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119 posts
Nov 02, 2010
7:13 PM
I was curious what does it mean when you are in a relationship and you and the person you are with say or do the same things at the same time more then once on a lot of occasions and also notice the bad weather around you clearing away is it like that person is the "one" that you belong with and does it just go to show how powerful love positivity is?


Last Edited by on Nov 02, 2010 7:16 PM
68 posts
Nov 02, 2010
8:59 PM
Hi Mike,

To me, it depends if you believe our lives are predetermined and events follow a map in which experiences are governed, or if you feel life is a series of coincidences.

I think in order for events to be "planned and predetermined" that would mean your lives (including the significant others in our lives) are thought out down to each thought before we were born; including our actions, and events.

I think rather that you are describing "Serendipity."
I believe that we can choose how we handle situations in our lives. I believe in free will.

This does not mean that a gifted clairvoyant cannot predict our futures, or that astrology does not play a part in the outcome of events in our lives, but rather that we have a "free will" to change those events and therefore our future.

That is my belief concerning Destiny, Coincidence, and Fate. Does that make since Mike?


209 posts
Nov 02, 2010
11:32 PM
Hi Mike, hi Marlene, hi everyone,

just jumped in.
I would like to add here that there is also the possibility that we might have met our twin flame that is the mirror-image or identical other part of us.

But it is not always necessarily the case. It could happen with a soul mate or someone from your soul family too.
Or even with a soul where you have to dissolve karmic entanglements.
It is said that twin flames recognize each other immediately - whereas sometimes not immediately but after some time.
The whole subject here is very complex.
I started some time ago to delve into it but have it all not yet that detailed like I want to have it.
There are helpful books about this topic, well explaining and giving an idea of it, but we should not simply take in each single word.
As there is also an evolvement of understanding.
So there might be some other or additional information in understanding the twin flames issue than before.
However - the relationship between twin flames and their task(s) are a really special and unique one.

I came across this small book written by Elizabeth Clare Prophet:
"Soul Mates And Twin Flames - The Spiritual Dimension Of Love And Relationship" .
Each time I read it or part of it I understand more.
There are also other good books that are far more detailed.
There are books from people who describe and tell their experience and there are good links in the internet.
Simply look @ Twin Flames/Soul Mates - there you can find some interesting

Maybe this helps a bit too.

Best wishes

Last Edited by on Nov 02, 2010 11:54 PM
511 posts
Nov 03, 2010
8:20 AM
hi Mike,

Sounds like you are happy and on top of that you have some heightened psychic ability, which I recall you have shared with us; so when you are pretty well "in-tune" with that person you care about, and who maybe a good match for you, this kind of synchronicity does happen. Many well-matched couples experience this kind of connectedness.

Best Wishes,

Last Edited by on Nov 03, 2010 8:22 AM
120 posts
Nov 03, 2010
10:20 AM
Thanks for pointing that out Irina and it it happens so often and I wasn't aware that thats what I am doing thanks;).Also thanks Ute for the information it is greatly appreciated.


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