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Conspiracy Theory- "Gulf Coast Oil Spill"

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804 posts
Dec 13, 2010
7:25 AM
59 posts
Dec 13, 2010
8:23 PM
The exposing Mr. Ventura provides in this episode is more than serious. The lengths these parasites will go in the name of money is astounding. Criminal is too simple a word to describe the machinations of this pure evil that is permitted to desecrate this planet and all inhabitants. I can't be kind in my description.

When I viewed this episode, I felt ill. It seems that each day brings something new to learn. One thing is certain: governments can't be trusted no matter how benign they sound and act.

This is an episode for all people concerned about the welfare of our future, especially our children and grandchildren. We are in the midst of diabolical plans. Technology should be used for progressive advancements. For the greater part, technology is being applied against Earth in the most vile, negative ways.

Technology is at a stage where those in power could have had all this oil and hurricane (HAARP) mess well in control. This never had to happen, except that it serves the few evil ones.

We must wonder: what happens to these dark souls upon departure from this existence?
142 posts
Dec 14, 2010
10:01 PM
I believe these dark souls as you mention part of the Illuminati way to control individuals and feed fear in to people and it also makes me wonder what happens to them after their time is up.


Last Edited by on Dec 14, 2010 10:02 PM
162 posts
Dec 15, 2010
11:04 AM
I could not have said it better, Irina. In the highest order of things, these entities may be playing a role that's necessary, while difficult at best, for us to comprehend. They're providing a kind of 'grist' for the mill, or catalyst for our own awakening and higher consciousness. Having studied with Byron Katie for years, I've learned that when I can see and/or experience violence, greed, lack of empathy, outrageous injustice, betrayal, and on and on, outside of myself, it must dwell 'within' myself somewhere....but only always! Where have I been unjust, greedy, violent (in my thinking), etc. to myself or others? I can always find it inside myself when I've done the 'Work'. This concept can be a tough one to swallow at first, but I do always 'find it' to be true. This of course does NOT justify or excuse in any way the behavior & incomprehensible travisties perpetrated on humanity by these people!

It seems to me that on some level all of this plays a role in the ushering in of all the good that's coming. It's possible that all the perpetrators, and all the victims have agreed to play the rolls they are playing for a much higher good to follow. I know nothing for sure of course, but this has been my experience. Sometimes these concepts are helpful when I get so deeply outraged, hurt & lost in what appears to be reality out there, including, of course, what continues ALL around Michael!

Maybe I just needed to write all of this down to remind myself! I would never assume that anyone on this board is not already familiar with these concepts.

Love to all ~
652 posts
Dec 15, 2010
11:41 AM
Thanks so much Chaturi for rounding out the thoughts I posted. Greatly appreciated.:)

143 posts
Dec 15, 2010
2:43 PM
This good transition you mentioned is this the real December peace on earth good will to all in 2012? Also I believe the oil disaster is an example of the dark and light forces at work.


Last Edited by on Dec 15, 2010 2:55 PM
85 posts
Dec 15, 2010
9:45 PM
It is believed by some that there have been strong energies being released throughout the earth, and the last outporing being 12-12-10.

The Mayans, the Hopies, and even the Illuminati have a knowing that there will take place, at some time in the future a major cataclysmic geophyisical event (This really has nothing to do with Dec 21 2012), it could happen anytime from now to 2015. I believe there is truth when people say the earths poles are shifting. I do not trust NASA when they say nothing will happen. The truth is, yes, nothing could happen, but something could. So, in short, these energies that are being being released, and when this so-called cataclysmic event does happed a ton more of this energiy will be released, and if we hadn't been recieving them in little bits all along, we would not survive the major surge of energy that will come in the time of this "event".

I'm not saying I totally believe this, but I do keep an open mind to all things. Take from it what you will...

Here is a video that talks about it more in detail...Not sure how credible she is, but talks about these "energies" in the video.

It's all for love...L.O.V.E.
665 posts
Dec 21, 2010
11:07 AM
Just came across this wonderful quote and thought it would be a great message to keep in mind as the Holiday season is upon us and the new year approaches:

"A mind at peace, a mind focused on not harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe." -Dr. Wayne Dyer

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