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155 posts
Sep 02, 2010
8:16 AM
Dear Bonnie,

I hope it is okay to post this here.

Hi, dear fellow boarders,

Friday 9/24/2010 I will give a lecture about our beloved Michael.

As my first lecture was in a smaller scale there was no need to delve into all the authorship and copyrights.
Upcoming lecture will be my second and the feeling and thought came to me that I should now inform myself better about all those rights because I wish that the lectures will take place on a large scale to reach as much people as possible.

So I started today. It feels like going through a jungle but I will get through it.
I do not have any experience with that.
But I trust my guidance and Michael to get me through there.

I posted this here because I have the wish - and therefore ask you - to support me please with all your best wishes and focus on the best outcome.
I cannot afford to buy expensive copyrights parts ( or how it is called ?) or pay for expensive copyright fees.
But I feel it is best now to clear this up before the lecture to not have severe difficulties after it and can go on with my lectures.

I thank you all

It´s all for L.O.V.E
12 posts
Sep 04, 2010
12:31 PM
Hi Ute,
How is your lecture's preparation going? What made you giving this lecture about Michael. What are your topics? I don't know if you want to share it but I'm just interested.
I wish you all the best.
444 posts
Sep 04, 2010
7:55 PM
Hello Ute.

I first and foremost want to wish you courage, strength and focus for what you are about to do. I know you already have these traits within you, but I firmly believe they will be in full force when you need them most.

Secondly, I don't fully understand how or why copyrights should be an issue for you in your upcoming lectures. It is important for you to cite all your sources and references as you speak of Michael. If you quote him from "Moonwalk," then you must cite your source. If you quote from a website in which fans or the public have given favorable testimony about Michael, then of course you must cite your source. The only problem you may possibly encounter is IF you are reprinting pages from these sources, or if a particular website does not allow reprinting of its materials without prior permission from the webmaster. If you are giving hand outs or paper reports of some kind to people who attend, then you may encounter copyright issues. I do imagine that you will be giving those who attend your lectures printed materials to read and to keep, so in that case, using sources for these hand outs or printed materials without their permission may be an issue.

I don't think you would have to buy copyrights or pay money for permission to copy or cite these sources, but it might be a good idea to write to book publishes and web masters who own the copyrights to the materials you wish to use.

You certainly have my permission to use any of my videos from YouTube, as presented, for your lectures should any of them be helpful.

Good luck!

160 posts
Sep 05, 2010
3:13 PM
Hi Madelon and Carmen,

I will you answer you shortly.
I had a very busy week end with little sleep and I am not yet as concentrated as I should be.
I will not forget to answer you!

Thanks for all your words.

167 posts
Sep 09, 2010
1:15 PM
Hi Carmen,

thanks for your explanations and support.
And thank you for giving me your permission again to use all of your videos.
Some days ago I met someone who knows all the stuff about authorship and copyrights even in the US and he explained it all to me.To make it short - it is like you said and he told me some more.
So thanks to both of you I am quiet about this issue and can go on with my preparations which are very intense at the moment.

Thanks for your good wishes, Carmen!

This lecture will be different to the first because I feel Michael has the wish to speak out more of the truth and to set the record straight for him and certain circumstances.
It is okay for me.
I want to give him a voice.
I am also thinking to show the statement of Credo Mutwa which fits in all of this and which keeps returning to my mind.

It´s all for L.O.V.E
168 posts
Sep 09, 2010
3:47 PM
Hi Madelon,

You´re welcome.
I would like to answer your questions and share this with all of you who like to.

My preparations are very intense at the moment.
There are a lot of thoughts and ideas. Basically everything is clear but I need ( my husband resp. as I have no technical knowledge, but we need to find a date) to tape together all the material - I want to tape it on USB - for better presentation. So this means watching all the videos in the internet or TV, taping them on the computer, putting them together.
I will also read one or the other text from Michael´s "Dancing The Dream".
Exeter Speech, Legend Award Speech and the Speech about the purpose of HTW Foundation will be included.
These are posted by Irina in the Legacy thread.

I would like to thank Irina here who supports me so much for this lecture. Thank you Irina - you are such a great support and help in this whole process!! :D

I will show some pictures of his charity work and mention some points which were heard of but after the trial not really mentioned by the press. There is also a book where it is mentioned which charity organisations he donated.

Most important is to recall MICHAEL´S MESSAGE!!
I want to do this with the Earth Song he performed on the occasion of the British Music Awards 1996, also posted here in the Legacy thread.
There he shows himself what he and his message is about.

His message also however includes the hint to our global situation and some other uncomfortable truths, part of which will be the lies, betrayal and greed around him all through his life until the bitter end.
I will not go into deep detail regarding Michael´s use of symbolism in his whole body of work to get his message out but will give some hints to it, also concerning the entertainment industry and what is going on there.
I will show then some of his short film videos and/or performances in his concerts where people can watch it.
Another issue is that Michael has wanted to wake up people to see what is going on around them and to be aware of the manipulation, brain-wash and mind control.

During Exeter Speech I would like to ask the people to follow Michael´s invitation to tell the persons beside of them that they care for each other and love each other.... to feel the difference.
At the end I would like to show Michael´s performance of "Heal The World" of one his concerts ( I do not yet know which) and sing together with him.

Basically Michael speaks himself in his work. There is everything in it.
I lead the lecture, lead/link up to the issues and will tell things he asks me to speak out.
My concern for these lectures are to bring people across the man, the human being, the humanitarian and visionary he was, to vindicate him.
And wake up people to look what is really going on around them.
To give him a voice. To set the record straight.

To make it short: Michael - the man he really was in his heart
(topics) Michael´s message
his concern for our planet and all her beings
(also included uncomfortable issues)
charity work
entertainment industry, music industry
hints to symbolism used by entert.-, music industry
showing all the above mentioned in his short film
videos and reflections (his book).
I forgot to mention that I will show Carmen´s Eddie Jones video she shot in front of the court house on 8/23/10 and probably some of her other videos to give an impression of this day.
Thank you again Carmen.

All of this has to be put into the right order for the presentation.

Some words to what made me doing these lectures.
When I learned of Michael´s death there was a feeling going deeply down into my heart. It was as if someone had rammed a knife into my heart. And a question appeared immediately (this is a very private question) . The feeling I could not understand as I had not followed closely his career - always had a lot of concerns myself - I was not a fan though I watched on TV what he did and thought it always something special.
So this feeling and question I could not understand. I started my research in the internet because I wanted to know who he really was. I did not believe the trash that was written or said about him and it was quite easy to see that and I stopped reading it.
I wanted to know the man behind the celebrity - where was his heart?
One day I read the following line: "If you want to know who Michael Jackson really is, you have to listen to his music and messages."
So I started with this , his short film videos followed and I found message after message,....... .
It was so easy to see where his heart was. And I learned he had to tell people a really important message. I felt that I wanted to go on with his message and to vindicate him and then thought about what I could to do it?
The thoughts for lectures came into my mind and in the end to offer a Michael Jackson - Circle where we can share experiences, learn something about his symbolism, charity work, his person, everything.
Do some work to get rid of fears e.g. ( see Exeter speech) etc. (these are my thoughts) which are a great scourge of humanity and which prevent many people to live a self-determined life in freedom. How certain energies abuse these fears etc. .
I will see where this goes. It is all at the start.
There are still some other ideas for charity work and more.
It is just to be thought how to put all of this into action.
Due time will show.

Madelon, I hope I could answer your questions and it was not too much to read.

All the best

I would like to add something:
Another reason to do the lectures is that I am so grateful to him for everything I have learned and he has taught me since I met him.
He taught me e.g. how to keep a certain level of Love no matter how people address to me. This is not always easy as I am only human, but I recall very fast how to go back to that level of Love and if possible even increase it.
The example he gave in his life to never surrender, have enough self-esteem, self-trust and energy to do what you feel inside no matter how you feel or how people are against it/you gave me the strength for very important decisions I had to take for my further life.
He inspired me and I remembered that I have my own creativity.
My intuition has grown much more deeper.
I remembered how important music and dance is in my life.
I recalled the dance of creation of which he spoke.
I recalled so much that I had forgotten for some time in my struggle of life.
Some years ago I started to work on all of this and myself.
I was changing my life and I have been on my way.
But since I met Michael it all has gone much more faster and a lot of inner healing took place additionally.
I do not know if you understand it cause you do not know my life .
So I am very grateful from the bottom of my heart and it is an honor for me and the least to do this for him.
And so I decided to dedicate to him and his vindication and message part and time of my life.
And not only for him as there are so many people and other beings out there and our planet to take care for and heal.
I do it with my God given talents. I want to give him back and those who want my support.

Thank you.
It is all for L.O.V.E

Last Edited by on Sep 11, 2010 12:44 PM
364 posts
Sep 09, 2010
10:45 PM

You are very welcome! This is all to help you help Michael; and to help wake people to seeing the truth one step at a time.

(((BIG HUG)))

Last Edited by on Sep 09, 2010 10:45 PM
13 posts
Sep 12, 2010
8:06 AM
Hi Ute,

What you are doing is really great. For your listeners it's a lot to handle. So much information on different levels. Very interesting!

I recognize a lot from your story. I wasn't really a fan neither. When I was a little girl I was a big fan of him but when I grew older it just slipped away.
It was really a big shock when he died. It struck me really hard and a long period of mourning followed. This voice in my head said that I went nuts and that this was really stupid. After all, I did not know the man. It was on this board that I saw that several people had experinced something alike.
But somehowe this/his energy deepened my spirituality and creativity. And therefor I'm gratefull.

Last Edited by on Sep 12, 2010 8:07 AM
164 posts
Sep 12, 2010
4:26 PM
Ute, I wish you great success in your lectures. Good luck to you!

I also relate to your experience. I wasn't an avid fan but was deeply affected by his passing. I mourned him like a family member or very very close friend. I am grateful for his energy and light and feel blessed that I am here with rest of you.

With love, Roxy

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