found the Prison Planet report here to which you pointed out to me recently.
I will read it asap.
Thank you for reminding me :) .

Hi to everyone and Karin,

already in July Karin asked which meaning the hand signs may have that Michael shows in "They Don´t Care About Us" (see video posted above).
Sorry, Karin, I hope you are still here. It took a bit of time to answer.
In the meanwhile I got a lot of information - thanks to you Irina - about
Freemasonry`s and Illuminati`s use of symbolism.
And being guided to certain TV shows and films although I usually very rarely watch TV I have been observing that "they" show more and more of their symbolism and agenda.
I will come back to my observations esp. concerning certain symbols later.
E.g today I was led to a TV quiz show : "40 years´anniversary of a German crime serial "Tatort" which means "Scene of crime". This did not happen accidentially. This show was a fake because each word, each task was rehearsed before. This show was full of symbolism and the well-known actors spoke out words completely out of any coherence / context.
They might have thought that people are not aware of it.
Perhaps I will later fill in on the symbols they used - it will be a lot more to write down.
But what was interesting was that I turned to another TV station and watched about the last hour of "Lara CrOft (=crAft?? - as yesterday I watched the rest of the movie "The Craft" - interesting, isn´t it??) Tomb Raider. This/these movie(s) are peppered with symbolism and tell us what is needed to gain their world domination, but at the same time they introduce confusing elements so that it is not always clear who is good and who is bad - btw - see this is the same question as in Michael´s song "Bad", the last line of the chorus.
To come back - this movie gave me a deeper insight of some symbols used in that quiz show before.

Okay, going back to Michael´s "They Don´t Care...." shortfilm.
To me the message here is clear, it is:
I AM HERE TO TELL YOU (singing in his song:".......I AM THERE TO REMIND YOU)."

BUT Michael also shows what we can do about it.
So he also gives HOPE.

How I came to this conclusion I will also fill in later.
I just wanted to share this now.

Thank you
Take care

It is already late but none-the-less I want to wish you all a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

Last Edited by on Nov 25, 2010 7:00 PM
578 posts
Nov 28, 2010
7:05 AM
I am posting this video here as theme is the same subject matter of "Babylon System" presented in the "Popular Music Is The Babylon System" article above.

I will come back to expand more on this.

Last Edited by on Nov 28, 2010 8:53 PM
584 posts
Nov 29, 2010
10:43 AM
As a result of the discussion of the Vigilant article posted within "the 'new' album is now coming..." thread , and it’s assessment of the cover of the "Blood on the Dancefloor" album as that of being a sacrificial one, I was led to look and feel deeper into this particular work from Michael.

My focus however landed not just on the cover but on the "Blood on the Dancefloor" video as well. The “Babylon…” article I posted above came at me as a result of seeing what Michael conveyed in the video.

Although the song lyrics imply this, it became apparent to me that the visuals of the video version posted above hold a significant message from Michael.

I recommend freezing the video at every second to slow it down and note that each frame is different and contains specific meaning and symbolism.

The primary symbolism here is underscored by the color Scarlet. You may notice the intensity of the color. It is not just to signify blood I feel. There is something more here.

Michael wears it, as well as the symbolic “Lady In Red”. These are your most telling visual clues. (I can break these down further but I recommend doing this on your own, while keeping the main message in mind and the meaning of the symbols in each frame will open up to you.)

The “Lady in Red” is our most telling clue. Pay close attention to the symbolic relationship between her and Michael in the video. (Don't forget to slow down the video to see.) It is a reference to the “Whore or Babylon” or “Babylon the Great”:

(“The Whore of Babylon or "Babylon the great" is a Christian allegorical figure of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible…
The Whore is associated with the Antichrist and the Beast of Revelation by connection with an equally allegorical kingdom. The Whore's apocalyptic downfall is prophesied to take place in the hands of the beast with seven heads and ten horns. There is much speculation within all Christian religious perspectives on what the Whore and Beast symbolize as well as the possible implications for contemporary interpretations” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whore_of_Babylon)

What I see emerge in the song and video is a veiled story of “Babylon the Great” and her association with the “Beast of Revelation” or "Scarlet Beast" as personified by Michael in the head–to-toe Scarlet color ensemble on the cover of the album and in the video.( The Beast is a figure in the Book of Revelation, …This Beast is later called “The False Prophet” … In Christian eschatology the Beast together with the Dragon (Satan) and the First Beast (the Antichrist) forms the unholy trinity.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beast_of_Revelation)

Please Google:
"the whore of babylon"
"the scarlet beast"
for more information

He sings "blood on my side" and "seven inches in", you may recall in the lyrics.

To my understanding Michael is not showing his own sacrifice on the album cover - he is pointing to the symbolic apocalyptic downfall of Babylon (civilization) as represented by the Modern City(perhaps NY specifically, perhaps the United States on the whole, perhaps ALL urban cities and nations throughout the world ) founded on Masonic/ Occult beliefs as represented by the Black and White checkered floor on the cover.

One more note about the symbolism in the video- pls note the scenes where Michael (as the personification of the Beast) is sitting on the "Leopard" skin chair - this underscores the symbolic meaning of "Beast" characteristics here.

Edited to add:
Just want to mention that I have never read the Bible or the Torah and that my interpretation of the symbolism came at me from several synchronistic occurrences.

one more note:
The above descriptions may sound raw and I do apologize for that. This is a difficult concept to summarize so I may still edit some of the references and summary presented above.
If anyone has additional information and references they feel fit into this interpretation please by all means post them.

Best Regards to All

Addtl note:

Here is another reference with a good summary for this concept:

Babylon the Great riding the beast

"...The elegant clothing and jewelry of the woman show her wealth and attractiveness, but her activities are filthy and abominable to God. Her mystery name is BABYLON THE GREAT. Ancient Babylon is a type or prefigurement of this future Babylon. The harlot will do what literal Babylon did in the past: (1) oppress God's people, and (2) propagate a false religious system. Much of the world's idolatry can be traced back to historical Babylon ...

...Babylon the harlot is the MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The harlot has killed many of God's saints and Christian martyrs throughout the ages, and will do so again during the Tribulation period..."


again do keep in mind that it is a veiled interpretation in the actual video

Last Edited by on Dec 01, 2010 8:53 AM
603 posts
Dec 01, 2010
9:20 AM
Here is another update for the "They Don't Really Care About Us" symbolism discussion:

The Word "OLODUM" on Michael's shirt jumpled out at me today (and I think most of us already know what the not-so-peaceful peace sign stands for; many people wear it without delving into its history).
This is likely the reason why Michael at some points in the video wears the t-shirt ripped all the way to the waist ,right through the sign - to my understanding he is making a definitive statement here.

I felt this was a good description of the band:
"Olodum is an Afro-Brazilian drumming group. You have undoubtably heard them before in popular musis. They have that a tribal marching sound. Probably the most popular album with the contributions is Paul Simon's album, the "Rhythm of the Saints." They appear in that Michael Jackson video as well...

... the actual meaning of the name is an abbreviation of Olodumaré, Yoruba's god of gods."


Also here:

The Olodum, meaning "supreme deity" in the West African Yoruban dialect


I was led here as well and it looks like they have already stumbled onto this ahead of us:

However in my opinion Michael is speaking about not just one particular group of people but humanity on the whole. My perception is that he did not show preference. The symbolism tells me he is showing opposition to the entire Control System.

Last Edited by on Dec 03, 2010 6:34 PM
609 posts
Dec 03, 2010
8:50 AM
The account with the "Blood on the Dancefloor" Extended Video Version I embedded above along with the symbolism discussion has been deleted from You Tube. Interesting that it was there for many months and has been shut down very abruptly now.

In the case some here are not familiar with this version of the video it has a black and white beginning, is 5:14 long and cut differently than some of the other shorter or remix versions out there.

For those who did not get the chance to view it I will keep checking to see if it comes back on. It holds Michael's original vision and clues which are not in the other versions.

Last Edited by on Dec 03, 2010 8:51 AM
50 posts
Dec 03, 2010
5:59 PM
After reading through the postings, my overall feeling that something is just wrong with our world has been validated. I used to wonder why people needed to be constantly entertained by the ever present ear-bud or TV's popping up at the grocery store check out, or while you were pumping gas. At first I thought, wow, that's interesting, as I live in a very small town and technology drifts in on the waves of holidays. With all this constant information coming at people now, I was wondering when people had the opportunity just to think, mull things over, make a well thought out decision. What happens to the human brain when constantly bombarded with stimulation? When is it allowed to rest? It all makes sense..that is the whole idea. Stop independent thought, and the control is so easy. Patti

Last Edited by on Dec 03, 2010 6:00 PM
611 posts
Dec 03, 2010
10:15 PM
hi Patti,

To my understanding all of this media bomardment is directed to keep us in a controlled state and at the same time disconnected from each other on a soul level. It is very difficult, I would say most of the time impossible, to tune in to the frequency (vibration) of the Universal Mind when our individual frequency (vibration) is out of tune because of all the noise being directed at us.
Think of the perpetual bombardment of noise we experience. A lot of it directed at basal instincts.
It is no wonder that many people feel out of sorts and disconnected.

Here David Icke gives a very good description of the situation:

Last Edited by on Dec 04, 2010 12:26 AM
52 posts
Dec 09, 2010
4:35 PM
I believe I'm finding my inner Icke! Can you imagine what courage this man has? Look what is happening to Wikileaks. Things get out that "they" don't want and suddenly MASTERCARD stops accepting payments to them, (by who's request?, read order), and the man is accused and jailed for a sex charge? They couldn't come up with something better than that? This is just getting worse and worse by the day. BY THE DAY. Or is it that the silence and secrets are now coming to light, and things have always been underhanded and disturbing and dark and we just didn't know it. Will the masses awaken?
Thanks Irina, I think I've found my next branch of study.

8 posts
Dec 17, 2010
2:04 PM
Hi guys,

Has anyone seen the Mural to the 'MICHAEL' album. It's very disturbing. (It's a 1 GB file)


Has anyone noticed the 'Captain EO' figure?

What it looks like to me is that Michael is standing up to 'them' with his fists held up high. (He did this at the This is it conference quite a lot) and some of his videos.

And Martin Luther King Jr:


A fan mentioned it on a mj forum

Last Edited by on Dec 17, 2010 2:21 PM
659 posts
Dec 17, 2010
7:56 PM
There is a discussion on the subject of symbolism within the "Michael" album cover posted in the "The 'new' album is now coming..." thread here:

Last Edited by on Dec 17, 2010 7:58 PM
9 posts
Dec 18, 2010
12:30 AM
thank you ^ :D
955 posts
Apr 14, 2011
12:36 PM
I came across these quotes from Vigilant concerning the Black Eyed Peas "Meet Me Halfway" video symbolism and thought I'd share it as he also draws an interesting conclusion here about occult symbolism in general.

This was in an interview on the following site:

10 Questions with The Vigilant Citizen

"4. Often times the occult symbolism you find in music videos paints a dark and ominous picture. However, your analysis of The Black Eyed Peas “Meet Me Halfway” is actually quite uplifting. Does this mean that occultism doesn’t automatically equal bad?

Occult means “hidden”, not “bad”. Occult schools believe esoteric knowledge is too powerful for the profane to dabble with it. So it is kept hidden, the same way mothers hide knives from young kids. It is for their own safety. According to occult schools this knowledge can lead you to two extremes and everything in between: it can liberate you from the shackles of materiality, put you in direct contact with divinity and make you nothing less than immortal… Or it can also make you deal with demons, black magic and leave you into eternal torment.
“Meet Me Halfway” seemed to portray this positive side of esoteric knowledge. It is indeed quite uplifting."

This was on his own cite:

In Conclusion

The video to the Black Eyed Peas’ Meet Me Halfway features many symbolic elements of esoteric spirituality. Many schools of thought have been mentioned here, such as the Kaballah, Buddhism, Alchemy and Freemasonry.

This might be confusing for readers who are not acquainted with those concepts but you only need to keep one thing in mind: all of these schools teach different paths leading the same goal, which is spiritual enlightenment.

It is the “Inner-Christ” of the Gnostic Christians, the “Great Work” of Alchemy and the “Lost Key” of Freemasonry.

In the context of this website [vigilantcitizen.com], where many videos analyzed present sinister messages, many people will want to ask me: Is this video good or bad? My answer is: It is what you want it to be …

and what you want it to be will probably be a result of your religious background and your personal beliefs.

The message of this video is pure occultism, as in “the representation of spiritual truths through symbolism”, and it represents the beliefs of the true “Illuminatus”, those who genuinely seek spiritual enlightenment. The satanic, mind-control symbols seen in previous articles are corrupted, negatively charged, occult byproducts. The same way male and female principles, positive and negative energies and light and darkness exist, so exists “good” and “evil” occultism, often typified by white and black magic. The good will inspire people to reach to the sky and ask a higher truth to “meet them halfway”, while the evil will leave them confused and tormented, obsessed by materiality

and screaming to nobody in particular “Let’s get retarded”.

Last Edited by on Apr 14, 2011 12:46 PM
957 posts
Apr 14, 2011
1:01 PM
Not sure if some here have already viewed Katy Perry's E.T.video.

It is as paranormal-transhuman-themed as can get. Certainly seems like the subject matter is very much in keeping with the ongoing trend of infusing UFO/Alien and Transhuman themes into mass culture:

Here are the lyrics first:
You're so hypnotizing
Could you be the devil
Could you be an angel

Your touch magnetizing
Feels like I am floating
Leaves my body glowing

They say be afraid
You're not like the others
Futuristic lover
Different DNA
They don't understand you

You're from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go
Lead me into the light

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be your victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch so foreign
It's supernatural

Your so supersonic
Wanna feel your powers
Stun me with your lasers
Your kiss is cosmic
Every move is magic

You're from a whole other world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I'm ready to go
Lead me into the light

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be your victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch so foreign
It's supernatural

This is transcendental
On another level
Boy, you're my lucky star

I wanna walk on your wave length
And be there when you vibrate
For you I'll risk it all

Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me
Infect me with your love and
Fill me with your poison

Take me, ta-ta-take me
Wanna be your victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch so foreign
It's supernatural


Boy, you're an alien
Your touch so foreign
It's supernatural

And here is the video:

This is how the following MTV article sums up the plot:


"... Perry plays the titular alien: a swirling, shifting, otherworldly being who crashes to earth to resurrect a long-dormant love and, in the process, perhaps reboot the human race (since, as is often the case with sci-fi exploits, planet Earth has undergone some sort of cataclysmic apocalypse and is now bereft of life)."

Here are some comments/ observations about this video on the Vigilant site forum:

Last Edited by on Apr 14, 2011 1:06 PM

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