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Adam's Calendar and Michael Tellinger

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654 posts
Sep 19, 2010
7:28 PM

41 posts
Sep 19, 2010
8:27 PM
Thank you Bonnie for these thought provoking videos.

In the video "Slave Species of God" Michael Tellinger is talking about skin evolution to a lighter skin color. I read that the people (Caucasians) of colder geographical areas and climates have light pigmentation of their skin because those reigns have less sunlight.

I never heard his prospective before. Interesting. Hmmm

500 posts
Oct 17, 2010
9:25 PM
I finally got around to watching these videos - a month later. Thank you for sharing them, Bonnie. I found it most interesting that China has pyramids. I never knew this, but then again, according to Michael Tellinger, this was a well kept secret for many years. So, after learning this, I had to do a little more searching.

I have literally learned something very new to me today! :)

Edited to Add: The information about a 75,000 (or at least 25,000) year old calendar was also new to me. I found myself thinking about a segment or two in the Carl Sagan series of "Cosmos" in which he discussed certain ancient civilizations.

The last video of Mr. Tellinger, in which he speculates and asks questions about our true origins as a species, and why we are where we are at this point in time, made me think of the great Library of Alexandria as discussed at length in "Cosmos." To listen to Carl Sagan explain it, if that wonderful library, which contained possibly all or at least a tremendous amount of knowledge from the ancient world, had never been destroyed, we might have advanced in science, technology and medicine far faster and far greater in degree. The loss of that tremendous amount of knowledge from the ancient world set us back thousands of years.

Last Edited by on Oct 17, 2010 9:30 PM

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