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Conspiracy Theory - Worldwide Water Conspiracy

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49 posts
Dec 04, 2010
4:45 PM
Thank you for posting this, Bonnie. I came back to the message board after seeing your Twitter message - Police State episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air. I hope you give a direct link to this enlightening news regarding the censorship of concentration camps by Mr. Ventura. It's quite real. Removing the information from viewers is blatantly evident that something is in the works. Mr. Ventura needs our support, not our silence.

The information I gave in the topic *Consipiracy Theory - Police State* didn't seem to make any worthy impact. My guess is most folks viewed it as a personal vendetta rather than a crisis in the making to every American citizen. It's exhausting.

Michael Jackson attempted to alert the people (who were open to his messages) about many machinations concerning our governments. Sadly, to many, these warnings are either being ignored or people remain in denial due to embracing fear rather than courage. This is exactly how the control and empowerment is emplemented. 'They' depend on apathy ... the flag, baseball and apple pie.

Analogy: speed limit on a highway escalates from 30mph to 40mph, 45mph to 65mph. END.

I hope people will view the information Mr. Ventura works so hard to get to all of us with dedication, before vast censorship becomes the norm. As I stated in my post November 30th, we are over 300,000,000 strong in America. Vigilance focused on the military is essential. There will be some good people in uniform that will refuse to treat Americans as enemies. Unfortunately, the majority will 'obey' and do as told. They are trained to follow orders, not apply individual thinking and actions. To put it mildly, for the most part many have been desensitized.

Thank you for keeping us current about Jesse Ventura's fight for We The People. And ... yes ... our water is being used as a tool to harm. Water is one among many. Food, pharmaceuticals, etc. Just search the word FLUORIDE and the wise choice would be to buy non-fluoride toothpaste as one way to avoid its harmful effects, especially on young children. Brushing with fluoride DOES NOT prevent tooth decay. Ingesting it promotes decay along with other seriously damaging effects, including death. The contamination of food, water, linen, medicine, vaccinations, etc. is epidemic.

ALL questions and comments on this message board require compassion and critical thinking. It isn't a popularity contest, it's intelligent dialogue.


Pastor Martin Niemoeller said it very well:

They came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Last Edited by on Dec 04, 2010 4:56 PM
240 posts
Dec 04, 2010
6:57 PM

just jumped in for a short moment.

As for private reasons I could hardly post anything on the board.
There is a lot information to catch up for me and to post.
My time runs very short at the moment.

I want to add that I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ON ALL , MMM!!

What you experienced and describe here and what you and some other fellow boarders posted, and you in the Conspiracy police state thread -is, what I have been watching for some time now all over the globe.
Starting to establish a police state, probably followed by martial law by pretending an alleged terror danger (that is created too - but they make people believe it) , IF we do not stand up ourselves for JUSTICE AND - OUR GOD GIVEN RIGHTS OF LIFE AND LIBERTY - WHO ELSE WILL DO IT IF NOT WE OURSELVES????
But I also see so many people preferring to look another path - I do not want to judge them - the path of ignorance and neglectance. Maybe for reasons of fear, in any case for reasons of brain wash, confusion, manipulation all over the years.
I want to mention here again what I posted in another thread - one of some words we learned about the"program" for the Germans after World War II - it is "Demoralization" so we would not be any longer a danger to the world. And they made people believe that Germans are only dangerous and cruel people. They nearly reached their goal.
But they will not. As there are a more and more freaks like me out there (people call me sometimes that way but I can live with it).
It will not help to hide ourselves. It will only help to face the truth and do something about what is surfacing.


David Icke wants us to be aware of having the above mentioned rights - and more - and that we do not need to claim them at any authority here on Earth.
I posted one of a serial of videos in the "Brilliant David Icke" thread.
I recommend to REALLY LISTEN to his lecture and to what else he has to tell us.
This is really important now! We can learn so much from him. And he is just so brilliant and makes his jokes too. So he also tries to take away fear from his audience.


Michael forewarned us of all that is showing up now.
In my Michael lectures (in the whole context) I try to bring across people that we do not need to be afraid of anything , that we can work on fears as they are not of our origin but artificially created for a certain purpose. And sometimes I add the words that I learned:

"Where there is fear there is no love, BUT: WHERE THERE IS LOVE THERE IS NO fear ( see how fear disappears when there is LOVE).

Michael was afraid - he was alone mostly. But he was SO COURAGEOUS - for humanity, for all of us and our planet to have saved it and ourselves.
Therefore I decided to follow his example. We can really make it.
It is not really hard if we stick together as ONE in Love and Peace.
We understand him now more than ever and we should stick together, harmonize all around the world and so bring Love and Light back onto our Earth.
We are so many and together we can make it.

When you listen carefully to Michael´s "Man In The Mirror" either in the LEGACY thread or in the CHILDREN OF THE WORLD thread you will hear and see what Michael is pointing out to.

Some words: "You have to move yourself. You have to lift yourself, brother. You know it, you know it, you do, you do!
Just lift yourself, brother.........Why don´t you dare brother, why don´t you dare sister???"
He nearly screams into the microphone. It is a REAL CALL TO US!!
Munich Concert 1997)

From "CRY" : "You can change the world - I can´t do it by myself.....
I need somebody´s help!..."

HIStory song - also listen please to what he/others are saying at the start and the end of the song on CD. If you watch the HIStory tour version, pay carefully attention please to all the details. Irina pointed out to some of them but there are a lot more to find.

"They Don´t Care..." ( police state ).
Or "Blood On The Dancefloor" - here is also a part where he repeats several times "...there is blood on the dancefloor.." and last time he repeats it he is also nearly screaming these words to us to make us aware of these ongoings, to awake us and forewarn us.
All the songs are posted on the board.

Dear MMM, thank you for your own post and for posting these words of truth from Pastor Niemoeller.
I would like to change some of the words and hope he does not mind:



To add:
One line from Michael´s song "Little Suzie":
"........NEGLECTANCE CAN KILL"..." (see above ols.).

Last Edited by on Dec 04, 2010 7:15 PM
241 posts
Dec 04, 2010
6:58 PM
......and THANK YOU BONNIE SO MUCH for posting all this valuable information.


Last Edited by on Dec 04, 2010 7:15 PM
526 posts
Dec 05, 2010
12:57 AM
Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing this excellent series of videos by Jesse Ventura once again.

MMM, thank you for your post in the other thread regarding prisons and profits. I did read it and absorbed it while absorbing those particular "Conspiracy Theory" videos - which, according to your post, have been taken down. Please don't take the lack of response on my particular part personally. Sometimes, I just read and don't respond. Sometimes, reading is all I have time for. And I agree with you; this board involves sharing, which means reading and posting. It's not a popularity contest.

Speaking only for myself, there are some threads and topics I have not read or gone into because they either don't interest me, or I want to do my own research and learn some things by myself, without any other outside influence. I choose my own teachers when it comes to some things. We all have that right. I also sometimes don't agree with some of my fellow posters here regarding some things, and since I don't have the time or the interest in engaging in a proper back-and-forth discussion (on those topics), I prefer to say nothing.

I have read your posts, MMM, and I am very pleased to do so and to learn from your personal experiences. They are always shared respectfully. I am, unfortunately, finding myself increasingly pressed for time.

Ute, you write with passion, enthusiasm and always from the heart. :)


Last Edited by on Dec 05, 2010 1:00 AM
50 posts
Dec 05, 2010
2:22 AM
Hi Ute: Thanks for the feedback. It's never a dull moment when it comes to Michael's lyrics and the messages he gave in words, action and art.

It's still a battle when it comes to the perception many people get about Germans and Germany. I have heard the term "war-like" so many times. (???) Living in Germany and experiencing their joyful culture is an adventure I will never forget. I miss my family, the atmosphere, the castles, carnivals, museums, parks, zoos, etc. So much! The label comes from WWII. It's unfair. I wish everyone could experience a few days in Germany and get to know the wonderful people, the gorgeous Garmisch (pro-peace, art loving King Ludwig) castles AND the haunted ones across the land. I've had some paranormal experiences that still give me chills. Memorable days!

You are correct in seeing these odd schemes happening worldwide. The clues are right in front of us. I don't know where Germany's items are coming from, but in the U.S., almost 100% of our 'goods' have -Made in China- on them. I often look at each item I buy to see where it's made. There is hardly any -Made in America- on anything.

Hello Carmen: I'm sorry for appearing to come on so strong in my thoughts in typing. (Blush.) I know what it feels like to be drawn to some titles and reading more on some subjects than others. That would be quite a deed to read absolutely everything! Bonnie must have her days (and nights) full. Free will is imperative. No one should have to feel it's mandatory to comment on everything. The message I was attempting to relate is that we must stay alert to the subterfuge that is happening to all of us. Most certainly, everyone on Bonnie's board has great information to give and interesting questions. It's all about learning and taking action. As Yoda said: "You must unlearn what you have learned." ;-) That is what I mean by - it's exhausting.

For the record, I buy water made in Canada when I travel (never by air). I wonder if it's any different.


Last Edited by on Dec 05, 2010 2:31 AM
30 posts
Dec 05, 2010
7:08 AM
One thiing I really respect about Jesse Ventura is he is not simply focused on one aspect, one conspiracy where there is the risk of localization and turning inward. He steps back and looks at the global scale. So many things in there intensity up close seem seperate and unrelated, but when you pull back you have to wonder. The timing of things, and the uproar of the moment severs the connection to the entire sphere. What jesse does is take us back a step to place the issue he is looking at in the timeline and timetable to other things going on, and what could appear to be just another theory, now makes logical and terrible sense.
614 posts
Dec 05, 2010
12:49 PM
Nice to see you back here. Glad you are still keeping tabs on the developments on this board.

Thanks for your great posts and for bringing up some very good points.

Not ignoring all of the critical information that is posted in The Conspiracy threads- just trying to view and process it all.
So just want to thank you for keeping us informed.

Very motivating and inspired words as always.

I agree this is a board of sharing,, whether it involves feelings, perceptions or factual information. This is also, at least to my best understanding of it, a board of love and acceptance.

And I do wish more people will start posting again. It maybe, same as for myself, that there is a lot to process right now as these are very difficult realizations to swallow.

Love to All

Last Edited by on Dec 05, 2010 1:02 PM
617 posts
Dec 06, 2010
3:12 AM
Just finished watching the videos posted above. CORRUPTION, THIEVERY, PILLAGING AND GREED AT ITS WORST!!!

The visuals of the drained lakes and the water bags being dragged across the ocean are painful to watch and are just simply mind-boggling.

The idea of sterilization of the population through the water supply is the old fascist agenda in a new format.

It is ironic when Jessie says that even "our enemies" are stealing the water from this country. I feel he is a bit off on that one, in that we have been taught that these our enemies. IN TRUTH THERE ARE NO ENEMIES WHEN IT COMES TO THE MIGHTY GREED AND PROFITEERING. From everything we have learned so far THE GLOBAL ELITE ALL WORK TOGETHER ACROSS THE BOARD TO MACRO MANAGE ALL LIFE ON THE PLANET.

Question is - what is the best course of action to counter all of this?
Although we are many, judging from the information in the Police State videos - the government has prepared itself for a response to any sort of uprising and it is not the sort that puts diplomacy first. It appears to have been planting itself firmly into the "do as I as you are told or else" position.

Last Edited by on Dec 06, 2010 3:27 AM
52 posts
Dec 06, 2010
10:07 PM
Irina! You hit it spot on! "Enemies", the type that propel people into wars, don't truly exist. They are created. This isn't to say there is depravity in humanity. There are plenty of psychotic individuals, but they are in the minority when it comes to premeditated violence.

The best we can do at this point is remain vigilant. I know it's not easy, but it's the only way to stay informed and ready.

I am recording every Jesse Ventura Conspiracy episode on DVR now. He's amazing.

In Unity,
619 posts
Dec 07, 2010
8:12 AM
I cannot embed the video from where I am right now.
But here David Icke does a pretty good job of putting it all in perspective:


What he says is very relelvant to the what we are discussing above.


Last Edited by on Dec 07, 2010 9:45 AM
620 posts
Dec 07, 2010
9:50 AM
621 posts
Dec 07, 2010
12:00 PM
Another take on being vigilant and aware.
This time by Wes Penre:

edited to add:
I am doing the same with saving the videos.


Last Edited by on Dec 07, 2010 12:09 PM
54 posts
Dec 07, 2010
6:40 PM
OH ... Hey! David Icke is not only a very courageous man, he is a superb orator! I have a new website to enter and research. David Icke.

David mentions London as being controlling. I've recently, in the last few years, made the connection between England and the U.S. Constitution. The 'laws' are very similar and definitely archaic. It's as if there never was a *real* independence from England. I suspect this is true. The Vatican also is deeply involved in these $ecret $ocietie$ David talks about. Dan Brown did good work in telling his version in The Da Vinci Code. Not so fictional.

All people are working on their own levels. Life. It's essential to have people like David to come forward and speak the truth. Sadly, too many people choose to remain in conformist mode. Consequently, this permits the suits, uniforms and congregations to maintain and further their vast amounts of manipulations; whatever that control is meant to convey and apply.

Now to research Wes Penre. Thanks, Irina.

626 posts
Dec 08, 2010
10:14 AM

What David and Wes are really talking about is the Power of Intention. As consciousness we are energy and we can chose to create and project positive and negative vibrations and wave frequencies with our thoughts and emotions. As consciousness we are part of a greater whole and as such we can have a mass impact with the emotions we intentionally put forth.

This is also a major point brought up by The Connection in Bonnie's book. There are other writers, such as Dr. Wayne Dyer who speak of this.

Here is something from another author Dr. Lynne McTaggart who works with the Power of Intention:

The Intention Experiment



The Clean Water Experiment


Last Edited by on Dec 08, 2010 10:19 AM

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