22 Oct 2002
Date Experience Occurred: May 2002 In what house did you have this experience?: Whaley House With whom did you come in contact?: No idea What area of house did this occur?: Backyard Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: yes Did you experience cold spots?: yes
Describe your experience: In May 2002 (not 2001 the date shown on the photo-I mistakenly set my camera to the wrong year), after we had finished our Haunted San Diego Trolley Tour, we did did not reboard the trolley as were staying at a hotel nearby the Whaley House. We wanted to explore Old Town after dark on our own. In previous visits to the Whaley House, I have felt cold spots in the garden area, so I was hoping to get a picture witnessing the energies that seem to linger there. Although I could not see anything at the time I took the photo, what you see is what I got.
Click here to see her photo:
Kathleen Ladislaus