28 Jan 2004
Name: Jennie
City: Yuma
State: AZ
Date Experience Occurred: 1/9/04
Approximate time: 09:00pm
Where did you have this experience?: Whaley House, Graveyard in Old Town and William Heath Davis house
With whom did you come in contact?: No idea
In what area did this occur?: Dinning Room of the Whaley House, front bedroom of William Heath Davis house and at top of stairs there, also the Old Town Cemetery in the middle of it.
Do you have paranormal pictures or voice recordings?: yes
Did you experience cold spots?: no
Moving furniture or lights?: no
Knocking or other sounds?: no
Description of your experience: We went on the "Ghost and Gravestones" tour of San Diego and I took a lot of photos with my digital camera at two of the houses (the William Heath Davis House and Whaley House). I have a lot of orb photos at both houses, a strange face on the wall of the dining room at the Whaley house. After the tour we walked by the cemetery and I took a few photos by the wall looking in. In one there is a huge orb next to my subjects, which wasn't in the next shot a few seconds later.