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Real Ghost Stories-Whaley House > Leave me alone

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25 Nov 2003

Name: Vernon

City: San Marcos

State: CA

Date Experience Occurred: 07/02/97

Approximate time: Noon

Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House

With whom did you come in contact?: No idea

In what area did this occur?: Room to the right of the stairs

Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: no

Did you experience cold spots?: yes

Moving furniture or lights?: no

Knocking or other sounds?: no


Please explain your experience:

I went to the Whaley house with my fiancé and daughter. Upon entering the room to the right of the stairs, I felt as if someone was holding me in place and unconsciously telling me to leave them alone. It was not menacing but it seemed as if I had violated their space. My heart raced and I began to sweat. My wife and daughter had to pull me from the room’s access cubicle. As soon as I left the room it went away. Also while in the court room I was starring at the picture of Mr. Whaley and felt a squeeze on my shoulder, when I turned around I was alone.





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