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Oprah interviews Katherine

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684 posts
Oct 14, 2010
2:21 PM


Katherine & Joe Jackson Do 'Oprah'

Katherine and Joe Jackson sat down with Oprah Winfrey this weekend to tape a segment for O's show ... and TMZ has the first photos.


As we first reported, production trucks for Oprah's show were parked outside the Jackson compound in Encino for the better part of Saturday. In the photos, Oprah can be seen meeting with several family members and getting the tour of the house.

We're told the interview focused heavily on Michael Jackson (duh) -- talking about his life, his kids and the book Katherine put together about his life.

No word yet on when the episode will air.


685 posts
Oct 14, 2010
2:23 PM


Randy Jackson is Noprah on Oprah

Randy Jackson is outraged that his parents allowed Oprah Winfrey in the Jackson family home for an interview ... because he thinks Oprah tried to put his dead brother in jail.


Randy Tweeted last night that he was beside himself that Joe and Katherine Jackson would invite a woman into their home who tried to poison the jury in the Michael Jackson molestation trial.

Randy notes ... Oprah did a show on pedophilia during jury deliberations and, as he puts it, "That was no coincidence."

Randy goes on ... "She is the last person on earth he [Michael] would want around his children."

Randy says he had no idea the interview was going to take place and thinks his parents made a bad mistake.


456 posts
Oct 14, 2010
5:46 PM
Lets see how Oprah handled this interview. Up until this point she has shown herself to be somewhat detached on the subject of Michael. I do not expect that to have changed.

Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2010 5:47 PM
129 posts
Oct 14, 2010
8:42 PM
I heard that she had apologized sometime after the trial, but I did not see/hear it first hand. I tend to think Randy would have heard about it if she had ~
53 posts
Oct 14, 2010
10:14 PM
I think this is an interesting read too:

(sorry, couldn't copy the text)

"...be alive, be free, feel consciousness, subsciousness, being GOD..." MJ
689 posts
Oct 16, 2010
9:13 AM
Michael Jackson's fan base is asking for assistance regarding an Oprah Show with Lisa Marie Presley.

Please contact Oprah and inform her that timing is very important and that we DO NOT believe it is a COINCIDENCE that she is airing those two shows on Molestation the same week as her interview about Michael Jackson. We need to let her know that PROTECTING MICHAEL JACKSON’S NAME AND LEGACY AND HONORING HIS MEMORY ARE VERY, VERY IMPORTANT TO US; THAT MICHAEL JACKSON IS VERY MUCH LOVED AROUND THE WORLD; THAT WE ARE HIS VOICE NOW; AND THAT WE WILL PROTECT HIS LEGACY AND POSITIVELY DEFEND HIS HONOR, MEMORY, AND REPUTATION.

Details about shows next week are found at: http://www.wsoctv.com/station/4181056/detail.html

You may contact Oprah in these ways:

FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/oprahwinfreyshow

TWITTER: http://twitter.com/OPRAH AND http://twitter.com/theoprahshow

Send Tweets to @Oprah

Email Oprah at: http://www.oprah.com/contact_us.html

If you choose to email or tweet, PLEASE be civil. Do not yell, do not curse! We must act as someone who deserves to be heard or you will not be. Remember, when you email or tweet as a Michael Jackson fan, your actions impact Michael’s reputation and legacy....even if that's unfair, that's the way it is.

Thank you so very much!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

More Information on Oprah show about Michael from @Taaj2001 and @777MJ on Twitter (TwitLonger) at: http://tl.gd/6f08k5

Thanks Kim Bailey for your advice and guidance!!! Your LOVE for Michael shines brightly!!!
108 posts
Oct 16, 2010
9:27 AM
Hi Bonnie Has Michael Spoke to you about this issue I understand if you are not allowed to say publicly but I was just curious about it?
691 posts
Oct 16, 2010
10:11 AM
Hi Mike,

He has not spoken about to me about this. I think the fans are right to assist in any way they can to restore his good name. As long as the protest is peaceful.
77 posts
Oct 16, 2010
5:32 PM
I have written my email to Oprah and posted info on our site as well. Thanks, Bonnie for the contact info.
33 posts
Oct 16, 2010
5:46 PM
Winfrey's decision to air two shows about molestation the same week she airs a show about Michael proves she is not on Michael's side. I understand why Randy Jackson would be outraged. Where does it end?

Also, I'm thoroughly confused about Joe and Katherine's decision to permit this abuse in the media. This is most baffling. As parents, I would expect Joe and Katherine to express discontent concerning Winfrey's motives. As a parent, I would demand the molestation shows be removed or the airing about Michael. Choose. It can't be both ways. Winfrey is obviously expressing her opinion indirectly about Michael. If it were my son's reputation at stake, I know it would further compromise an already cruel attitude among the public and there would be conditions applied to the media. What is the agenda?

I also understand Winfrey's show is connected with AEG. I'm not 100% certain.

This doesn't feel right. I'm waiting for Katherine and Joe's response to another manipulation. It is my guess that Winfrey will not change her position.

I agree civility is in order if any communication is going to be made concerning anything about Michael.

Last Edited by on Oct 16, 2010 5:50 PM
492 posts
Oct 16, 2010
8:07 PM
Done deal. Here is my letter just sent to Oprah:

Dear Oprah:

As a Michael Jackson supporter who believes that he was innocent of the child molestation accusations leveled against him, for which he was 100% acquitted of the charges in a court of law, with a judge and jury, I respectfully ask you to PLEASE reconsider the timing of the upcoming shows you have with Lisa Marie Presley and Joe and Katherine Jackson. While you may not be doing this intentionally, the timing of your shows on child molestation issues coinciding with MJ related shows sends MJ fans and supporters a very clear and strong message. It also reinforces the molestation accusations against MJ in the public psyche. Please do not do this to Michael, his family, his children and his legacy.

Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter.

Most Sincerely,
Carmen Lozano
78 posts
Oct 17, 2010
4:00 PM

Very nice letter!

In my letter to Oprah I asked her to PLEASE be a voice for Michael and have Aphrodite Jones on to tell her story to the world about the manipulation of the press and how Michael's case was so corrupt by the legal system. I wished she would also do a show with the doctor (can't think of his name right now) the one that Bonnie you had videos of on here - that spoke of extraordinary amounts of good that Michael has done.

I hate that Michael helped out Oprah with the rare interview he gave anyone giving it to her early on to raise awareness of who she was and also helped about the boy with cancer and his family that later falsely accused Michael.

How could anyone ever trust again?

God Bless You!

Last Edited by on Oct 17, 2010 4:01 PM
694 posts
Oct 17, 2010
4:04 PM
Hi Sunflower,

It is Dr. Treacy. I like him too. He did say that he would stand up for Michael in court. I hope that he gets that chance.

496 posts
Oct 17, 2010
8:17 PM
Hi Sunflower! Aphrodite Jones and Dr. Treacy would make top notch excellent guests on Oprah! I very much agree. In terms of revealing how the media and press twisted things against Michael and in terms of defending him and standing up for his reputation and his character, they would do a fine job, in my opinion.

There was a time when Geraldo Rivera stood up for Michael, defended him and gave Michael a platform from which to speak. Where is Geraldo Rivera now, I wonder? I don't mean that unkindly or sarcastically; I really do wonder why he's been so silent lately.

There were undoubtedly many people who saw the goodness and kindness and generosity of Michael Jackson. Why aren't those people sought out by someone like Oprah and allowed to speak, to share their experiences and stories?

The shows featuring Katherine and Joe Jackson should be very interesting in terms of the questions Oprah asks, and the answers they both give. I'm curious as to how the show(s) will be edited. Editorial control is extremely important because editors have the power to change what a person says in such a way that an entirely different meaning or message is conveyed.


Last Edited by on Oct 17, 2010 8:18 PM
191 posts
Oct 17, 2010
11:33 PM
I will send an email to Oprah too today!

And I agree with you.
Time for a change.
198 posts
Oct 18, 2010
5:28 AM
Hi Bonnie,

I emailed Oprah today. I mentioned Tom Meseareu would be a great guest.

We can change the world, with collective positive thought.

With love, Jane
193 posts
Oct 18, 2010
6:15 AM
Just sent an email to Oprah.
Here is what I wrote:

Dear Mrs. Winfrey,
From friends I heard that you will broadcast shows on child molestation coinciding with interviews with Lisa Marie Presley and Katherine and Joe Jackson this week.
I am not sure if you are aware of the subliminal message there is/might be to the audience.
Recalling Mr. Michael Jackson was twice falsely accused of child molestation.
In 2005 he was acquitted of all accusation points in court.
The 1993 allegations were also faked and later it became clear that they were made to ruin his good reputation and compel him to do things he did not want to do. In both cases he was heavily humiliated.
Please consider this.
I ask you to please reconsider this in your program and take your responsibility you have in public.
All over the world Mr. Jackson´s fans and supporters work for his vindication. So do I. During my research about his life I found an only loving, caring, giving and honest man, a humanitarian.
He helped so many children throughout his life and throughout the world.
So I ask you again to please reconsider all of this and to please avoid ANY false subliminal message to the audience that he might have been guilty.
Please do not do this to him, to his children and family.
He was innocent!
I would suggest to show his charity work instead, as there is really a lot of which people were not informed after the accusations and the trial.
And to invite people who have summarized the facts of Mr. Jackson´s innocence and the false accusations.
To invite people who really knew his heart.
And still - there are a lot of questions concerning his untimely death.
The media seems not to be really interested in the truth about his death or has dared to bring up this part of his life very clearly.
Thank you for your time and consideration for my email.

Ute Wihelm
501 posts
Oct 18, 2010
10:23 AM
Beautiful letter, Ute. Your words and thoughts are very well put. Well done. :)
461 posts
Oct 18, 2010
10:28 AM
Yes. I agree with Carmen.Could not have said it better myself. Thank you Ute!

195 posts
Oct 18, 2010
1:36 PM
Hi Carmen and Irina, hi everyone,

I wanna say that I was INSPIRED by ALL of you guys here. I had two hard weeks and was simply not able before to post even a comment on the board not to think of an email to Oprah with such a message.
And what is additionally - English is not my first language. So you have to be more carefully in using the language.

I read your comments and emails and all you wrote here in the thread and to her.
I went to sleep with the really very, very deep wish in my heart to get the right words so I can send a message to Oprah too as this is so important to Michael.
When I awoke today the words just came floating....
I immediately got up and wrote them down, then to Oprah.

I am really very thankful for this - I know my spirit helpers supported me - and thankful for all of you here on the board!


Thanks to all of you!!
Thank you again Bonnie for your wonderful board. :)

It´s all for L.O.V.E

Last Edited by on Oct 18, 2010 2:15 PM
79 posts
Oct 18, 2010
4:15 PM
Ute - very nice letter.

I don't know what to think but, I reported on our site this morning that there was 8,966 comments on Oprah's site from fans that were not happy about her schedule this week. I have had dozens of people write me and tell me they sent their comment to Oprah and that was JUST our site - and, yet now there are only 8,968 comments or only 2-more. Plus, you can't read comments past 500 and some but, maybe that his normal. I don't know. But, for sure the count does not add up for end of day. It made me wonder if there was not really tens-of-thousands of comments as I know just from our little cross-section - there are people upset from all over the world with Oprah over this.

Any thoughts on this?

I really felt Oprah would pull that show today or have a comment at the beginning of the show. I watched to see - but, neither happened. Then I was pretty sad to see that this particular story was about a teenage boy and his parents and they were all like family with the child molester - or I believe that is how it started out. I could be corrected. I just know it seemed way too familiar and coincidental for this to be a mistake.

Of all the weeks that Oprah can run a show on child molestation and then she runs TWO!

I have people tell me they will wait and see what show is about on Thursday. However, I fully expect her to be really nice about Michael with the damage already being done by running the schedule of shows she has this week. She must think we can't see through this. And, I know she is not clueless.

I just don't get it. Any insight, Bonnie? Any idea how Michael feels about this?

Love to all!

Last Edited by on Oct 18, 2010 4:17 PM
699 posts
Oct 18, 2010
5:00 PM
Hi Sunflower,

I sent an e-mail to TMZ in hopes that they will investigate at least the tone of the interviews. The shows are not live, so it is hard to say if the placement can be changed at the 11th hour. I would hope that they will move the Lisa Marie interview to another more appropriate day.

I think Michael is happy his fans are standing up for him and I know he was happy about the school restoring his name.

199 posts
Oct 18, 2010
6:05 PM
Bonnie thank you for telling us about Michael and that he is aware of us standing up for him and the school uncovering his name.

With Love,

Last Edited by on Oct 18, 2010 6:08 PM
197 posts
Oct 18, 2010
6:25 PM
Hi Sunflower,

glad to hear about the fans´and supporters´numerous reactions concerning Oprah´s schedule and that there are so many of them standing up for Michael.
It is all too obvious why she is doing this.
I think she is following "their" agenda. We know who is ruling the MSM.
Seems that it is all about to try to cause further damage to Michael´s reputation and go on with the confusions around him.

Recall - the day at court - 10/26/2010 is standing before us.
And there is a lobby/MSM that does of course not want that the truth about them and their murdering Michael is coming out. They do not want light to be shed on it. This is all one company. They all have one and the same agenda.

i do not know why but I am so sure inside that this will end!
The whole truth will come out!
All of them - whoever and whereever they sit - will have to take their responsibility. Better they learn in time what this means. It is not a pleasure to have to do this for such bad things and even worse - doing them consciously.
This is a rule of life not mine.

I hope that all the efforts to change her program - and not only hers - will be successful and that in the near future the MSM MUST change their agenda and not only they...!!
We have to wait which shows will really be broadcasted.

52 posts
Oct 18, 2010
8:26 PM
Hi Bonnie,

I used your outline that you wrote Oct 16 @ 9:13am to send to Opera. I hope that was ok. The email seemed to go through ok.Here is what I wrote.

Dear Oprah,

I am very upset concerning the timing of your this weeks shows that include the segment on Michael Jackson. I discovered that you OPRAH are AIRING TWO (2) SHOWS ON MOLESTATION the very same week (this week) that you are AIRING THE SHOW ON MICHAEL JACKSON!

Please do not air the Molestation segments the same week as the show concerning our beloved Michael Jackson's memory.


Marlene Hoda

Last Edited by on Oct 18, 2010 8:34 PM
701 posts
Oct 18, 2010
8:36 PM
Hi Marlene,

I am glad you sent your thoughts to her. Just to clarify the interview with Lisa Marie Presley is current scheduled for this Thursday.

80 posts
Oct 18, 2010
10:12 PM

Thank you very much for your information and especially sharing with us Michael's feelings! I am overjoyed for him and his family in regards to the school.

I am actually also VERY happy that Oprah now sees that ONLY Michael supporters would be the ones to come out in such big numbers to contact the all-mighty Oprah. Please forgive me for the sarcasm - I am just really surprised that she went forward with first molestation show today.

The way I like to look at this is that maybe this is meant to happen to speed up the mission. After all, if this was just any talk show host and not Oprah - we could go on writing letters and boycotting sponsors for years. But, because this is Oprah - the light is on the fact that Michael's fans and supporters are not fading with time - we are growing. And, not just in numbers but, also with passion and a unified effort to stand up against those that wronged Michael.

Don't get me wrong - I am NOT happy that this has happened and have been rather upset. But, if there is a battle that needs to be fought - why not fight it upfront with the biggest and most powerful that tried to bring Michael down years ago?

I have randomly read many of the comments left on Oprah's site and I am very proud of the way that MJ supporters are acting like true "soldiers of love". In most part the comments are civil but also strong.

Ute, I thank you for sharing with me what you think is going on. It is so hard to wrap my heart and head around the concept that people just can throw a human being's (any human beings) life away like they did Michael's.

I have to share something funny with all of you - the past couple of days I kept having a craving for KFC. Anytime my daughters asked me what I wanted for a meal or to watch a game - I said "KFC". They were laughing at me reminding me that I had been hungry for this the past couple of days. Then I had some people on our site tell me that they were either very hungry for KFC or they had KFC. This was all in private and individually so it was not prompted. One of the girls told me that KFC was Michael's favorite. So, I wondered if maybe we weren't feeling like celebrating with him since the great school news?? :) :)

Bonnie - I love ya! (Just looked down and the first 3-letters of my spam prevention code is MJ5). I think he liked the KFC. lol

53 posts
Oct 19, 2010
12:28 PM
Hi All,

That is amazing to me that you brought up KFC pertaining to Michael Jackson. I do remember reading about Michael's favorte things, and one of them being KFC.

Two (2) nights ago I woke up in the middle of the night and smelled fried chicken, then some time later I woke up and smelled perfume! I remember smelling perfume, but I don't remember what brand the perfume smelled like. For instance if the perfume smelled spicy or sweet. I don't know what time it was that I woke up because since I moved at the beginning of the month to a new apartment I haven't programmed my clock in my bedroom as I have been concentrating on more important tasks. I ripped the mussels and a tendon in my left arm lifting heavy things and haven't been able to do much. I'm going to my Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist and can now bend my arm and almost straighten it, but I have trouble with pain. Hence the not typing much on this message board lately.

Anyway... Waking up in the night and smelling ANYTHING has never happened to me before that I can remember. Could it have been Michael? I'm not sure, but it is weird you (Sunflower1111) all of a sudden mention KFC pertaining to Michael. I don't know if it is possible to smell things from the other dimension, but there is not another explanation for the smells that I could find. I ate out the evening before this happened because it has been hard to cook with one arm. Thank you for the information Sunflower. I am in shock!

Do you have any thoughts on what could of caused this Bonnie? Could it of been a Ghost, or even Michael?

Lots of love,


Last Edited by on Oct 19, 2010 12:46 PM
82 posts
Oct 19, 2010
1:08 PM

It is so exciting to get on here and see things that we share alike in regards to things that are mysterious to those of us that do not have answers like Bonnie does.

I will be checking back for her answer. Oh - and, Bonnie . . . please let Michael know I have a KFC just down the street if he wants to come over for a bucket with me he is MORE than welcome. :)

I have experienced smells before that was discussed on here before. I have NO DOUBT my grandma's homemade cinnamon rolls were catching the attention of my senses on her birthday one year!

132 posts
Oct 19, 2010
2:54 PM
This sounds fun! Can I come too? KFC even has 'grilled' chicken now, for those who can't eat lots of fried stuff, but I admit..it's just not the same.

Sunflower1111, I think you're right about the uncovering of his name at the school, and the joy, excitement & love he must be feeling about it. Fried chicken is exactly what he'd want! I'm just so happy he's still around to know about it!

Thx for shareing this very heartwarming but 'greasy' sensory experience with us.

94 posts
Nov 02, 2010
1:40 PM

Doubt if the kids know what Oprah did to their father. But, Katherine and Joe know - so, I don't get it.

Sorry, Michael. Love you!
95 posts
Nov 02, 2010
1:42 PM
You know . . . as far as calling Michael "paranoid". He FEARED for his life and the safety of his children. Guess he was right - UNFORTUNATELY!

Sorry everyone that I have not been very positive in my remarks the past few times.
208 posts
Nov 02, 2010
2:23 PM
Hi Sunflower,

I agree with you.
This is even beyond disgusting and nauseates me.

I am sure that Michael´s children do not know the real Oprah. cause if yes they would not have shared a second with her.
And I am sure that they do not know that Oprah will broadcast a report about child molestation some days right before this interview.
The intention is clear here!

I have no more words about such scrupulousness and ugly demeanor of this - sorry my expression - individual.
I really must hold myself back here to not get totally angry.

I absolutely do not understand Katherine and Joe.
The estate will not change anything! Branca and co. are absolutely not interested in the children´s well-being.
They are only interested in themselves and in abusing Michael´s material for selfish purpose and greed.
MONEY is the "magic" or better the lethal word.

The estate must be taken out of their hands by a non-corrupt court and judge!
Proof is evident! We need not to be a graphologist to see that It was NOT MICHAEL who signed the will if it was the latest will at all, of which I am sure it was not!!!
So one must be absolutely blind or corrupt to not see this fake!

I even go that far and claim this interview is intended to raise confusion - as they always did around Michael to get what they wanted from him - about this album so people will go and buy to listen to it if it is really Michael singing.
And of course..."the poor children..... who had to suffer by their paranoid father and who now go into life for the first time....."
"How good that they got rid of their paranoid father" is what is implied here (please excuse my sarcasm here).
Oprah supports their agenda.
Recall also - they know that there are a lot of people out there who boycott Sony and will not buy this album.
So this foul game is in plain sight.

Sunflower, your reaction is totally okay. I can understand you.
Being myself someone who loves peace and harmony I really have difficulties to hold myself back here.

Bonnie, sorry, I hope it is okay for you what I wrote down here.
If something is not okay I will delete it - just tell me.
I had to let it out.

Love to all

Last Edited by on Nov 02, 2010 2:46 PM
67 posts
Nov 02, 2010
7:07 PM
Hi All,

Oprah is the "RAINMAN" like in those videos on this message board entitled "The Music Industry Exposed." She will do anything to have it "RAIN MONEY" on her.

I agree with you Sunflower and Ute. She is disgusting and will never preserve Michael's memory and good name. She seems to have a vendetta against Michael and doesn't want him thought of in a good light.

She likes to get people to talk about Michael's addiction and not the cause and the fact the Doctors and his "Inner Circle" are the ones that did this to him.

She should leave the Jackson family, especially Michael's kids alone!

I'm not going to watch Oprah but will wait till Bonnie puts the information on this board.

Love You All,

96 posts
Nov 02, 2010
8:45 PM
I think Oprah does this for TWO REASONS;
I think she is so jealous of Michael Jackson she just can't help herself. She wants to have the most fans in the world. She wants to be known as the "most charitable" person in the world.

She will NEVER out-give Michael in ANYWAY! Michael never depended on "sponsors" to give for him and he take the credit. He never advertised his giving like she does ALL the time. Her jumping up and down getting all excited giving cars, trips, and the like to people makes me sick.

The second reason I believe she does this is that she is someone who is working with the evil forces to keep the "drug-addict" and "child-molester" stories alive.

She is a powerhouse bully just like the rest of them.

As far as Michael's parents . . . I hate to say anything about Michael's mother because he loves her so. It just seems to me that as soon as she got her hands on his kids - she did EVERYTHING the opposite of what he did with them.

I was thinking of his children on Halloween and wondering what their lives were like now not able to trick or treat with their dad or at all.

I believe they are doing so well right now because I know how much all of us get to feel Michael's love and have his direction - so, just imagine what he is giving to them.

If anyone had any doubt about how Oprah felt about Michael before when she did 2-molestation shows - they should not have any doubt now with TWO-HUNDRED men that she is bringing forth that have been molested in a show right before the Jackson interview!

Have you noticed NONE of these 3-shows have been about molestation period - it has been SPECIFICALLY about boys being molested. WOW - could you be more obvious, Oprah??

Ute - I think you were very mild in your comments. I know I am holding my tongue big-time.

Mar - she is the "RAINMAN" and always has been! Now, she is just so full of herself that she does not mind doing it openly.

As far as the will - the MJ fans can pull together and BEAT any politician in their race. We need to be VERY wise, organized and THEN we will have results.

I still don't understand why Katherine and Joe did this? All I can think of after all the things that they have done against Michael's wishes in how he raised his children - is that they are mad at MJ. Maybe that stage of grief or something. I just really can't wrap my brain around this.

When I was looking at Oprah sitting outside around the table with the family - I felt sick thinking about Michael sitting their and in that VERY chair most likely at one time or another.

I also noticed the kids were focused on what was being said to Blanket and Joe and Katherine were "taken" with Oprah - appearing to be hanging on her every word.

When Oprah heard LMP say that Michael told her that someone was going to kill him - WHY DIDN'T SHE WANT TO GO AFTER THIS STORY??? Oprah ALWAYS goes after the story.

Well - thanks for letting me write a book here, Bonnie. Had to get it out!

With love for Michael and his children!

Last Edited by on Nov 02, 2010 8:46 PM
69 posts
Nov 02, 2010
9:47 PM
Wow Sunflower! Great job bringing out so many truths concerning Oprah, and her conniving moneymaking ways! Not that her employees and the producers are innocent in contributing to the attempt to rune Michael's reputation through their manipulation and lies.

I wanted to reiterate what I wrote in another post. I ask that everyone VOTE at the website below to let your opinion be known:


The Pole asks if Oprah having the Molestation episode on the same week as the Jackson interview is (inappropriate) In-O-ppropriate - - Yes or No.

Thanks again Sunflower for the wonderfully informative the thought provoking post.

If you get a chance read some of the comments on this site (above). Comments like: "Oprah throwing MJ under the bus again, from the grave...." and "I hope this is just sensational gossip..just in case it isn't Oprah you are risking losing a lot of fans..some of us haven't forgiven you for your previous remarks."

I few are not worth reading, but a lot of support for our cause.



Last Edited by on Nov 02, 2010 9:59 PM
20 posts
Nov 03, 2010
4:09 PM
I know and understand, it's time to set the record straight and Ms. Katherine is going to be doing it ( and Oprah got a big audience ). I'm just afraid of her choices sometimes now, how it will work out to good at the end. I hope Michael can influence his Mother somehow now. May God help always!

Ms. Katherine all she was doing - defending her son. But what Oprah will do, after the interview, as far as Editing?
The design scheme is clear: to portray Michael as a drug addict and.. you know what else ( even don't want to write it! ). In an interview where Oprah was clearly asking leading questions to Presley. Imagine what Oprah can do, with the use of MJ's children?
I got chills when saw her on pics near Michael's children!

She is such disgusting creature... Oprah.. Want your pot of gold? Need the Midas touch?
Bet you sell your soul..
Cuz your God is such...

Money... Lie for it..
Spy for it..
Kill for it...
Die for it...
So you call it trust
But I say it's just
In the devil's game
Of greed and lust
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money..

Oprah is clearly showing envy and hate for Michael, airing these molestation shows, and then interviewing Michael's children.

And this article using ''paranoid'' word makes me so furious. Disgusting, twisted, terrible world we're living in. Jesus! How long it all goin' to continue?!

Oprah is serving the darkness..

"Wherever Your Treasure Lies. There Also Your Heart Will Be".

We shall send to Michael, his Mother & his Children a lot of Love & Prayers all the time, please.

Last Edited by on Nov 03, 2010 4:15 PM
752 posts
Nov 08, 2010
8:58 PM
Oprah interview with Katherine Jackson
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Last Edited by on Nov 09, 2010 6:03 AM
522 posts
Nov 09, 2010
7:44 AM
Did I miss it or was there no mention of the upcoming Sony album in this interview? At least the three-segment version I watched did not have it. Wonder why???

Plenty of focus on the drug issue though. And the ever present m-word question.

It was great to see the kids speak for themselves though.

Addtl note:
One again it was refreshing to hear the children speak so well of their Dad and be let in on the knowldege that Michael was, in his private life with them, very much a regular person, who would go about his day caring for his family much like the rest of us.

Michael's parents also made sure to present a united front here.

Last Edited by on Nov 09, 2010 8:26 AM
523 posts
Nov 09, 2010
8:36 AM
Yes, sadly, none of that was brought up here, Bonnie. But then again from all that we have observed until now there is nothing to be surprised by here.

Oprah show would not allow itself to be the forum for that kind of controversy. I feel Katherine would have better chances on Larry King.

Yes. It was all really done to promote Katherine's book.

I did not get a positive vibe from Oprah. She seemed very "robotic" in her manner of conversation with Katherine. She was just methodically pushing all of Katherine's buttons on the subject of Michael's passing.
I really felt bad for Katherine having to deal with Oprah's matter-of-fact approach here. Personally it really bothered me.

Last Edited by on Nov 09, 2010 8:37 AM
21 posts
Nov 09, 2010
10:21 AM
I feel like this interview just shouldn't have been done.. and the way it was... :(
526 posts
Nov 09, 2010
10:27 AM
Moonlight I agree. What bothered me the most is that the way Oprah's questions were structured the answers from Katherine fed the "drug addict" scenario. This aspect bothered me the most.
38 posts
Nov 09, 2010
10:38 AM
I have been observing and researching and still remain thoroughly confused and extremely annoyed. First, the Jackson's are obviously comfortable with Winfrey and the exposure, regardless of the outcome after editing.

Bonnie brings up the fact that there is no mention of Sony, AEG, the Estate or the civil and criminal cases.

Jackie Jackson is promoting his album like wildfire. Meanwhile, he mentions that John McClain is his "good friend" on Twitter. What? I'll bet NO one can give a reasonable answer to THAT one. No one. McClain is obviously a terrific guy. I don't know whether this should be perceived as sarcasm or truth.

Nothing, absolutely NOTHING is adding up regarding any conspiracy or murder regarding Michael's death. There is zero concern on that subject with the Jackson family, so what are we to conclude?

Well, it's on Twitter. John McClain is a good friend. Count him out. Michael's will must be valid ... or convenient for the estate. OR, is there much we are not being told?

To date, Conrad Murray remains free to continue his occupation as a physician even though the use of propofol is beyond unethical, it's criminal. Any other physician would have been prosecuted by now. (WHAT investigation???) The amount of time that went by before 911 was called is of no consequence. The unprofessional way CPR was 'performed' on Michael is of no consequence. The carelessness in the will, including misspelled names; Michael in N.Y. on 7/7/02 NOT L.A., (when the *will* was supposedly *signed* by Michael Jackson) - I could go on and on. You get the idea.

What is being withheld from all of us?

Silence speaks louder than words.

Last Edited by on Nov 09, 2010 10:43 AM
39 posts
Nov 09, 2010
11:02 AM
Correction ---

Jackie Jackson: "My friend John McClain (co-executor)......"

Whether it's "good friend" or simply "friend" is insignificant. It simply needed correction for exact quotation.
514 posts
Nov 09, 2010
3:29 PM
Hello to everyone. I’m at home today, recovering from a cold. Since I have some time, I’m typing my thoughts and observations regarding the interview segments after I watch each segment.

Oprah is professional in the first segment. Some would say she’s detached or indifferent, but I respect her ‘detached’ approach so far. It may seem cold, but it’s professional. She admits that she has never had children and therefor does not understand some things that a mother feels, senses and knows about her own children; Katherine herself feels, senses and knows things as a mother because she is one. Oprah’s detachment may partially stem from not being a mother herself. I give her credit for not faking tears or emotion if she has little or none to express here. This interview is business for her, and we know this.

Regarding the June 25th segment and film footage, Oprah’s voice over comment about Michael being unconscious when the paramedics arrived is inaccurate. Michael was pronounced dead on the scene by the paramedics, who said he was flat lined. They wanted to call Micheal D.O.A. (dead on arrival), but because a doctor was present (Murray), they had to acknowledge and respect his authority. Murray performed CPR on a dead body. The official report from the paramedics was released online within a couple of months after Michael’s death. Within that report or around the time of its release was the information that lividity had set in by the time the paramedics had arrived.

Lividity refers to the pooling of blood to the areas of the body where gravity pulls it after a person had been dead for some time. It sets in after 3 -5 hours of death, which means Michael was dead for at least 3 -5 hours by the time the call was made to 911. Don’t expect Oprah or any other MSM show to cover this or investigate it. It’ll never happen.

It was also noted that areas around Michael’s ankles and wrists (and/or under his arms) had had markings or changes in color, indicating that his body had been moved after death and after lividity had started to set in. Don’t expect that to be covered or discussed, either.

Katherine is contradicting Frank Delio’s statement that he himself was the one who broke the news to the family about Michael’s death. Here, in this interview, Katherine states it was Conrad Murray himself. Murray stuck around long enough to tell Katherine Michael was dead, but he left BEFORE signing the death certificate, which was signed by LaToya Jackson, if I recall correctly. He would not sign the document and left town for several days. I believe it was LaToya who was among the family members who identified the body, and I believe she signed. I could be mistaken about her signing the certificate, but someone with some authority or family relation had to acknowledge Michael’s body and his death.

Regarding Michael’s surgeries, I think that was a highly sensitive topic for him, and he either lied to the public about it (for the sake of his privacy and perhaps as Katherine said, due to some reluctance to admit some things), and he may have had other issues going on mentally and/or emotionally that plastic surgery was compensating for. And yes, Katherine is correct about plastic surgery being highly addictive for some people. Responsible surgeons will interview and assess potential clients and candidates for surgery BEFORE performing it, to make certain that the patient has REALISTIC expectations and does not expect the surgery to immediately and automatically make him or her a happier person.

If someone is unhappy to begin with and has deep underlying issues that belong in therapy or professional counseling (which I think applied to our dear Michael), then all the plastic surgery in the world will NEVER make that person happy. If, as I previously speculated, the Illuminati programmed Michael in some way to alter his appearance, then that would possibly explain to a certain degree his compulsion to alter his appearance to the degree that he chose to do so.


Just finished watching the second video segment. Oprah shows no real warmth, depth of feeling or compassion here. She’s going through the motions of doing her job.

Katherine mentions that “someone” told the children about Michael’s death. That “someone” may have been Delio.

Her love for her son and continued devotion to him comes through.

The segment about how Michael changed after the trial was interesting. Katherine said Michael used to be so trusting before the 2005 trial. Before she finished her sentence, I found myself thinking “too trusting at times,” after which she confirmed that Michael was indeed too trusting for his own good. He was taken advantage of.

I wanted to tell Katherine as I watched the video that “yes, Michael is still with you.” He’s with you in spirit.

It’s good to know that the children are adjusting to a new and more socially active and normal lifestyle. It’s very important that they have normal social experiences and the chance to grow up in ways that Michael was not allowed to. Michael’s social development was tampered with, hampered and limited due to his fame, hard working lifestyle from age 5 on up, and increasing celebrity status as he went from his mid to late teens to his early twenties. That’s my personal opinion and observation, in any event.


The final segment was actually very nice. Oprah seemed more involved in her interaction with the children. It was nice to see and hear Michael Jackson, Jr. I (Prince), Paris and Michael Jackson, Jr. II (Blanket) on camera, interacting with Oprah and their cousins, and to hear their voices and listen to them speak in their own words. It’s also good to know they are making friends. Michael did not understand friendship until he was about 25, according to his own words in an interview he gave back in 1983 to “Entertainment Tonight.” Social skills and social development are crucial. Michael paid dearly for his craft and for what he gave to the world.

I hope with all my heart that his children get to experience some of the things - normal average every day things - that he himself did not and could not.

Thank you, Bonnie, for posting the videos. A part of me did not want to watch them as I have been extremely disappointed in Oprah, and because I want to honor Michael’s wishes for his children’s privacy. I don’t care to feed the media machine by watching videos, buying tabloids and magazines, and clicking on Internet links that involve exposing (aka exploiting) his children.

Then again, I do think the Jackson children, in general, really don’t mind the exposure. Families in show business understand the value and need for publicity. Michael himself may not have wanted or needed certain things, but his relatives and children are another matter all together. Prince and Paris are going to want and need press and publicity for the career directions they (at this point in time) intend to go in. They’ll discover the downside of that. . . “in due time.”

42 posts
Nov 10, 2010
5:01 AM
Carmen. Again, thank you for bringing up this highly important information (Michael) and your thoughts on Oprah. You are quite observant when it comes to body language, tone of voice and emotions. It comes with the territory.

ALL people should be questioning the mysterious circumstances regarding Michael's death. What you have to say in your comment is how it is noted.

By law, depending on the state, only a physician, coroner or police officer (rarely) can sign a death certificate. No family member is qualified to sign a death certificate, only identify. This in itself needs to be brought into question. Why did Murray run off? Why was he permitted to, especially after such obvious criminal behavior? Waiting 3-5 hours to call 911 is not only criminal, it's suspicious. Why didn't ANY physician pronounce Michael deceased in the hospital and take charge and sign the certificate? What prevented them? A possible legal ramification? Most bizarre!

Here is to wishing you a very speedy recovery.
534 posts
Nov 10, 2010
11:58 PM
"Regarding Michael's surgeries..."

I hope I do not shock anyone by what I am posting here.

Some may recall Michael's channeled message and his explanation about the Egyptian symbolism in his work.

In all that I have been led to understand about Michael I feel that he took inspiration for his appearance from Ancient Egypt as well.

It may seem just coincidental or too far fetched. But I do believe this to be synchronicity at work and that it's not an accident that Michael's facial features are reflected in this image and that people have picked up on it.

Perhaps this was an attempt to communicate to the public about this aspect of himself. There's definitely a strong possibility.

"Visitors to Chicago's Field Museum could swear thats Michael Jackson's face on a 3,000-year-old Egyptian bust.

The spitting image limestone sculpture has been on display at the museum since 1988, but recently started drawing attention because of its likeness to Michael Jackson.

Unfortunately the bust, which was carved sometime between 1550 B.C. and 1050 B.C., is of a woman.

The statue, which was not on view at the museum for almost 100 years, now resides near the exit of the "Inside Ancient Egypt" exhibit -- and has been bantered about on the blogs recently. "I have no idea whether Jackson ever visited the museum, but the similarity between the limestone statue of a woman -- which is about 3,000 years old -- and Jackson is astounding," said a museum spokesman.

• • A history note: The limestone bust, which went on public display in 1988, was carved during the New Kingdom Period (1550 B.C. to 1050 B.C.); the same time period as Ramesses and King Tut.

• • The shocker: In 1993, Jackson, whose face was then virtually identical to the statue, cut a video titled "Remember The Time," which he sets in ancient Egypt -- during the time of the Pharaoh Ramses. (In the video, actor Eddie Murphy plays Ramesses. It also features Magic Johnson and Iman.)

• The curiosity: The nose of the ancient Egyptian statue, which has been in the museum's private collection since 1899, is disintegrating. "

Additional article here:

Last Edited by on Nov 11, 2010 1:38 AM
519 posts
Nov 12, 2010
10:29 AM
I meant to thank you yesterday, Irina, for posting the link with LaToya's comments. I just finished reading it during my break at work.

While I don't automatically take everything that LaToya or any Jackson family member says at 100% face value, and acknowledge that people can be misquoted (and often are) by the press, I get the general tone of LaToya and her beliefs in the article.

Michael DID have at least ONE true friend in the world, and that was and remains Elizabeth Taylor.

Regarding prescription medication addiction and/or abuse, I think Michael had an ongoing problem with that issue over the years, and as I speculated previously, I personally believe that those who wanted to get rid of him - including THEM - used Michael's vulnerability in that area and exploited it. The end result is Michael being accused of being responsible for his own death.

THEY had this all figured out for a long time, I suspect.

Thanks again, Irina.

MMM, I'll respond to your post later today. My break time is over.

542 posts
Nov 12, 2010
10:43 AM
Hi Carmen,

Caroline Graham, the author, did a follow up interview about this article on Larry King Live. Do look it up on You Tube. Personally I feel that what she wrote is valid information.

You may also want to listen to Teddy Riley's recent interview concerning the release of the new album. It was posted by Jane(Roxy). Do listen to the whole interview as Teddy touches on the subject of drugs. I feel he describes the situation fairly honestly. And he does not in the least paint an addict.

(There is another interesting article of Garoline Graham's I came across. It is about This Is It. I will post it shortly. )


Last Edited by on Nov 12, 2010 10:46 AM
22 posts
Nov 14, 2010
12:10 PM
Mrs. Katherine should have declined the interview or at least focused on the good things Michael has accomplished...
I feel uncomfortable and don't want to be tough on Mrs. Katherine, remembering how much Michael looked up to her and loves her, and how much pain and pressure she have on her shoulders now.
I wondering about people who surrounding her now ( Howard Mann, Mark Schaffel, etc... ) and their influence.
She knows the truth and said it on Dateline. ( Her comments on the subject matter during the Dateline interview completely contradict what she said in the Oprah interview. )

They have no clue about his insomnia? No clue about the autopsy? Yet they make vague comments about addiction.
He reached out for help in a desperate need of a good sleep.

Michael did the best he could under the circumstances he was given in all his life.

Michael was with a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he was sued left and right and there was very little time to rehearse.
On top of that AEG and others were on his back threatening him. He was under terrible pressure & stress and couldn't sleep, thinking about it all, being surrounded by all those snakes like Thome Thome, Randy Philips etc, who threatened him also with taking Neverland away from him.
( Thome Thome was making threats to Julien's Auctions that there will be bloodshed; his history is shady and Michael himself got to know it and fired him, as well as others. )
Randy Philips said that - ''This Is It'' is a do-or-die for Michael, and if he won't perform, he will carry him on his back and put him on stage.

Michael had project upon project to work on, not to mention he had to be a Father.

How can one be all that, with so much on his mind and heart that he couldn't shut them off a bit from thinking and feeling and continue to live? Where would he get the energy? How was he going to make it the next day for his children?

Do people really understand the problems of Sleep Deprivation?

( Everytime a member of the family has come out when they have said that he was addicted, they also say that they never saw him take anything, and so on. They made an Assumption only. )
And I have a feeling that whatever "interventions" happened, that they were trying to intervene in order to get Michael on board for their tour, to get him back with the brothers...

I will take Michael's word and Medical Fact over hearsay by people who have only "heard" things and have made assumptions to fit what they want to believe.
Family members have come out saying they believed he had a problem, and yet for most they hadn't seen him in years.

So many things needed to be said that weren't said. Things that people don't know about..
Michael is such a big world with such a big and good lovely heart and he dedicated his life to enriching the lives of people and children.
His beauty shining out from him so much and his incredible loving and caring unique personality.
The conversation could have been directed, by Mrs. Katherine to Michael's philanthropy, his excellence as a father, his perfectionism as a musician, and many other areas. And to listened to him on the many occasions when he said his goal was to keep his children out of the public eye and respect his will.

Michael, I hope you remember and know always - how Much you're Unconditionally Loved :) Beautiful Angel :) You're not alone and understood very very well. Always by your side... :) Love you & Care SO MUCH.
God Bless you all eternity! <3

Last Edited by on Nov 14, 2010 1:04 PM

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