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Seeing 11:11 or 12:12?

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484 posts
Jul 01, 2010
8:11 AM
Hi Everyone,

A lot of people are seeing 11:11 and 12:12 on their clocks and other electrical devices. It does not surprise me that it would come up with the posters here. It is considered by many and myself included to be a sign of a significant spiritual event or task. I have been seeing 11:11 off and on since 1987.

We are in very difficult times and many people are waking up to a more spiritual path. There have been many who have written to me that feel the death of Michael Jackson has put them on a different and more spiritual path.

Pay attention to these little signs they are a wake up call from your guidance.

We do live in a magical universe, we just need to pay more attention to the signs along the way.

Take care,

Last Edited by on Jul 01, 2010 8:11 AM
82 posts
Jul 01, 2010
11:40 AM
You posted at 8:11, that and many things with the number 11 happen to me at least 10 times a day, I guess I'm getting used to it. But it's nice to see I'm not he only one.
Thanks for all your hard work, keep it up..you sure ease alot of minds.
Peace and love
9 posts
Jul 01, 2010
8:39 PM
I see the 111/11:11 sequence ALL THE TIME when I'm going through some kind of energetic shift...it's really astounding. They show up in the craziest of ways too. A few months back I started to make a record of every time I saw it just to show how crazy it was. lol. I've noticed a lot of people see it in relation with Micahel too...myself included. Pretty cool. :D
53 posts
Jul 03, 2010
4:09 PM
Interestingly I noticed this morning on my clock 11:11 and I think it might be my guidance telling me something it was pretty cool all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I noticed that.
187 posts
Jul 03, 2010
4:30 PM
I started noticing 11:11 on my computer's clock while at work years ago. It may have started in 2002 or 2003. It would have started in 2004 at the latest. At the time, I just found it to be the oddest thing. I didn't think anything more of it at the time.

Now, I notice 11:11 once in a while, but more often 10:10, 12:12 and 1:11. 12:12 has started to occur more often lately. 1:11 is an oddball that comes out of nowhere every now and then.

It's sad that it took the death of Michael Jackson to get some people, myself included, to notice some things or pay more attention to some things. On the other hand, I think that's human nature and often the case in life. It takes something really jarring, and perhaps extremely painful, to WAKE UP.

5 posts
Jul 03, 2010
7:27 PM
i dont know about where you guys live, but here we make wishes at 11:11
58 posts
Jul 03, 2010
9:16 PM

In regards to this spiritual event or task, do you mean something that takes place in the future, or more like a transition process that has been taking place for the past several years? Or is this gradual transition possibly leading up to some monumental spiritual event?

The death of Michael Jackson pulled me out of my "religious box" and onto the path of spirituality. The blinders have been pulled away, so to speak.

God bless,

It's all for love...L.O.V.E.

Last Edited by on Jul 03, 2010 10:24 PM
6 posts
Jul 04, 2010
7:16 AM
really suzanne?
his death has caused my growth of my love of god.
493 posts
Jul 04, 2010
10:02 AM
Hi Susanna,

The answer is yes to all. In the long term there is a shift going on and these shifts will continue into the future.

It is now very easy to see that we are not business as usual. For many, the days of working 8 to 5 to obtain material things have come to an end. More people than ever are looking for answers.

These little signs are just a way of our guidance telling us to pay attention. The more you pay atttention the more synchronicity you are able to perceive. Some people dismiss a coincidence as nothing special. In fact coincidence means 2 incidents happening at the same time. They should be taken into account not dismissed. Simply the awareness of something can alter the outcome. We as spiritual beings are very powerful.

Hope this helps!
89 posts
Jul 08, 2010
8:00 PM
Hi everyone,
Funny story for you, last night I went to see celebrity wrestling and I actually got my photo taken with Rupert from Survivor fame...he is so incredibly nice..he asked my kids to write to him, anyway the funny thing is the address on the building was...you guessed it 1111.

Have a good night.
5 posts
Jul 11, 2010
4:42 PM
I just found out yesterday that Ellen DeGeneres has been bombarded with 11:11. So much so that she named her new record label Eleven Eleven.

My own personal experience;
in 2004 I was also bombarded with 11:11. In a short period of time I saw it everywhere, digital clock radio, microwave, receipts, billboards, airline flight #, hotel room # and, etc. It was so much that I was afraid that it was a warning sign that something bad was going to happen on November 11, 2004 which was quickly approaching.

At the time I visited a women's meditation group only 3 or 4 times. I did not have time to go to this group and really did not have an interest. I did not know why I accepted the invitation from someone I literally met randomly (like in grocery store line). But, I went and now I know why.

The night before 11/11/04 on November 10th - I did not sleep ALL night because I was so worried that something was about to happen to me or someone in my family on 11/11/04. I called each of my family members on the early morning of 11/11/04 and asked them each to be very careful on this day. Since my family has known that I have dreamed about people's death's prior to them happening since I was 7-years old - I put everyone on edge. When midnight hit on that night and nothing had happened - I was so wired AND relieved - I still could not sleep - or not very well.

The next night I attended the mediation group so tired. Again, I did not know WHY I went as I should have stayed home and gone to bed early and normally I would have. At the meeting one of the women asked me if I was feeling well because I looked awful from being so tired. I told her I did but, asked them if I could share something silly with them and then proceeded to tell them about being tired because of the overwhelming 11:11 sightings and what I thought it meant the day before 11/11.

All of a sudden - the leader of the group jumped up and went to her bookshelf behind her chair and dug deep in the back of books. When she came up and out - she presented me with a book that was titled 11:11. I was so freaked out - as all the women in this group knew about this and it I had to wonder if I had been mentally abducted by aliens. This was so foreign to me and I thought they would think I WAS WEIRD to bring up ME seeing this all the time those past few weeks.

I took the book home and I had a few of them call me and tell me that I would - as they would - know about a spiritual mission that I would be called to do. I had so many questions - who would contact me? how would I find out? when would I find out? and what and where would this mission be? Everyone told me to be patient and that I would KNOW when it started to happen.

Well, over the years leading up to my most recent event - I did not see the 11:11 number very much or when I did - it was not eventful.

Then Michael passed and I started grieving like it was a best friend or family member. I had other experiences around Michael's passing such as having a premonition about his passing 2-weeks earlier.

As the weeks and months went by - the grieving and the experiences got heavier as I slipped in to a very deep depression. My family actually started to worry about me as they had never seen me like this before. I was so hurt and scared from various experiences - that I was scared for myself. I even went to yellow pages and selected a name of a therapist to go see. When I called her office I did not expect her to answer the phone herself - but, she did. I told her that I was grieving and felt I needed to go see someone and maybe get on some anti-depressants. She asked me about the loss that I was grieving and I told her that I was embarrassed to say and then she said, "Is it over Michael Jackson". I about fell off the bed - (yes, bed as I had not been able to get out of bed for days at this point - or at least not for long). I asked her how she knew this and she told me that professionally she should not be sharing with me but, she also was experiencing this and that she had some paranormal experiences around it.
I did not go see her or anyone else. That night I had a very scary night due to experiences that I won't go into but, then I finally yelled out to Michael and asked him if he was alright and if he was to please help me know how to be alright. I then found myself on a group site for MJ fans. I can tell you it truly is a fog of how I ended up there. I had never been a member of a site or ever been on a chat room in my life.

I posted my first comment telling everyone that I was grieving hard over Michael even though I was never really a fan. I liked his music but, did not know the lyrics or had ever bought one album. I had never been to a concert or even seen one on television. I did not think that he was guilty and always felt compassion for him and did not feel he had a mean bone in his body. I was his age but, other than that - did not know much more about him. So WHY was I grieving so hard? OH, and the last thing I asked - for whatever reason I DO NOT KNOW - was, does this have anything to do with 11:11. And, I mean it when I say - I do not know why I asked.

I received many welcome emails with people telling me they were around the same age and had not been a fan either but, like me had fallen into a deep deep depression from grieving so hard. Lots of messages - but, not one person even mentioned 11:11.

BTW - when I signed off - I got a call on my cell phone from and unknown number that I did not answer. But, when I went to look to see if they left a message it was 11:11!

A few days later - I got on my first chat. I did not even know how to post a comment and had to figure it out after a few minutes. There were about 10-15 people on the chat and everyone had their own conversations going on with 2 or 3 people. I was amazed at how this worked. Then I asked - in my first post - "does this have anything to do with 11:11?" Then I wanted to kick myself because I thought they were going to think I was weird as this was all I had said to all of them in two times of writing anything.

But, to my amazement - it was like EF Hutton spoke and all of the splintered conversations scoped in on this one question of mine. People were saying things like; "i have been seeing this number over and over again since MJ passed" or "I have seen this number for years" and then people were asking me "what does this mean". No one knew that other people saw this and it was quite surprising to all of us. The only thing we thought we had in common was not being a fan of MJ and now grieving like we were related to him. NOW, we had 11:11 in common.

Someone came back on the chat room and said they had searched 11:11 on the internet and posted a link of Uri Gellar's 11:11 site. Then someone said - "wasn't he a friend of Michael's". We were all clueless but, thought the name sounded familiar.

When the chat was over - I looked up Uri Gellar and found out he had known Michael. I then found an email address on Uri's site and emailed him telling him about my 11:11 experience in 2004, the chat room experience to find out about him, and then asked him 2-questions;
#1 Did Michael know about Uri's 11:11 site before he passed and if so had he seen it?
#2 Did Michael see 11:11 himself?

To my surprise - I received an email from Uri's blackberry about 15-20 minutes later. He told me to go to a link and look at artwork he had done for Michael at 11:11 pm in a NYC hotel with Micheal. Michael wanted this for his INVINCIBLE album. And, also to look at Michael's name on the cover of Invincible. Of course, the M was two 1's and the H was to 1's.

I wrote Uri back and asked him if this confirmed that Michael was an 11:11er? Uri wrote me back again and said, "Will not comment about M". I replied that I understood and did not mean to be so personal. Then Uri wrote me again - of which I will not share but, suffice it to say - Michael has to be an 11:11er.
Now, ALL of my dreams and experiences were making sense and the 11:11 mission was making even more sense TO ME.
I then started finding out about 2012 and how the Mayan calendar ends at 11:11pm and Michael mentioned 2012 in more than once.

The rest - I have my own thoughts on - and have had other things with Michael happen since - but, I await patiently while studying and trying to strengthen myself spiritually - for the "big calling".

I am sorry this is so long - but, I did not want to leave out anything as this has been an amazing journey for me and I NEVER imagined back in 2004 that it would be tied to Michael Jackson!

Thank you for letting me share.
God Bless You A11!

Last Edited by on Jul 11, 2010 4:46 PM
253 posts
Jul 11, 2010
6:36 PM
Thank you, Sunflower1111, for sharing your experience. I had a feeling your user name reflected the flower Lisa Marie said was Michael's favorite, and the 11:11 experience. Michael's connection to people - fans, semi-fans and non-fans - is a recurring theme I find here and else where on the Internet.

When I started noticing 11:11, I thought it was just me and started to roll my eyes at work when it happened. I found it ridiculous at the time because it seemed so random, and I didn't know what to make of it. Skeptics would say that part of it is the power of suggestion, meaning that if I start to ask my coworkers and friends about this phenomenon or happening, they may start to notice it AFTER and AS A RESULT OF having been exposed to the subject itself. I think a valid case could be made for that, but it wouldn't explain the experience such as yours, in which no one had dropped any hints or suggestions to you about it. It was the same with me. No one had mentioned it to me, either. :)


Last Edited by on Jul 11, 2010 6:37 PM
6 posts
Jul 11, 2010
7:37 PM
Thank you, Carmen. First of all for reading that LONG post,
lol But, also for sharing with me your experience. I love hearing about the experience of others.

As far as Sunflower1111. This has been my favorite flower for as long as I can remember. I even had Sunflowers for my wedding almost 30-years ago. I had Sunflower as my CB handle (ha - if you know what that means) and, I had Sunflower for my username before I knew that this was Michael's favorite flower. Actually, my profile picture is of Michael with a sunflower and I did not have this because I knew this was his favorite flower but, because I wanted it for me with Michael. I was so surprised when I heard LMP say this was his favorite flower. I felt I had another connection with him! I miss him so much, Carmen. I wished I would have been a fan and gave attention to all that he was doing when he was here.

God Bless YOU, Carmen!

Last Edited by on Jul 11, 2010 7:38 PM
254 posts
Jul 11, 2010
8:05 PM
Hi again Sunflower1111! :)

I didn't know you loved sunflowers personally. That's sweet, and you're right - I don't know what a "CB handle" is. I personally really like the exotic yellow and rust or brick colored sunflowers. There's a certain type of sunflower that has two colors to it, and I love it in floral bouquets.

Regarding wishing that you could have been a fan and giving him attention while he was here with us, I know how you feel. That's a connection you and I share, Sunflower. On the flip side of the coin, we can be a friend to him now, and no one can hurt him the way they did when he was alive. We can stand up for him, defend him, educate the ignorant in the world about him, listen to his music every day, and talk aloud to him whenever we want to. I think he knows he's very much loved by so many around the world. What he gave in life, and continues to give in death, cannot be taken away.

With love,
8 posts
Jul 11, 2010
8:50 PM

How beautifully written. You made me cry.
I know he knows about us and I know that he knows how much we love him.

I think how much I miss him and how terrible it has to be on his family.

As far a CB Handle. There used to be CB radios that we had in our cars and we would talk with other people on their CB Radios. HA! This was when Michael and I were high school age. Our handle was the name that we identified ourselves with to talk with others on the CB Radio. Oh gosh . . . this takes me back. I REALLY am old! lol

Where do you live?

9 posts
Jul 12, 2010
8:25 AM
Interesting. I never experienced any 11:11, the only thing that seems to happen is that I call others around that time, make posting- so other have an 11:11 experience.

I experience sequences like 2,3,1 or 2,3,4- many 6.9.12 experiences- magical numbers.

In my personal life everything happens in the realm of 20. Everybody that has ever meant something to me has a birthday or day of death in that timeframe, always. Especially death- grandparents, relatives, Michael Jackson. Those of significance have a birthday or die between 20 and 29th of a month. My own birthday is on 6/26.

Numerology is fascinating for sure.
I also had an interesting experience with MJ where he used a Feist song to say "hi!" (Feist's "1234")

The lyrics start with:
"1234, tell me that you love me more / Sleepless long nights / That is what my youth was for / Old teenage hopes / Are alive at your door "-
so he most definitely knows how to catch your attention!"
191 posts
Jul 13, 2010
1:26 PM
Speaking of 11:11 and 12:12. I still continue to see 11:11. Several times this past week I have seen 12:12.

There was one I'd like to share, which I thought to be a very "magical" encounter. This particular occasion happened to have a combination of the two numbers.It happened the previous Saturday.

We set out on a drive down the highway late that morning and were heading toward an exit. My husband was behind the wheel and I was in the passenger seat looking at some papers and just trying to get organized.

As I looked up, in my line of vision was the car digital clock which said 12:11 on it; and on the road, right in front of us, were two exit signs. One overhead and one at a slight distance right by the exit itself.

The exit number? you guessed it, was number 11.
So there were two 11's in my line of vision and the clock, just happened right in that moment to change to 12:12. I had to smile to myself.
Magic! That is all I have to say.

And Sunflower1111 I hope you like this one. It was a very unusual combination but fun.

Last Edited by on Jul 13, 2010 1:28 PM
37 posts
Jul 13, 2010
1:48 PM
Thanks Irina

Could you say anything more about what type of experience that it was with MJ using the Feist song? Was it in a dream or something else? I too find Numerology valid and interesting. I recommend a book called 'The Life You Were Born to Live' by Dan Millman. I also find The Enneagram very useful in helping to understand ourselves and others. Again, depending on which books you read on it.

A few years ago I started to see 9:11 on the clock. At first it just seemed coincidental, but it kept happening more & more, at least once a day & ocassionally twice a day. It was alarming to say the least. I'm sure it was partly do to my concerns & fears & insecurities around my livilihood. Awhile after it started I was experiencing a number of jobs that were wrong for me, and didn't work out. It was one after the other for quite a period of time. Sometimes the panic became overwhelming. So it makes sense that I'd see 9:11 alot! I do still see it ocassionally as the threat of having my hrs. cut again at my current job is now back. I must have signed up to have these experiences this time around, for whatever reason. No mistake!

But I certainly do believe seeing 9:11 is not just about me. Clearly it includes the 'emergency crisis' going on all over the planet. The 'bleeding' of crude oil in the gulf is extremely symbolic and another event leading up to 2012. I'm sure Michael would have had much to say and 'FEEL' about that! It seems to me that 2012 is more about a major shift in consciousness, than it being the end of the world. I don't think even Michael could know all the ways his life and death has & continues to raise consciousness, & is slowly but surely exposing alot of darkness that many of us have been unaware of until now. The more I think about it, the more I realize the magnitude of his influence. It really is a mighty force!

Anyway, 'whatever happens don't let go of my hand'

Thanks to all of you lovely & spiritual people who share your beauty with us here, due to Bonnie's graciousness.

33 posts
Jul 13, 2010
2:32 PM
there was something interesting and at the same time funny happening to me today.

I was at the grocer´s and decided to buy some vegetarian food.
Standing in front of the shelves to choose the conserve, a thought came to my mind to fetch a special one. I turned it around to see the best before date - it was: 11:11:11.
Why three times 11 - I will think about it.
11 posts
Jul 13, 2010
8:03 PM
Chaturi, no that wasn't a dream. He sort of refuses dreams (just in my case, others might be different) because he simply wants me to "do this" with other means.

He often communicates through music and art- he doesn't even have to like the artist in particular. But he'll use music and art as a means to clarify something, or even just to make a joke and when they say, MJs has a sense of humor, they weren't kidding either.
Feists "1234" was to clarify an issue I personally had.
Sometimes it's even just a line or two, not the entire song.

When you start to understand that the other side is limited in most things related to "matter"- it's on the other hand easy to understand that "energy" is a totally different ball game to them! They can and will pull stunts that simply fall under "synchronicity" and after a while it becomes second nature and depending how "in tune" you are you'll sorta know if something is random or not.
So, the shuffle/random function on any electronic device is like heaven to anyone on the other side. It's so easy, they don't even have to work on it- like say with street signs, car license plates etc- that takes a lot more "pushing" on their part to either get you there or something else.
Energy is easy for them.

The shuffle thing is one part- but they can also crash your computer if they will like it, no problem. Lights that go out only in one room- not they entire circuit, even in patterns.

Or (and that's more a clairvoyant and clairaudient thing beyond synchronicity)- make it appear as if something's playing through your computer when it's clearly not "really" playing. (no windows open, no media program to play it, no embedded websites etc- because than they really get your attention), or even an "astral projection" on your monitor.

It's rather strange but I really think that thanks to computers psychic phenomena can take place extremely easily.

Last Edited by on Jul 13, 2010 8:13 PM
192 posts
Jul 13, 2010
9:44 PM

I have been noticing 9:11 quite a lot myself. I feel it relates to the World Trade Center event, as well being an emergency call code in the US.
There maybe more associated with it but I am not sure at this time. In addition I have at intervals been experiencing the 1:11, 1234 and 4:44 number sequences. I will most certainly look into finding the book you mention. Thank you.

Interesting that you happen to mention Feist's song. I have not heard her "1234' song. But soon after Michael passed last summer I was lead to Feist's "Inside and Out" ,which was originally recorded by the Bee Gees. Her version sounds very different - fun, playful, somewhat humorous.
Now that we happen to have picked up on the same artist I wonder if there was more meaning in that song. I have to go back and look. Perhaps it was just the playfulness of her version, which was meant to say " Cheer Up!" You've
got me thinking all over again...

Best Regards,
12 posts
Jul 13, 2010
10:16 PM
Hm, lemme think.

He also liked Honey Honey by Feist. It can be pretty psychedelic.
195 posts
Jul 13, 2010
11:29 PM

I did listen to Honey Honey too. This is getting very interesting ... )
197 posts
Jul 14, 2010
8:43 AM
Ok Irina,

Since you have a music background here is one more to ponder. I am not sure whether it relates to Michael having fun or something else but here goes. Cole Porter's Let's Misbehave was playing in my head this entire! past weekend. The title specifically kept repeating. It would not stop and I am still trying to figure this out. I did look up the lyrics and they are certainly very suggestive.) I am waiting for more clues to see what this is all about.

one more thought:
Just thinking outloud here.Perhaps I have answered my own question. It is very possible that this relates to my having adopted two kittens this past Saturday. They are certainly very happy and playful. So possibly that is the relationship to the melody and the song title. I wonder...

Last Edited by on Jul 14, 2010 9:39 AM
13 posts
Jul 14, 2010
3:21 PM
Or, he simply could tell YOU to "misbehave" and just to kickback and have fun. Would be very much like him. As in go out and enjoy life and the world. Some of the things he never was able to do because just walking down the street was dangerous for him.
14 posts
Jul 14, 2010
3:22 PM
Okay, this is really funny. For a second there I couldn't figure out who wrote what in which posting.
15 posts
Jul 14, 2010
3:23 PM
By the way, Irina, do you know the movie "The double life of Veronique"? Mind blowing music and interesting theme. Doppelgaenger motive.
40 posts
Jul 14, 2010
4:31 PM
I'd been being prompted to backup my computer for awhile now, and finally did it today. When it was complete it showed the time of completion & guess what? you got it...it was 1:11pm!

My goodness.....this really is a quite uncanny!
68 posts
Jul 14, 2010
9:33 PM
Interesting info on 11:11...

It's all for love...L.O.V.E.
289 posts
Jul 14, 2010
9:48 PM
Great video, Susanna! Thank you for sharing this! :)
41 posts
Jul 15, 2010
7:58 AM
Thank you Susanna for finding & posting this! It does makes complete sense that the number '1' would symbolize the beginning of something new.

Very interesting!
200 posts
Jul 15, 2010
10:29 AM

I feel you are right in your interpretation of the song in that I do tend to be serious and need to remind myself to lighten up and have fun.

As for "the Double Life of Veronique" I remember the movie. And I like it a lot. The whole ghostly double/ parallel lives premise sticks with you.

Last Edited by on Jul 15, 2010 12:46 PM
295 posts
Jul 16, 2010
11:07 PM
296 posts
Jul 16, 2010
11:10 PM
This video requires careful and attentive listening as the speaker speaks in a low voice and somewhat rapidly. I found the information interesting and worth sharing. Some people may get something helpful from it. The same goes for the next video after this one.

297 posts
Jul 16, 2010
11:11 PM
93 posts
Jul 16, 2010
11:34 PM
Hey Carmen,
Thanks for posting at 11:11 :) lol
299 posts
Jul 17, 2010
11:44 AM
Hi ChristinaM! *waves hello*

That was purely chance and not planned on my part. I was just trying to get these videos over here as quickly as possible. I hadn't even noticed the time stamp. How appropriate. ;)
68 posts
Aug 16, 2010
8:40 PM
Something else here you might want to pause to read what it says.


Last Edited by on Aug 16, 2010 9:25 PM
283 posts
Aug 17, 2010
9:17 AM

I believe this was put out by the 11:11 Progress Group.
Thank you for posting this. Very informative.

69 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:06 AM
Last night before I went to bed I looked at the clock and it said 12:12 also after I did go to bed I heard what sounded like some stuff moving in my room too and I know I don't have a spirit here.

Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2010 11:07 AM
86 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:44 AM
Thanks Mike!

If anyone had even a shred of doubt about 11:11 phoenomena, I would think this video would most certainly clear it up.
109 posts
Aug 21, 2010
10:16 AM
The other night I woke up with a strange feeling looked at the clock with 444 showing, does anyone know the significance of this.
70 posts
Aug 21, 2010
10:47 AM
ChristinaM this is what I read somewhere: 444 means that thousands of angels are surrounding you at this time and they are loving and supporting you and you have a very clear connection with the angelic realm and you have nothing to be afraid of.Also I have read it has been called the Resurrection

Hope that helps you

Last Edited by on Aug 21, 2010 10:51 AM
110 posts
Aug 21, 2010
11:09 AM
Wow thanks, Mike
116 posts
Aug 21, 2010
1:10 PM
Hi everyone,

Madelon mentioned the book of Barbara Marciniak "Bringers Of The Dawn - Teachings Of The Pleidians".

My mother in law gave that book to me as a gift years ago.
I read some pages from time to time, stopped, no time etc. .

Today I followed my feeling to read in the book a certain chapter.
There it is also explained that meeting certain ( combinations) of numbers means that all those who came to earth to help the ascension(transition process are awakened by those ( combination ) of numbers. They call it decoding.These numbers resonate with our codes established inside of us.
Decoding the Inner Wisdom = memories by rebuilding our DNA and Chakra system as it was before other energies ( we know which ) had changed them to exploit the planet and its beings.

So every time I meet such numbers I recall the decoding process.
I like the thought of getting decoded and rebuilt.
For me it sounds like taking one more step to liberation and home each time.

This was really, really briefly summarized.
I think the book is worth while reading at least for myself.

Hi Mike, do you have a source where these ( cominations ) of numbers are explained?

All the best.


Last Edited by on Aug 21, 2010 8:39 PM
2 posts
Sep 06, 2010
11:45 AM
hi there,
can anybody tell me what it could possibly mean when the number 7 (often 17, too/ sometimes 77) crosses my ways over & over again?

(i also noticed 14:11 many times...)

thank you very much for your ideas.
with love, U.
626 posts
Sep 06, 2010
12:50 PM
Hi Ursula,

I have always considered the number 7 to be a spiritual number. I have observed on many occasions that the 17th and most especially the 27th have been dates of great opportunity in my own life.

To determine the meaning for yourself you might want to take note of what is going on at the time you are observing these events. It should provide you with some direction.

3 posts
Sep 07, 2010
10:28 AM
Thank you very much, dear Bonnie. I'll try to take down some notes in the future.

Love, U.

ps: Irina, i have to admit that i cannot watch any of his videos yet...however, thank you for your hint.

Last Edited by on Sep 07, 2010 10:33 AM
365 posts
Sep 09, 2010
11:18 PM
hi Ursula.

Here is a mythological take on the magic of "7"

Pleiades in folklore and literature

Last Edited by on Sep 09, 2010 11:27 PM
102 posts
Oct 09, 2010
1:08 PM
I have seen 777 a few times and I still am not really sure what that means?

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