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836 posts
Jan 01, 2011
9:13 AM


In the summer of 2010 I was approached by a very unusual man. The story of that contact is described by him in this interview. I've called him 'Charles'.

He's spent many years working for the elite group that considers it their responsibility to run the planet.

He's not an academic, a historian, or a scientist. But he wanted to communicate some important information: about the worldview and philosophy of this group — from their point of view: what they're trying to achieve, why, and how. What he wants to see is what he calls a 'Fair Contest'.

There's a great deal of material that was not covered in this interview. It is, to some degree, the start of a dialog. The group of 33 that 'Charles' works with is indirectly using this opportunity to communicate. I've reported this communication as accurately as possible.

As is normal journalistic practice, some of the information was asked to be off-record at this stage. As you watch this interview, you will see that there are a great many unanswered questions. I'd like there to be a further interview. But any decision about this isn't mine to make.

For me, the second half of 2010 has been an interesting time. It's culminated in this opportunity to communicate indirectly, through this video and through 'Charles' himself, with the group of people who are running the planet.

This is what I would like this opportunity to say:

I understand the history and context that 'Charles' has explained — some of which is in this interview.

But there is another way.

If you are to be the true leaders of the planet, you can be the captains of Spaceship Earth with a responsibility for the entire Human Family.

There can be a massive clean-up operation. You know that the technology exists. Between us all, this can be done.

Clean water, clean air, clean oceans, free energy, abundant wildlife, health and education for every human being.

Planet Earth could be a paradise planet — a model for this sector of the galaxy.

The Human Race is a massive, long-term experiment.

This information, confirmed by yourselves via 'Charles', will not be new to many of those watching this video.

'Charles' has explained that the extraterrestrial race who initiated this project are letting everything unfold with a philosophy of non-interference.

It is arguable that the optimum conclusion for all — an outcome that would delight those whose project this is — would be for the Human Race to take responsibility for itself: and show just what they can do.

Your legacy to remain for time immemorial, here and elsewhere, could be:

We cleaned up the mess.

We inspired and funded the world's brightest and best from every nation to work together to solve the problems.

We fully restored this beautiful, magnificent jewel of this solar system.

Look what we did.

When the entire Human Family, organized, focused, and under inspired leadership, worked together — to show just what could be done.


Also in this interview:

* How I was initially approached by Charles because I had become a 'problem'.

* The plan to create a false flag event to present the ETs as dangerous enemies.

* The plan to reduce the world's population through the control and distribution of food.

* 'Planet X' and dangerous solar activity (both are real - but are not show-stopping threats).

* The ET project to create and optimize a new genome - which is the human race on this planet.

*This is the first time in the history of the human race that we have got our hands on ET technology - which was never part of the plan. There were no accidental UFO crashes: all the craft were shot down - at first by a 'lucky hit', and thereafter deliberately.

* The legacy of the controlling group, and why they feel this is their responsibility.

* The way the controlling group functions, and considers its role: some of their codes, protocols, and 'rules'.

Note that this group is NOT the Illuminati. This is a Council of the 33 most senior members (defined in a specific way) of each of the 33 bloodline families on the 'inside'. The controlling group does not have a formal name.

My intention is to suggest to the controlling group in the strongest and most courteous way I can that there is another way to go. I want nothing less than to change the timeline of the human race.

And to do that, the shift in consciousness that will be required needs to extend from the very lowest to the very highest strata of society. Now that 2011 is upon us - and here we all are still standing (and in the process becoming wiser, more aware, more responsible, and much better informed): I ask all of you reading this, and watching the video, to join me in a vision for Planet Earth in which every human being, no-one excludes, plays their part in creating.

Bill Ryan
1 January 2011

260 posts
Jan 02, 2011
2:21 PM
First of all I want to thank you sharing this poignant information with us. Once I started to listen I was hooked and didn't stop until I finished. It kept me on the edge of my seat!

This is really a frightening scenario and beyond imagination. This seems like a plausible plan and controlling our food supply would be an easy way for the 33 to reduce the population on the planet.
I am going to listen to it again and try to wrap my head around it. It left me feeling pretty hopeless. I live in an urban environment and don't grow my own food! I didn't clearly understand which Continents would be affected. I know he mentioned you might be safe in Brazil and Africa would not be a good place to be. But when Bill asked about Europe or America I didn't understand the answer Charles gave back. Could you clear this up for me? (Although they talked about the Georgia Guide Stones and said it was a manifesto which has an inscription: Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.) That is not many people so maybe I just answered my own question.

I will be looking forward to Bill Ryan's follow up and see if he comes up with a brillant plan. His opening dialogue and message at the beginning of video at least gave me a sense of hope.

Thanks again Bonnie. I can't say I enjoyed listening to the video but glad I did.


Last Edited by on Jan 02, 2011 3:32 PM
694 posts
Jan 05, 2011
9:49 PM
I have listened to this one and the little voice in me said not to completely trust Charles. Bill yes. He has pure intentions, but not his subject.

Charles just seemed too vague on many a statement of his and today I happened on Kerry Cassidy's written blog response to this interview and I happen to side more with her assessment.
172 posts
Jan 08, 2011
8:56 AM
I agree with you on this Irina, and thx for the tip about Kerry Cassidy's blog. It is all so fascinating, and at least it's providing a needed distraction from our re-opened emotional wounds aka premature scab removal, provided by the hearing.

Love to you & all,
711 posts
Jan 09, 2011
6:35 AM
You are welcome Chaturi and I agree with your comment concerning all that we are witnessing now with the hearings.
Not sure if you've tried listening to Kerry's radio show. She has some fascinating discussions on there as well.

Thank you. Bonnie has been posting relevant interviews from Project Camelot for a long while now. Bonnie has also directed many of us here to the link a while ago.
Thank you Bonnie for this!
There is a lot to explore on there. I am still trying to catch up from the year before.

With Love,

Last Edited by on Jan 09, 2011 6:43 AM
889 posts
Jan 10, 2011
6:43 PM

On 1 January 2011 I (Bill Ryan) published a controversial interview with a deep insider - whom I called 'Charles' - who had worked closely for many years directly for the group of men that were controlling the planet. I called it RULERS OF THE WORLD.

In that interview, 'Charles' confirmed the following:

* The reality of the plan to set up a false flag event to frame the ETs as hostile.
* Full details (with a rationale from the controllers' point of view) of the plan to reduce the world's population.
* Confirmation that the human race is an ET genetic project.
* Confirmation of ET reality, and the reality of their craft.
* A statement that the ET craft had been brought down deliberately (after one or two initial 'lucky hits' in the 1940s).
* Confirmation of the existence of the Mars base, and that we're poised to leave the solar system.
* Confirmation of the existence of the back-engineered man-made flying triangles.
* The existence of the controlling group, with details of their composition and modus operandi.
* Confirmation of artifacts on the moon, and confirmation that Arthur C. Clarke knew a great deal.
* Confirmation that there's anticipated to be a peak of solar activity that might interfere with electrical circuits (in 2012 or 2013).
* Confirmation that the solar system is a binary system (i.e. that 'Planet X' is a reality).
* Quite a bit more - about the way that the insiders operate, their goals and plans, and how they think.

In this 50 minute video commentary, Bill Ryan answers a number of questions about the interview, Charles' background, the ET genetic project that is the human race, and much more.

Last Edited by on Jan 10, 2011 6:44 PM
739 posts
Jan 12, 2011
8:35 PM
I listened to Bill's follow up here as well. Interesting that Bill pointed out something that was relayed to him and I feel is a validation for me as I have always thought it to be so all along; and that being the human race as one big experiment and this planet Earth as the petrie dish. Personally I never did believe we evolved from monkeys. Although we seem to share certain commonalities, have not seen one monkey evolve into a human yet. So I am completely in agreement with this point.

Again on the whole it sounds like the ball is in the court of the human race and we are being monitored to see where we shoot. Interesting how some things are revealed to us through the medium of Hollywood movies. Certain aspects presented to Bill sound very close to the premise in the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still". At least to me it does.

Of course we know "the ETs as hostile invaders" premise has been played out many times by Hollywood. In other words we are being programmed or conditioned to accept this possible reality if and when it comes to be. Interesting.

Although what is being put on the table this time is worth considering, if one grasps the bigger picture being presented. However I do still wonder if "they" are being entirely on the up and up with Bill, only because of the way the information is being conveyed.

Just thinking outloud here Bonnie. Hope you are Ok with it.

Last Edited by on Jan 12, 2011 8:46 PM
197 posts
Jan 26, 2011
12:43 PM
Good one, Irina! Thank you. This a a perfect article to give to those who may be suspicous I've become a Right Wing Radical/conspiracy theory junkie. It's really just another example of labeling people, without taking time to learn the real facts. hmmmm...sound familiar? Sadly...


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