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343 posts
Aug 03, 2010
10:29 AM
I found this wonderful and fascinating collection of videos last night on YouTube and wanted to bring them here for sharing. The last one I have had in my "Favorites" collection for quite a while now as a special friend sent it to me months ago. I'll let that person reveal herself if she wishes to. I personally believe the content of these videos, and that our government, the CIA and the Illuminati (which backs the CIA or is a part of it) really have engaged in these covert activities. Due to the Freedom of Information Act, some of this information is now coming out into the open, which enables open discussion for all.

MK ULTRA – Jesse Ventura Investigation Videos

Black OPS Marine & the Ultimate Warrior

Interviews with David Corso and Duncan O’ Finioan

Last Edited by on Aug 03, 2010 10:31 AM
344 posts
Aug 03, 2010
10:31 AM
Project Camelot Interviews Duncan O’Finioan

345 posts
Aug 03, 2010
10:33 AM
There is speculation among some that Michael Jackson and other extremely talented performers may have been a part of the MK ULTRA Talent program/experiments. As people get older, their memories sometimes start to return, as we see demonstrated in the above videos.

60 posts
Aug 03, 2010
5:19 PM
Thank you Carmen! Fascinating info. I watched them all except the last one, which I'll watch later, as it's quite long. You may already know that Michael lived in Parump (sp?) NV for awhile up thru 2008.
63 posts
Aug 04, 2010
8:25 AM
After watching the final video here, I'm left wondering if his mother was truly aware of what all her very young son would be subjected to, and the long term damage of such a thing. I'd like to believe that they carefully avoided giving her the hideous details, but in any case... and as always, there had to be a substantial monetary payoff. It's just so sad that it always boils down to that ~

My heart truly goes out to Mr. O'Finioan.
347 posts
Aug 04, 2010
10:15 AM
Hi Chaturi! I agree with you that the information is fascinating. It's also very disturbing. Mr. O'Finioan's father was a member of the CIA, so there is a connection there regarding the 'use' of his son for secret and covert operations of some kind. It's also very sad that money is used in exchange to have people look the other way or to keep them silent. This of course is nothing new and has been going on for ages.

Regarding Michael, I knew that he spent some time living in Nevada, but I didn't know exactly where he lived. I didn't really start paying attention and looking into some of these things regarding Michael until after he died.

Regarding the use of hypnosis to get people to do things that are harmful to others, I have to point out that a neighbor of mine many years ago told me that a hypnotist could NOT get a subject to physically do harm to someone else if that person was morally against doing such a thing. This neighbor had told me about some experiments that had been done in which a group of people sat together, perhaps in a circle, with one person hypnotized and given the command to take a knife (which was handed to him or her) and use it to stab the person next to him or her. Upon that command, the subject immediately dropped the knife. I tend to believe this information, even though this was told to me many years ago and I am unable to cite my source. The MK ULTRA subjects are not just dealing with hypnosis. They are dealing with torture, drugs and the creation of split or multiple personalities. That combination is, to me and my way of thinking, far more complicated than mere hypnosis.

Just my opinions. :)

64 posts
Aug 04, 2010
12:29 PM
Hi Carmen,
You are right about hypnosis 'by itself'. My parents were into it when I was a young girl. However, as you stated, when the other elements are added into the mix it surely becomes far more complicated.

Like you, I also only started learning everything I could about Michael since his death. I just happened to hear Art Bell who was back filling in for George Noori on the Coast To Coast a.m. radio show mention that he was living in the same development in Parump, NV that Michael & family were living in at the same time, before they returned to Beverly Hills and rented the mansion, which is where he passed away. He didn't feel secure in the house in Parump due to the numerous large glass windows which the paparazzi took full advantage of. Apparently they would hang out in the surrounding trees, giving them way too much access. Ever so Sadly though, the mansion in BH was even less secure. it provided 'no' protection when it was most needed.

Still don't know if I've spelled 'Parump' correctly & too tired to check it out now.

Thanks again, Carmen!

love to you all,
353 posts
Aug 08, 2010
9:53 AM
MK ULTRA Victim Testimonies - March 3, 2007

354 posts
Aug 08, 2010
9:54 AM
MK ULTRA Victim/ Survivor Cathy O’Brien - uploaded March 7, 2010:

355 posts
Aug 08, 2010
9:55 AM
MK ULTRA Victim/ Survivor Brice Taylor - uploaded August 15, 2008:

356 posts
Aug 08, 2010
10:03 AM
Brice Taylor goes public and on the record about her experiences and names particular individuals involved in this program - April 25, 2009:


These people suffered in silence for years, and I want their stories to be seen and heard if at all possible. This includes David Corso and Duncan O'Finioan. I am posting these videos, knowing they may make some people uncomfortable, because I believe they represent the truth, and I think it's time to set aside some feelings of discomfort regarding politicians, public figures and entertainers (whom many of us may have voted for, believed in or became fans of) in our search for the truth. If what Brice Taylor states is true, words cannot convey my great disappointment in Reagan, Bush Sr. and Bob Hope.

Years ago, if these victims had tried to come forward to tell of their personal and horrible experiences, few would have believed them. However, in light of current economic, political and world events, and our ability to look back with 20/20 vision, these testimonies and personal statements are no longer so strange or impossible to believe.

357 posts
Aug 08, 2010
10:11 AM
Do I believe this woman is telling the truth? YOU BET I DO! There are times when truth is stranger than fiction, and it's at precisely those times that THEY are counting on the public not believing in stories such as these.


Satanism and the CIA - uploaded September 7, 2007

563 posts
Aug 08, 2010
12:39 PM
Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that I have spoken with Duncan O’Finioan personally. We talked for over 3 hours. I found him very credible and also wanted to say that despite the ordeal he went through in the past and lives with everyday, he is a compassionate and wonderful person.

We did discuss Michael Jackson. Duncan sees signs that Michael might have been part of a program but as of yet is unable to find hard proof.

I also wanted to say something publicly on behalf of Duncan. He wants it made very clear to the public that the reason survivors are coming forward at great risk to their own lives, is because they want these programs stopped. Children are missing everyday and the survivors feel that a great many of these missing children are in these programs.


Last Edited by on Aug 08, 2010 12:46 PM
16 posts
Aug 08, 2010
2:27 PM
I was viewing the videos that Carmen supplied and was interrupted, so I won't be able to view everything until tomorrow. All of this information has been a part of my knowledge since the late 90's.

The information Bonnie gave us through Mr. O'Finioan is true. There was a time when the government targeted blond children. It is heartbreaking to know these expletives take children and use them as if their lives meant nothing. There are 'laws' that convict child abuse cases, yet the government applies nefarious abuses each and every day to our children with NO conscience. So sad. So duplicitous. The children are victims and the families never recover from their losses.

Everything we view on television is programming us to some degree. TV and film is an excellent source to brainwash the minds of the people, not only through the TV/Film story lines, but also the advertising. Much of it is subliminal. As long as we stay alert, I believe we can block it. This forum has strong, intelligent people on it.

It is my opinion that the FOIA is 'permitting' this information to come forward because far too many people refuse to believe its ugly reality. They are not the least bit concerned that it will be known as fact rather than fiction, simply because it will be considered delusional. The same goes for the UFO files.

The perplexing question is WHO allowed Michael to become a part of these evil projects if he was indeed a victim of it? If Michael was a MKULTRA victim, was it done without his or his family's knowledge?

Coming from a life of military, I have learned a great deal. My father was an officer (CID) and was pro-peace. He despised war. My husband was a SSG. He also is against war. I've had lots of experience with unconventional situations.

There are no 'enemies' except the few individuals that are mentally ill. Enemies are created to keep fears, wars and the Military Industrial Complex going. It's very deep. The military would crumble if the majority of people would embrace cultural differences and promote education and peace.

Think about the many who have had violent deaths or were pronounced as suicide:

John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Martin Luther King, Marilyn Monroe (her involvement with the Kennedy family), Paul Wellstone, etc., and the many 'terrorist' actions in the U.S. Many, not all, were cleverly carried out by government covert activity. I suspect strongly that September 11, 2001 was a gateway into rallying the people to war just as Pearl Harbor was permitted to occur to get the people's approval to join the war.

All of this will sound paranoid to many people who pledge blind allegiance to the flag. It's far more comfortable to live an existence without accepting the evil truth. Although it's understandable, it only continues to serve the agenda of each crime the government commits against the world. The majority of governments are involved. England is to be observed with vigilant eyes and ears. Lady Diana is an example of England's involvement.

I sincerely apologize if I come on too strong. I tend to be outspoken. This is why I remain quiet for the most part and simply read.

Carmen. Thank you for bringing this to LIGHT. Bonnie, I know you get your many doses of thanks, but I'm sure everyone will agree that we can't thank you enough. Thank you. :-)

Michael is right. Follow the money. It's an odd world.
384 posts
Aug 14, 2010
7:59 PM
Time is now of the essence. I'm sure all of you have noticed that the videos we have been saving, collecting, posting and sharing here are gradually disappearing. The Jesse Ventura videos are no longer on YouTube. The assassination of Princess Diana videos by David Icke are also no longer on YouTube. Either people are being pressured to take them down, or YouTube is taking them down. Something is going on here, and I can't be the only one seeing it.

I'm going to be spending much less time here for the next few months as I push to get as much of this information out to friends and family as possible. As it is, because I waited so long, some key videos are no longer available for me to share with others. I'm feeling increasingly pressed for time, with too much to do at work and trying to catch up in my personal life at home. I actually had to work today to get an order out at WCC (Western Costume Company).


I'll post again on August 23rd or the day after Murray's arraignment, and I'll share any photos and camcorder footage I get, just as I did the last time. Please forgive me for not being here as often. It's time for me to share this information with others, and it's going to take a lot of time and effort.

Much love to all my friends here, and to dearest Bonnie!

Your friend,

101 posts
Aug 16, 2010
12:49 AM
Hi Carmen,

I agree with you.

It is my feel too that we need to get out the message and spread among people what is going on.

I think each of us here on the board and many others (hope so at least) feel the same and each of us has their projects.

More and more people will gain knowledge about this foul play.

I wish you all the best and full success as I do each of you for your projects.

Take our love and support with you.

400 posts
Aug 17, 2010
9:18 PM
Thank you, MMM, for your comments and the sharing of your personal experiences and awareness of what has been going on. Regarding who allowed Michael to possibly become a part of MK ULTRA, I am not going to publicly speculate on it. I do have my opinions. Whomever may or may not have been responsible, those people may not have been fully aware of what was to come, what would be asked of Michael (and his brothers), what might be taken from Michael (and his brothers), how Michael (and his brothers) would be treated, etc. Sometimes, in a desire to strike a deal, break into show business, get that first really big break, etc., people may make decisions and choices that they later regret. In all fairness, those people may also have been denied all the facts and 100% FULL DISCLOSURE of what the full agreement will be. We might think we're making a great choice or a wise decision only to realize, much later and with time and hindsight, that we made one of the worst decisions possible.

Ute, I want to thank you for your support and for all your contributions to Bonnie's wonderful board. You and Irina are almost like 'sisters' to each other in terms of how I see you both and the way in which you work together to share your thoughts, beliefs and observations. You both make a great team!


Last Edited by on Aug 17, 2010 9:19 PM
401 posts
Aug 17, 2010
9:23 PM
"Children are missing everyday and the survivors feel that a great many of these missing children are in these programs."

Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing this. The first time I read your post and the above quoted segment, a little 'light' went on in my head. It never would have occurred to me that this could be one of the reasons children go missing every year and are often never found, or are not found for many years. That is absolutely horrible, and is yet another reason to bring this information out to the public and increase awareness of it.

290 posts
Aug 17, 2010
11:38 PM

David Icke's website has an extensive collection of articles focusing on Child Abuse. Monarch programming is only one reason why children are disappearing. There are other reasons too horrible to mention here.If you do go looking there brace yourself.

I found that I had a great amount of difficulty reading the titles of the articles let alone trying to read any of it. I could barely skim over a couple and then had to run from there and take a deep breath to get my senses back.

It is incredibly painful to realize the extent of horrors people are capable of perpetrating on children.


Last Edited by on Aug 18, 2010 1:18 AM
407 posts
Aug 18, 2010
12:00 AM
Thank you for the information, Irina. I'll visit his website when I can as I'm sure he covers many subjects. And thank you for the valuable heads up regarding bracing myself. :(

294 posts
Aug 18, 2010
1:23 AM

In much of all that Michael expressed throughout his life there is a major part of Michael's mission, which was and is to shed light on the plight of children.

I feel the issue touched on here is a big part of that focus.


Last Edited by on Aug 18, 2010 7:32 AM

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