27 Jun 2005
Name: Lauren
City: San Diego
State: CA
Date Experience Occurred: June 20, 2005
Approximate time: 09:00pm
Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House
With whom did you come in contact?: Violet Whaley
In what area did this occur?: Room to the right of the stairs
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: yes
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Please explain your experience: I was in the house last week with my mom after we had gone on the “Ghosts and Gravestones” tour. We were upstairs looking into Thomas and Anna’s bedroom when my mom SWORE she saw the curtain next to the closet moving. Since the room has glass around the door so that nobody can get in there was obviously no way someone could be moving it. My mom told me to take pictures of it with my digital camera. The first picture I took without the flash turned out completely black. I took a second picture with the flash and that one also turned out completely black. I figured that my camera was just screwed up so I deleted both of those pictures. As we turned to leave the room I felt something brush up against the back of my right arm and then immediately after something or someone grabbed my elbow and tried to pull me into the room. I turned around and when I saw that no one was there I freaked out and ran into the theater where my mom had gone. Afterward when I was trying to drag my mom out of the house we were talking to the person who was sitting at the front door who worked there. She said that Violet is the only one who they think would impulsively grab people, even if it was in a room not associated with her. Later my Mom and I were talking about it and my mom thinks that if it was Violet that she might have connected with me because of our similar mental conditions (she was referring to the depression and my numerous suicide attempts). I just told her that probably wasn't it and maybe whoever it was that grabbed me just didn't want me taking pictures or something, but inside I do think that if it was Violet who grabbed me then that was the reason. What do you guys think?
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