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Radio tonight - Stirring the Cauldron at 6:00pm PT

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830 posts
Dec 30, 2010
4:31 PM
Hi Everyone,

I will be on Stirring the Cauldron tonight at 6:00pm PT. Join us at www.para-x.com.

See ya there!
254 posts
Dec 30, 2010
6:45 PM
Good show. Nice to hear from The Connection and their 2011 message.

Hope you are feeling better.

Hugs to you Bonnie,

Happy New Year Jane
682 posts
Dec 30, 2010
6:53 PM
I missed it.
Is there a recording?
Will you be posting the message from The Connection here?
565 posts
Dec 30, 2010
7:04 PM
Hi Bonnie! I listened to the entire program and your segment was the high light for me. It was interesting to hear the parallels between The Connection's predictions and guidance compared to the first guest's astrological predictions. Overall, this was a good radio broadcast. Thank you for the heads up!

831 posts
Dec 30, 2010
7:05 PM
Hi Jane and Irina,

Here is the message:

Date: 12/28/10

To: The Connection

Question: As we communicate today it is just a few days before the New Year. Can you provide some information for everyone on what is coming up in 2011?

Answer: To Bonnie and those who hear this message both now and at what you would refer to as a later date. Remember that all messages are in the NOW. They are not linear in nature and have no time. We do understand your question and your desire to know what is ahead. There is no doubt that challenging times are ahead and it is your choice to rise above these challenges or to have them hit you over and over again. It is a time to simplify your material surroundings while stepping up your personal responsibility for your own experiences. NOW more than ever before you have the ability to create what you experience. Be very careful with your thoughts. There is no room for doubts. Know that you are safe and capable.

You may feel that time is getting shorter and shorter. Pay attention to these feelings. Do not put things off that you have always wanted to do. We are not talking about buying material possessions. We are referring to life experiences. Get very clear on what you want to experience. Do not live your life by avoidance and fear. Find joy in every small moment and cherish those moments while setting intention to create more of them. It does take action as well as intent to move you forward.

Do not depend upon others to make your dreams come true. It is truly a time for everyone to focus on themselves. You may see friends and family fall away. Do not judge them. Not everyone will understand. Do not worry about them, they will catch up with you in their own time and place.

Sit quietly and ask yourself this question: What do I want to experience in this moment? Visualize the entire experience. Get as much detail as you possibly can. Be on the lookout for like-minded people to appear. Stand up in your truth and integrity and do not be afraid of the future. It is yours to create.
683 posts
Dec 30, 2010
7:59 PM
Hi Bonnie,

Thank you so much!!! for posting the message. And Thank You to The Connection! I was hoping that they will come forward with additional messages and am so glad they have decided to do so at this time:)

I agree with The Connection about the time getting shorter and shorter. I have been feeling as though I am in a kind of vortex with time speeding up more and more over the past number of years; and this past year, at least for me, just sort of vaporized. It went by at warp speed. I am wondering if others here have experienced this too as some people in my immediate environment do not feel the same.

Some "friends and family falling away" and like-minded people appearing - I would say I have been experiencing this too.

Interestingly the advice about watching ones thoughts I have been putting to the test since I have heard The Connection over a year ago and it most certainly works.

As I see it the main message is to be less materialistic and more spiritually attuned to oneself and to the immediate surroundings and to be clear that one is truly in control of ones experiences here in this time / space. Really great practical and magical advice there.


Last Edited by on Dec 30, 2010 8:02 PM
255 posts
Dec 31, 2010
9:49 AM
Bonnie I was hoping you would post the entire message from the Connection. Thank you!

I agree Irina, I do not know where 2010 went and I am very HAPPY to be moving into next year. The discussion about 2010 and how it was a difficult year for many resonated with me.

The Connection also said to simplify our material surroundings. That was an eye opener for me. For the past couple of months, or since my Mom passed over, I have been getting the same guidance from my higher self. I want to simplify and remove the clutter. My husband and I have been having many conversations over the past months on how to do this. I realize less is more and will give us more freedom to live our lives and experience. As Dr. Wayne Dyer says, I am in the sunset of my life, so I have to get living and doing.

Thanks for the message Bonnie! Happy New Year everyone.

With love, Jane

Last Edited by on Dec 31, 2010 10:09 AM
835 posts
Dec 31, 2010
3:11 PM
Hi Everyone,

If you missed the show last night, here is the archive.

147 posts
Dec 31, 2010
7:15 PM
I am listening to the recording and its really inspiring the message and the watch your thoughts and the more good you focus on will come forward and it sure is true I am discovering some things I can now do and have that I didn't have before like the being so in tune with my relationship and its really awesome.;)


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