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Shocking revelation: Former Air Force personnel

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671 posts
Sep 27, 2010
5:43 PM
Shocking revelation: Former Air Force personnel disclose UFO, alien-related threats

(NECN: Washington) - A press conference was held this afternoon at the National Press Club in Washington, where at least a dozen former U.S. Air Force personnel, mostly officers who worked on secret projects connected to sensitive nuclear weapons sites, are admitting that they were privy to UFO and alien-related incidents -- that occurred during their time of service.

In this clip, you will hear from: Retired Air Force Captain Robert Salas, Former Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Dwayne Arneson and Former Air Force Official Bill Jameson.

Long Version

Last Edited by on Sep 28, 2010 11:49 AM
672 posts
Sep 27, 2010
6:00 PM
49 posts
Sep 27, 2010
10:44 PM
That is really AMAZING! And it's amazing that these former officers are now talking about it! Maybe these UFO's are trying to save us from a huge disaster...

I also had a little experience to share here. It happend this spring (around Easter time)in the early evening hours. My mom and I went for a little walk around the little village they live at and suddenly we saw a bright yellow-white light above the forest (which was around 1 mile away from us). The light stood still at first but then suddenly went up to the sky at very high speed and dissappeared in the clouds. My mom and I where stunned. But then we saw a second light - coming out of the forest and following the first light in high speed.
I must add that my mom is a very "realistic" person but even she was really stunned and could not explain what we saw. I am very sure, that these lights might have been some kind of UFO's.

"...be alive, be free, feel consciousness, subsciousness, being GOD..." MJ
136 posts
Sep 27, 2010
10:56 PM
Most of my life I have waited for the President of the United States to make this disclosure and there it is. Learning of it on Bonnie's site. Thank you Bonnie for posting the videos to share with us. This is so exciting, it is too much to process. I hope more people come forward. I have watched Project Camelot and was amazed by what I heard. This is really really interesting. We are not alone!!!
With L.O.V.E, Anne
673 posts
Sep 28, 2010
7:47 AM
The United Nations has appointed Mazlan Othman as Earth’s first ambassador to aliens. Theoretical physics professor and host of the Science Channel’s “Physics of the Impossible” Michio Kaku explains the rational behind this appointment:

424 posts
Sep 28, 2010
8:42 AM
I agree. Amazing to see these guys come out and make these statements in full view of everyone.


I have a feeling more people will be backing them now that they have come forward. There is surely MUCH MORE TO COME OF THIS.
26 posts
Sep 28, 2010
2:49 PM
I'm keeping a close eye on this one. There is much documentation that others have been in contact with people from all walks of life. Of course, they have been ridiculed. The so-called 'important' figures have wanted to keep the communications quiet for personal agendas. What would that agenda be? For starters, to keep the people of Earth in the dark concerning higher life forms giving us useful, healing and spiritual messages that would change the world as the masses know it, and disempower the ones who wish to keep manipulation and control.

It dismays me that Michio Kaku would whimsically mention the evil aliens that might want to eat us BS. He was very uncomfortable throughout the interview. The reporter is condescending.

One of two things could be happening here: 1) There will be more and more fear mongering *fed* to the people of this planet by government to obstruct any progression. Don't cave into the fear. After all of our knowledge of Michael's murder (covered up), it isn't illogical to doubt that governments will apply fear in attempts to deflect the truth being told --- truth that is for the betterment of humanity? 2) The others have announced that they will be intervening for the greater good of all life in this universe due to the destruction we have caused by living a primarily material life with no regard for consequences. That needs to end. Everything we do affects ALL. Enough is enough.

Roswell, New Mexico has been a source of 'entertainment' regarding an actual craft in 1947. Many references are in film, television and books about that incident. Still, it remains fictional to the majority. This subject is more than a clue.

The film "Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind" is based on an actual event.

More. LOTS more.

I'm paraphrasing here: Whitley Strieber mentioned that we would have to be narcissistic to believe that we are the only life in this huge universe. There are other dimensions, why can't there be other universes?

Something is getting ready to happen. Something wonderful. We don't know the exact timing, but it's guaranteed. It can only give humanity one colossal step into a higher level of consiousness.


Last Edited by on Sep 28, 2010 2:55 PM
137 posts
Sep 28, 2010
4:34 PM
Something incredible is about to happen on planet earth. This I believe is the reason for the disclosure. The public is being prepared and yet nobody seems to hear or care, worst, they are not paying attention. People are not paying attention. This is one of the reason why an arrogant elite made the comment that people were useless eaters. Not that I agree with such comment. But, comon...something of this magnitude and nobody seems to care, I came to work, business as usual. People in the streets business as usual. No more words from the network, when they should be having these men on various networks, interviewing them. What a shame!!!

Well, I think it is my belief that there are various sectors of Aliens visiting earth. Some with good intention like the ones who do not want us to blow ourselves and some of very bad intention. I want to talk about the ones with bad intention.

I always believed in an Alien presence. When I was a child I used to see cigar shape objects in the sky but never paid any mind to them. I thought it was a natural thing. One night I was in bed with my mother, the window of the room was open. There was a big empty land space behind our house that the window opened to. My cat awakened me and my mom as she jumped on the bed and started acting very bizarre. I took her to outside of the bedroom and went back to bed. Both my mom and I were fully awake when we heard a kind of a very muffled sound, not a noise but a sound...and all of a sudden, our room was illuminated with different colors of lights and the object flew very close, so close that we can see inside what seemed to be windows on a circular machine and the forms inside of it, they were not humans but they were not animals eiter they were different. We screamed, they looked at us from their window as we looked at them while screaming and that is when the object took off in a speed...I will never forget that night.

Now let me go back to talk about the bad alien presence on earth. I came with this notion not on my own but by reading authors of ancient societies who have studied them and came up with the mayans and their sacrifices to the GODS. The mayans who were so versed in the stars, that they ended their callendar on 2012 and predicted the galactic alignment, they felt a need to sacrifice people to the GODS. Who were these Gods, these Gods who probably taught them about the stars. Their sacrifices of humans were to the Gods. Aweful sacrifices of virgins done on a regular basis. The pyramids had streams of blood flowing down on their sides. Could it be that these Gods are returning? The Mayan Gods? If so what does it mean for us? Could it be that a pact was written for these Gods to leave us alone with the understanding that the other aliens, maybe the well intentioned ones will also leave us alone, but will monitor. Could it be that the good ones help humans develop techonology to help toward defending ourselves when the bad ones come but that we stupidly used that technology against ourselves as in war with weapons. Could it be that the pact is about to end and that we are going to be invaded and that this is why the mayans stop the callendar in 2012. Maybe these men who came forward have strong suspicions and they want us to get ready. This could be a good thing just like it could be our nightmare like on the TV serie V. I am just fascinated to be living in this era, to know that what I saw years ago as a young girl is also being experienced by others. Above all to know that we are not alone although we may prefer to be left alone.
With L.O.V.E, Anne

Last Edited by on Sep 28, 2010 4:39 PM
71 posts
Sep 29, 2010
10:39 AM
WOW - Anne! What an experience. I have seen two UFO's off the gulf in the panhandle of FL. I don't have time to go into the experience of jokingly telling a naval station check-in point about this experience (don't ever do that if you are in a hurry) but, anyway, they took my claim very seriously so I figured they knew something. :)

You should write a movie script around your thoughts. That is what it sounded like and I hope you are wrong. lol.

125 posts
Sep 29, 2010
12:43 PM
This is all very fascinating and exciting. I shouldn't be surprised that it's finally happening though, as we are definitely in a the time frame of the 'quickening' of events, disclosures, and greater awareness of all that's been going on behind the scenses for a very long time.

I wish I could remember where it was that I heard that
the revurberations from the activation of nuclear weapons would be felt not only on earth, but throughout the entire universe in very harmful ways! It's just so AMAZING now to find out now that they've been shutting them down for a long time. WOW....this is Big!!

Thanks Bonnie & all for your great comments and stories on this topic.

186 posts
Sep 29, 2010
2:14 PM

Thank you so much for posting these vids. Truly amazing, finally someone is speaking out from the government. I agree Anne, it is a very interesting time to be here on Earth. Your childhood story was very fascinating. WOW!

Thanks for posting. With love, Jane
675 posts
Sep 29, 2010
4:30 PM
PROJECT CAMELOT : ROBERT SALAS : A Question of National Security

I interviewed former Air Force Captain Robert Salas back in 2005 before we created Project Camelot. Back then, I was just starting out conducting interviews for a documentary I planned to make. As it happened, shortly after this interview I met Bill Ryan and we became involved in the journey that became Project Camelot and for the past 4 years I have not had the time to go back and revisit various projects that were filmed and never edited. Each new Camelot interview came fast and furious and we could barely keep up with the work. I wish, at this time, to formally apologize to Robert Salas for the delay in getting this interview out to the public where it belongs.

Upon hearing about the Press Conference recently held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. I was motivated to go back and recover this footage in an effort to substantiate and further assist this effort to get the word out about UFOs and National Security at this critical time. Times they are 'a changin' and we are at a juncture when the reality of ufos and the fact that we are not alone, have never been alone (as Bob Dean would say) will become the new paradigm. Project Camelot has diligently worked toward this end and to putting an end to secrecy across the board.

With this release I hope to pay tribute to Robert Salas and the brave men and women who have put themselves on the line both before the public and behind the scenes to break down the wall of secrecy that divides us here on planet Earth from the truth of our Galactic citizenship and the multi-verses of which we are all a part.

Kerry Lynn Cassidy
September 2010
95 posts
Sep 29, 2010
10:03 PM
Out of curiosity what type of aliens are we talking like grays and the green aliens and space ships like what has been seen in movies or is this something entirely different and are these UFOs and aliens good and positive?

Last Edited by on Sep 29, 2010 10:03 PM
99 posts
Oct 04, 2010
9:04 PM

Our existence will change you mean as knowledge or some type of scary event happening or exciting thing?

Last Edited by on Oct 05, 2010 11:54 AM
41 posts
Oct 06, 2010
5:21 PM
Mike -
Sorry I haven't been back for a couple days. Dolores was like listening to your Grandmother have a little chat. She delivered her information in such a relaxed manner. She said that changes are coming unlike anything that has ever happened in the Universe. The aliens are here observing these changes and how we shall react/handle them. The world will somehow shift into something very good. The change has been and will be gradual. It began in 2003. The more enlightened of us will shift into the new earth. One can choose to stay behind in the world as it is right now, with it's storms, volcanoes, human hazards, oil spills and the like, but to choose to shift will be an outstanding outcome. I'm not sure about this, and it does require more reading on my part. It didn't seem like she was talking about shifting into another dimension, but maybe?? My quest for understanding...the more I know, the more I know what I don't know. Patti
453 posts
Oct 14, 2010
9:32 AM
Thanks for the great links Mike.

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