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58 posts
Feb 21, 2011
5:26 PM
I read today where John Branca is appealing to the fan sites to assure them that he is acting in the best interests of Michael's children with regard to the catalogs. Perhaps I have become jaded as it seems as if there are no hard truths when it comes to MJ. Everyone has an angle. The first thing that popped into my mind was why was he doing this? Does he need the fan base to support his actions/decisions? Another question is why is that Klein, bloodsucking leach that he is, not being implicated in some way for any of this? It is not any secret that anytime Michael went to "Dr. Klein" he was out of it by the time he left, yet he gets away with it.
Bonnie- on another note altogether, when someone is trying to contact you, it is like a whisper in your head? Do they try to get your attention with something concrete first? A scent, a significant object placed so you can find it, that sort of thing, and after they get your attention, is it a whisper, or do you actually see something?
Thanks for everything, as always
982 posts
Feb 21, 2011
7:00 PM
Hi Patti,

I guess I am jaded too. Perhaps this is damage control for Katerine calling them greedy and that she and the children are the estate not the attorneys. Perhaps all things flowing to Sony and the new album being nothing more than a token to unlock an agreement has them worried about the sales.

They are all putting on a show. You could not make this stuff up and be believable, yet they do and they are believed by many. I still hold out hope that the truth will come out, but it will not be pretty.

Regarding my process, it can be all of what you mentioned. I would not use the word whisper but a telepathic message that I hear in my head would be more accurate of my experiences. Scents and objects have come along with this work as well. I will also get visuals in my minds eye and some times I will actually see something.


Last Edited by on Feb 21, 2011 7:01 PM
820 posts
Feb 22, 2011
9:07 AM

There seem to be as many versions of the Michael story as there are people (friends, acquaintances, collaborators, employees, aids, etc.) that are going on record and talking about him.

Oh, and lets not forget the Estate of course. (sigh)

Last Edited by on Feb 22, 2011 9:13 AM
18 posts
Feb 22, 2011
9:51 AM
Hey Irina - I would say gray for me. All the will stuff is a mystery and the signature on there. (Basing on that as well but that's just me, my opinion)Nothing makes sense and all of this is happening...all too fast.

Last Edited by on Feb 22, 2011 9:51 AM
822 posts
Feb 22, 2011
9:59 AM
Yes, I agree. Nothing makes sense to those of us who do not buy the concocted "story" (i.e. big lie). There is much effort being put into it.
Typically the bigger the lie the more difficult it is to keep it all straight. Perhaps this is why nothing makes sense.

Last Edited by on Feb 22, 2011 10:00 AM
59 posts
Feb 22, 2011
3:18 PM
I wish MJ had stayed in Ireland. Coming back to LA was his death sentence.
Mr. Lopez's death was the deal breaker for me. I still cannot accept that no one is willing to connect the dots to all of the related deaths, accidents, disappearing money, songs, sudden wealth and disappearing debt.
Since people just don't want to accept the outright truth, someone has to come up with another way of delivering the message. For example The Daily Show and interest in politics. People watched, it was outrageous and funny yet the message was delivered and the interest was created. More young people voted in the last presidential election that ever before. Thanks for listening.
985 posts
Feb 23, 2011
10:12 AM
Hi Everyone,

There will be more deception as we get closer to the trial. We already know they plan to blame Michael to get Murray cleared.

The question is: Will the people who know the truth band together and come forward. I have heard several reports that Michael left messages or told people close to him who to investigate in the event of his death. This is out to the scope of the current trial. If they do not come forward there will be no justice or truth. I understand that they are scared but there is safety in numbers.

306 posts
Feb 23, 2011
3:07 PM
I understand their fear, look no further than Peter Lopez. I wouldn't be surprised he is one Michael confided in and he got to close to the truth. I agree with you Bonnie. I hope the others come forward and join the Jackson family who have talked pretty openly about a conspiracy.

60 posts
Feb 23, 2011
5:52 PM
The mainstream news seems to be a willing participant in this fantastical effort being made to confuse the issues and truth regarding Michael's murder. In another unrelated article I was reading I came across this: It was Samuel Taylor Coleridge who said that if a writer can weave human interest and a semblance of truth into a fantastic tale, many readers will disregard the implausibility of his narrative. We call this principle "the willing suspension of disbelief". It explains things so well don't you think? Just enough detail to make it seem like it could be true, yet woven with utter crap. The former Nanny is saying that the Jackson children are in support of Murray? Why does this absolute junk even get published? I hope with all my heart that those friends and aquaintances of Michael who know the truth find the courage to come forward.
May the truth come out AND be reported as such.
206 posts
Feb 23, 2011
6:50 PM
Thx Patti,
Do you recall where it was said that the former Nanny is saying that the children are in support of Murray?That just does not compute at all! At least Janet Jackson, who has been interviewed in depth several times recently by different people on MSM, has said she believes Murray is guilty, as does the rest of the family, from what I know.
825 posts
Feb 23, 2011
7:06 PM

All that has preceded this trial and the trial itself is set to be a controlled event. The MSM is poised to report the "cover" story.

The urgency here is to bring the public's attention to all that has been blatantly ignored and not brought into the spotlight by the MSM either before or during the upcoming trial proceedings.

The question is who within that entity still has some semblance of conscience left and is willing to let the truth come out. They must certainly be aware of the controversy surrounding Michael's death as the Internet is abuzz with it. The estate certainly is, as they appear to be continuously employing divide and conquer strategies to get people off their tail.

But at this juncture I would not sit around waiting for the MSM to suddenly have a change of heart and report the entire story unless, in one fell swoop and overwhelmingly, pressured to do so by Michael's fans and supporters.


Edited to add:
And those who supposedly were given information by Michael personally certainly owe him that much for sticking his neck out and trying to make a difference all the way to the bitter end.

Last Edited by on Feb 23, 2011 7:22 PM
623 posts
Feb 23, 2011
7:26 PM
Hi pebuck42.

"The first thing that popped into my mind was why was he doing this?"
Most likely because there have been MANY Michael Jackson fans and supporters raising their eyebrows and asking the SAME questions. Branca has a liason whom he goes through, apparently, to reach Michael's fans when needed. This liason may or may not be the same person who posts on the SONY board with insider info regarding upcoming albums and the authenticity of the newly released music. There IS such a person out there who communicates with Michael's fans, but I don't know if that person is the same as "Jeff" who relayed the message for Branca.

Regarding the analogy of the 'shady' characters in Michael's life and the 'gray scale' spectrum, I consider Branca CHARCOAL. He's not black, but he's mighty close to it in my book. Same with Tommy Mottola. Both men worked for Sony and one of them continues to have professional ties to Sony, so I'll say no more.

Speaking only for myself, I do not consider this trial to be the beginning, the middle and the end of the fight for true justice and the truth to come out. For me, personally, it is only the beginning. The real work begins AFTER Murray's trial - for me.

Regarding Michael's associates knowing about a list of his enemies, I recall reading online that Michael had what was referred to as a "hit list" and an "enemies list," which came from Dieter Weisner. He gave an interview on "ET" (Entertainment Tonight) shortly after Michael died. I found some links to post which might refresh your memories. Please keep in mind that Michael and Dieter had a falling out after 2003 and Mr. Weisner sued Michael in 2007. They eventually let the lawsuit go. Speaking only for myself, I don't personally completely trust Mr. Weisner. If he has publicly stated that he believes Michael NEVER had a problem with prescription medications, he's lying, as the very foundation of his lawsuit against Michael involves Michael's issues with prescription medications and his judgment having been impaired at a time when signing contracts with Mr. Weisner. He needs to be consistent and to keep his stories straight. Let's see if he's willing to stand up for Michael and stick his neck out once again and publicly and openly present Michael's list of enemies.

Lisa Marie, Michael's former wife, would also know whom Michael feared, as she mentioned his concerns and fears in some of her past interviews regarding the "shady characters" who surrounded Michael during her marriage to him.

LaToya and Jermaine Jackson have both repeatedly dropped hints alluding to knowing who was behind Michael's death. Neither one has been specific.

I think it's very important to keep in mind that suspicion, circumstantial evidence, allegations, accusations and an "enemy list" are NOT, in and of themselves, PROOF of anything or any wrong doing. The people who may know things, such as Dieter Weisner, LaToya, Jermaine, Lisa Marie, Debbie Rowe, etc, will have to be able to back up their statements and accusations with PROOF.

The people and powers behind Michael's death are sitting with deep satisfaction, I think, because Michael's fan base is extremely divided; they've been manipulated and emotionally blackmailed; and some, such as Pearl Jr, are making documentaries attempting to prove Michael is still alive. Amid all this, we as fans and supporters each may have our own suspicions, but the only people whom we can talk to and relate to about this are fellow fans and supporters. We are, in a sense, a rather isolated group, unable to reach and convince the general public that conspiracy was involved in Michael's death.


Friday 18th September 2009 - 11:07:34

Michael Jackson had a secret hitlist of 'enemies' he wanted his closest associates to be aware of.

The King of Pop's former manager Dieter Wiesner has revealed the late star wanted certain ex-friends, like spoon-bender Uri Geller and Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, Santa Barbara, California, District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who tried to put Jackson behind bars on child molestation charges, and lawyer Glora Allred kept away from him at all times.

The German svengali admits he transcribed the list as his client reeled off names. He says, "Sometimes he was a little bit paranoid... I'd ask him, 'Michael, what are you doing...?' He said... 'These people are after me and they want to destroy my life."

The enemies list also included music mogul Tommy Mottola and Janet Arviso, who accused Jackson of molesting her son at his Neverland Ranch home.


By Haaretz Service

Michael Jackson kept an "enemy list" which included famed Israeli illusionist Uri Geller and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, the renowned U.S. broadcaster, as revealed this week by the star's former manager Dieter Wiesner.

The alleged list contained names of people who Jackson believed were out to destroy his life, as Wiesner told British tabloid 'The Sun' on Friday.
?"I'd ask him, 'Michael, what are you doing?' said Weisner, 'These people are after me and they want to destroy my life.'"

After Jackson's sudden death in June, Geller admitted in several interviews that his relationship with the star had been severed in 2002 after Martin Bashir made a controversial documentary on Jackson. Jackson accused Geller of the whole state of affairs, as Geller had initially introducing the star to Bashir.

Immediately after Jackson's death Geller was noted several times saying that they had also had differences of opinions due to the star's drug habits.

He added that he was not surprised that lethal levels of the anesthetic propofol were discovered in Jackson's autopsy earlier this month.
Yet Geller also claimed that he and Jackson had straightened things out before his death.

In comments made to Haaretz this week, Boteach said "as far as Michael Jackson is concerned, his death is a terrible tragedy, a terrible loss of life, a terrible waste of human potential, I'm very sad that he threw away his life, because he did throw away his life."
Wiesner added that he had assisted writing the document which contains several names of people which Jackson had personally chosen, which was meant to be handed to Jackson's closest associates.

Other names on the list included District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who charged the star with child molestation back in 1993, as well as Feminist lawyer Gloria Allred, who was in charge of raising questions regarding Jackson's parenting abilities.

Mariah Carey's ex husband Tommy Mottola was another on the list allegedly after an argument over a record deal.

Edited to Add: If the people I mentioned previously who may know about Michael's enemies have strong suspicions, they themselves may not be able to prove anything, but bringing the accused individuals and/or groups to court will require MOTIVE, OPPORTUNITY AND PROOF. A case has to be built somehow, and accusations alone won't do it.

Last Edited by on Feb 23, 2011 7:31 PM
624 posts
Feb 23, 2011
7:54 PM
This is going to be a judgment call for you, Bonnie, but I do have the urge to post this video. It cannot be embedded, so I will just post the link. The background story on this video is no longer available, as the previous version I had saved on YouTube has - naturally - been taken down. What I recall reading is that this is a portion of the deposition Michael gave to Dieter Weisner's attorneys. Michael was being sued by Weisner for a breach of contract or something of that nature. Please listen carefully to the questions asked and Michael's answers as given.

Deiter Weisner, through his attorneys, is attempting to hold Michael fully accountable for what he signed. Michael's judgment may have been impaired at the time he signed the documents in question, which leads me to my suspicions of Mr. Weisner and my constant question:
Who was looking out for Michael Jackson, his safety and his best interests? If Michael was signing contracts in 2003 or so with impaired judgment due to pain medications, I'd like to give a major verbal lashing to his USELESS 'advisors' and 'managers' and 'agents.' You don't EVER let your client(s) sign contracts and important documents while incapacitated or impaired. Michael was vulnerable in this instance, and I don't see Mr. Weisner protecting him here.


Sorry, but I don't trust the man. Sorry if this post offends anyone. Ute, I know you believe in Mr. Weisner and feel positive about him. I wish I could say the same. But I won't lie. I don't trust him.

Bonnie, if the link has to go due to the upcoming trial and the FACT that Murray's defense is going to paint Michael as 100% addicted and fully responsible for his own demise, I completely understand. My position on this is that Michael had an addiction problem in the past and fully acknowledged it and accepted responsibility for it. I also wish to say that I don't judge him for his need for pain medication. It's very easy to judge someone who needs pain killers when I myself am not in excruciating pain and don't need them. For some people, such as my mother and a close coworker, chronic pain is a way of life and can be almost unbearable.


Last Edited by on Feb 23, 2011 8:00 PM
19 posts
Feb 24, 2011
3:27 AM
Carmen - There are a mixed feelings for Dieter Weisner with the fans. Most that I've spoke to are not happy with him. Some are out of the blue of what he did and still support him (you've mentioned in your post). There's too much betrayal and mistrust.

Jermaine tweeted recently: There is a due legal process we must honor. Justice first. And then it will be time for truth. Your support in the meantime means everything

"justice shld spring from the truth, but the truth concerns much more than one court's limited scope"

Last Edited by on Feb 24, 2011 3:28 AM
987 posts
Feb 24, 2011
8:32 AM
Hi Everyone,

When I referred to "the list" I was not talking about a very old list of people that Michael felt had betrayed him.

Several people close to Michael have said he called shortly before his death and told them a list of people to investigate in the event of his death. I also received an unsubstantiated report that there were notes posted all over the rental house with similar information. At this point it really does not matter if the notes story is true or false. We have all heard very high profile people who were close to Michael say that they were given names. All I am saying is those names should be checked out.

Yes, proof of wrongdoing also needs to be established, but that is part of the investigative process.

I hope that this clarifies what I meant.

315 posts
Feb 25, 2011
6:17 PM
Hi Carmen and all,

No Carmen, you did not offend me, I respect your impression. Everything around Michael seems , is intended respectively to cause more and more confusion to set up a certain picture to get C. Murray off his responsibility in Michael´s murder and to hide the truth. We know this foul game.

I have been thinking now if I comment on this because I am going to say some words concerning Dieter Wiesner and why I am convinced that he has been a true friend to Michael until today despite of this short period of this suing case. I have not done this before as I do not like to wave the flag before time has come to open up.

First I would like to remind you of the interview with Dieter Wiesner that is posted on the board. I will put it back to this page later. Please, read again from about 8:01 to 8:49 min. There he speaks about this suing Michael issue and explains how it all had come to this point.
Some lines later the person who had interviewed D. Wiesner stated - Quote:
" Dieter Wiesner talks about Michael Jackson with a strong affection, which seems to be painful in some places."

With reference to what I said above and these lines I want to confirm what this person says here. I experienced him myself this way.
Half a year back I sat with Dieter Wiesner in his office after some emails and a telephone call. He was very kind and calm and he would very attentively listen to me what I was telling him about Michael, how I had experienced him and how everything had turned out to my decision to give my lectures on Michael. And he would talk too.
He would look straight into my eyes ALL the time - this is something that not many people do. His eyes are absolutely clear. Moreover he gave me four hours of his valuable business time - the telephone ringing steadily and emails coming in,
but he would give this time to me.
He left for one hour for business talks and then was willing to give me that 4th hour.
He had experienced all these betrayals and lies around Michael and how they had tried and did blackmail him (we know the going in this business now too) and said that in the end "they "got him. And he kept repeating several times that Michael had not deserved this what had happened now!
I did feel that affection too.

Whatever is written in the papers or taken out of context and put together in the MSM I want to say that Dieter Wiesner has REALLY been a loyal friend to Michael despite of this unpleasant issue that Mr. Wiesner had not really wanted to do and which he really regrets.
He says that clearly in this video. We all make mistakes and they had settled down the thing. Michael would have never been friend with him again if he had really been that bad. Recall - he fired Branca & co and I am sure that Michael had never rehired them again. If someone had really betrayed him, he broke up with them.
Let´s see how everything will unfurl.
As for my experience I can only say I trust him.

There is an interview with Dieter Wiesner on German TV dated November 2009 that I show in my lectures. As soon as I will come around I will translate and post it.
There he also says some words concerning medication and "people" around Michael promising him to have something good for him that would help him....

Michael was no drug addict!! ... as so many still want to paint this one and only picture. It had its reasons . Additionally to his physical pain and pain regime that he needed - though also doing something about it to get rid of it - Michael was under enormous emotional pressure and stress that surely caused him insomnia (and not only this). As we all know this can and mostly causes physical pain too.
And please do not forget how painful emotional pain can be.

Despite happy moments in his life and Michael kidding around and have his heart full of Love , we should not forget what he went through, he went through hell. And I am sure that all of those people who until today have kept judging and slandering him would not like to be in his shoes for even ONE second and not walk even ONE step in them to say the least.

For now I stop as my concentration is leaving me.
Please excuse possible misprints etc. .


To add:
Dieter Wiesner had helped Michael out of several really evil situations with those leeches. And recall please that Michael had given him the power of attorney.

Last Edited by on May 06, 2011 8:32 AM
829 posts
Feb 25, 2011
6:37 PM
Thanks for your post, Ute. All comments are infused with feeling and compassion and inspired as always.
Sounds like D. Wiesner may be sincerely concerned about what happened to Michael. I truly hope that he is and if so that he is also trying to help bring the truth to light by whatever means are available to him. Looking forward to your translation of the interview he gave to German TV. I am hoping it will clue us in more about him and where he stands.


Last Edited by on Feb 25, 2011 6:51 PM
317 posts
Feb 25, 2011
6:59 PM
Hi Ira,

he really is concerned and I could feel his sadness about what had happened to Michael. I have not doubted him telling about them being close friends.

20 posts
Feb 26, 2011
2:56 AM
Thank you for clearing that up Bonnie. I did come across Teddy Riley's interview regarding the message he got before MJ passed. People that were on the list which MJ wanted investigated are something to do with the business associates and people that he let go?

Because Teddy Riley said these people didn't get along with him, I really wonder who that could be?

Last Edited by on Feb 26, 2011 2:56 AM
318 posts
Feb 27, 2011
1:52 PM
Hi Mango8,

thank you for posting this interview.
It speaks VOLUMES.......

With Love,
831 posts
Feb 28, 2011
7:37 AM
hi Mango,

Thanks for posting this. I am surprised that Teddy is going as far as saying he can recall some names. If he is going as far as confirming that Michael spoke to him he might as well go all out. I feel it is a safer thing to do than holding back the information.

Last Edited by on Feb 28, 2011 7:41 AM
21 posts
Mar 01, 2011
9:55 AM
You're welcome HTW and Irina. I recalled a fan posting this as a hoax video so I went back to watch it again. It does speak volumes. It's a shame that he is a believer. I think he trying to be careful from what you can see in the interview.
61 posts
Mar 01, 2011
5:32 PM
There are so many facets to this thing. To name names seems to be safer, (bodily), however it opens up the real possibility of litigation. Money buys everything but moral fiber. There has to be a way of doing the right thing AND getting some kind of protection. Each one of these people finds themselves in the same situation that Michael faced. Who do you turn to? Is there anyone who can be trusted to do the right thing? How sad is that?
835 posts
Mar 03, 2011
8:16 AM

Yes,I would say the extent of the manipulation that is being put into obscuring the facts relating to Michael and his death is mind-boggling.

As Bonnie said there is safety in numbers.
The people who Michael named names to must ban together.

If they stick with each other and speak up they will be hard to silence as any attempts to do so will become obvious to the public.


Last Edited by on Mar 03, 2011 8:17 AM
322 posts
May 06, 2011
8:02 AM

just to bring my comment about Dieter Wiesner forward for those who like to reread it ( see: longer post from 2 / 25 / 11 ) with reference to my comment in
"The next one on estate´s plate" thread.


Last Edited by on May 06, 2011 8:23 AM

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