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Norad Officer Predicts UFO Display on 10/13/10

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679 posts
Oct 14, 2010
9:21 AM

Disclose.tv - Norad officer predicts huge ufo display 13.10.10 Video
680 posts
Oct 14, 2010
9:33 AM
Something still unknown was flying over NYC on 10/13/10
682 posts
Oct 14, 2010
10:36 AM

Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2010 10:41 AM
455 posts
Oct 14, 2010
11:16 AM
In the third video from the top the Russian guys (aside from tons of expletives!) are saying there are about-fifty something craft in the air at the time of their filming. There is more to the conversation as well...

Last Edited by on Oct 14, 2010 5:49 PM
688 posts
Oct 15, 2010
12:15 PM

Source: http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/44216/
30 posts
Oct 16, 2010
1:50 AM
Thank you, Bonnie. You have been keeping vigilant on this subject.

I've seen 3 unexplained objects that I can recall. The most influential one being in Ft. Carson on post housing.

It was August '88, and I received a tingling sensation up my neck with an message to 'go out the back and something fantastic would be seen'. I can't explain how I received the message. Telepathic? I ignored it at first, then I ran to the back after a stronger message of urgency.

I saw a huge, glowing red orb gliding across the sky. It was a soft glow. No sound at all. Beautiful! As it passed by the quarters, the red orb went out and 2 small white lights were seen end to end where the red orb shut down.

Now ... what is very amusing about this incident is 2 Air Force jets must have been called out from nearby Peterson AFB, as they were following in pursuit over Cheyenne Mt. - NORAD.

I'm very glad I called the 13-year-old to view it, as I couldn't believe what I was witnessing and wanted another witness to this gorgeous (and amusing) display. The 13-year-old never forgot the fascination of all of it. Why I got this 'message' - more like a feeling with words, I will never know. The years '87 and '88 were filled with incredible paranormal activity in my life when my husband was stationed in Korea for a year. Oddly, he had an experience in Korea also. Many experiences were condensed into a one year time frame.

As for the prediction by the retired NORAD officer, I feel these aerial displays are only a small introduction. I believe there will be more. He said by the end of 2010, we would be exposed to more sightings than ever before. That remains to be seen.

As for the disarming of nuclear missiles, I nod my head in full agreement. These missiles are everywhere, not just in America. The gentleman in the first video is absolutely correct. There is no 'security' in these vicious objects of destruction. It serves no purpose except to incincerate life and cause insurmountable suffering to the survivors upon launching, including the decimation of Earth. I say let those who have so much hate in them fight with sticks and stones. Better yet, stop all of the insanity.

Security is PEACE and acceptance of all cultures. It is only the extremists who are determined to cause needless death and damage to Life. Unfortunately, many of them are in positions of trust.

Personally, I celebrate any communication and intervention these Beings can provide for a better life structure on this planet. If there were any intentions of harm, they would have done it well before now. We have been watched throughout the eons, not the other way around. It is our governments that would destroy, not the advanced Beings from other dimensions; other worlds.

Replace 'fear' with 'concern' and the whole perspective changes.

Watch the film AVATAR again with all of the new knowledge and open heart. It is quite revealing.

Danke Schoen!

Last Edited by on Oct 16, 2010 1:58 AM

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