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Michio Kaku confirms David Icke

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647 posts
Sep 18, 2010
2:22 PM
I completely agree with David Icke and was given similar information by my guidance.

169 posts
Sep 18, 2010
4:18 PM
It is comforting to hear we have the power to raise our frequency and be set free of the manipulation.

Thanks Bonnie for sharing this important information. I appreciate all that you do.

With love, Jane

Last Edited by on Sep 18, 2010 4:20 PM
26 posts
Sep 18, 2010
5:09 PM
Thank you so kindly for the information Bonnie.
Hi Roxy :)
448 posts
Sep 18, 2010
6:25 PM
Just finished watching this video. Very interesting concepts. Gene Roddenberry, who was well ahead of his time in his way of thinking and in his use of open minded and talented writers, touched upon some of these types of concepts in the 1960s original "Star Trek" series. I remember an episode of the original "Star Trek" TV series in which Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, Dr. McCoy and Lieutenant Uruha are accidentally transported to a parallel universe while attempting to transport down to a planet. At the same time, their counterparts - in a parallel universe - are transported to the U.S.S. Enterprise that we, the audience, know and love and are familiar with. Another episode touched upon mind control and actually has some possible Illuminati or NWO themes running through it. I don't know if that was intentional on Roddenberry's part, or if it's just me looking back at some of the themes in that series and drawing certain parallels or making certain 'connections' due to all that I've learned since last year.

I don't completely understand the term 'frequencies' as a concept, although it's beginning to make a little more sense. What I DO understand and what has helped me tremendously in terms of sorting, sifting, shutting out 'noise' and seeing truth is literally not watching modern TV programs and not listening to the radio very often anymore. That may seem very extreme or simplistic, but something very interesting happens when one 'tunes out' advertising, commercials, fast paced editing on TV commercials, the MSM controlled news, etc. By many people's standards, I would be considered ignorant because I am not up to date on the news, current affairs and events, modern TV shows, the latest products and services that are advertised on TV and radio shows, etc, but I have also learned to see through and past many things. In other words, by not allowing myself to be constantly bombarded by all the 'stuff' that is out there, I think it helps me to think a bit more clearly.

I am not suggesting or advocating abstaining from any and all television or listening to the radio. I just firmly believe in being highly selective about what one chooses to let in.

Thank you, Bonnie, for this info. The concept of parallel universes is a complex and intimidating one, in my opinion. But it's also a good mental exercise to open one's mind and think about it.


Edited for spelling and to add that I get my news from reading major newspaper headlines and from the Internet. Since so much of the news is controlled by the MSM, I don't bother much with it. To be honest, I have reached the conclusion that much of what we are told, no matter where in the world we are, is largely fabrications and lies.

Last Edited by on Sep 18, 2010 6:29 PM
452 posts
Sep 18, 2010
8:54 PM
A Ha! That's the episode, Bonnie! It's one of my favorites!!!!

Without cluttering this thread topic with my personal home-life drama, I'll be brief and say that my ENTIRE CD, DVD and video tape collections - and even my records - are all out on the floor in my living room, in piles and stacks. My entire collection of "Star Trek" video tapes, all the original episodes from the '60s, are on my sofa. I don't dare move them because in about a week or 10 days, I'll have to move them all again.

"Dagger of the Mind" is the episode I was thinking about regarding mind control. For some reason, MKUltra comes to mind.

I treated myself to purchasing the entire original "Star Trek" series on a special series of video tapes back in the mid to late 1990s, when I was working at Paramount Studios. I suddenly started to earn a good salary and invested in some quality entertainment. I also managed to see and touch many of the original costumes from that series, as well as some of the costumes from the "Star Trek" feature films, as they were stored on the Paramount lot, not far from the costume department.

That's my little bit of personal "Star Trek" trivia. :)

455 posts
Sep 18, 2010
9:27 PM
Hi again, Bonnie. :)

For some reason, when I click on the first link, my screen turns white and nothing appears. My Macintosh is not receiving that link. :( I'll try doing a Google search and see what comes up!

For anyone who has never seen "Dagger of the Mind," I highly recommend it!

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