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hearing music and conversations, dreams, help?

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4 posts
Aug 13, 2007
12:00 PM
i am 25 years old and when i was eleven, my mother(who was also 8mo. pregnant with my little sister rachel) and my stepfather were killed in a car accident. they all three died. my brother and i survived. i always wanted to dream of her and talk to her in my dreams cuz i miss her so much, but i hardly ever dream of her. if i do it's in spurts, over long periods of time. i am a little resentfull and feel even more abandoned because she hasn't visited me. does she have the choice to visit me? the couple of dreams i've had, she never speaks, never. once she put up her finger as to say wait a minute or something and then walked around a corner. i've dreamed of chasing her through a maze and seeing her from behind turning the corner, i never found her. she never gets very close to me. i just feel like she doesn't want to visit me or something. she does visit my grandma. in fact, recently she came to my grandma when she was half asleep. mamaw said it was just a faceless figure, but she knew it was my mom cuz she heard her voice. mamaw asked her what she was doing here and she said very passively, "i came to get you. you didn't think i was gonna let you go by yourself did you?" mamaw said it wasn't alarming, it just sounded like they were gonna go to the store or something. it worried me cuz my grandma has health problems. she also visited my grandma in the hospital room i was in the night after the wreck. she was smiling holding my step dad's hand. mamaw said she was letting her know she was ok. also i've often dreamt that my brother and i find her living somewhere in another state and that she had faked her death. we get into the house where she's staying, completely unfarmiliar. she isn't home. we look through the fridge to check the date on the food and stuff and explore the house i guess to try to figure out what she's doing now. and i am extrememly angry when i find that she hasn't been dead the whole time. i think it's because i refused to go to the funeral. i was eleven and didn't know how to deal with all the feelings i had. i didn't want all those people telling me they were sorry and knew how i felt, because they didn't. when i was seven, i dreamt that my mother, my grandma, and i were standing at the end of the dead end road that my mom, my brother, and i lived on at the time. my mother disappeared in thin air, just like faded out and it was just me and my grandma standing there. then it flips over to a graveyard and i'm laying down rolling back and forth at my mother's headstone screaming and crying refusing to accept that she had died. i can remember this dream just like i had it yesterday or something. i woke up in sweats crying that night and woke my mom up. i told her in a frantic, paniky voice that i dreamt she died. she told me it was a dream and that she would never leave me. i guess i feel she betrayed me because i never feel her around me and never really have, yet i've felt the presence of other friends and relatives and had dreams of them and we talk just like we hadn't seen each other in a long time. so, what is this all about?


2 post s
Aug 13, 2007
11:46 AM edit · delete
i also wanted to know anything about esp as far as music goes? since i was a baby, i've heard music faintly playing. i can even sing the melodies i hear and sometimes i write down the words. the songs most of the time sound like a never ending one, but they have different changes in rhythm and melody, but there seems to be a pattern to it. every time it's a different genre of music. last night i sat for like an hour and a half hearing country music. i got up to make sure there wasn't music playing, i went outside, this was like 3AM. nothing. which doesn't surprise me cuz for all these years there never has been a source of music or explanation for it. i even put my ear to the vents sometimes and get nothing. also if i walk to one side of the room i can't hear it as clear. i have to position myself to hear it the clearest. almost like an antenna on a radio or something. sometimes i hear conversations too but i can never interpret what they are saying. it used to scare me as a kid and i would either put cotton balls in my ears at night cuz i was terrified or lay on my side and put a pillow over the other ear. also, i can hear when someone walks into the room. it's hard to explain, but i can hear the air displacement. it kind of sounds like electricity or a highpitched sound in my ear. oh! and none of these things are heard in just my mind. i hear them with my ears. i am a singer and have almost perfect pitch so it's interesting to sing the melodies i hear. i just wish i could understand it. so when i hear the sound of someone entering the room, and there's nooone there, i assume it's a spirit or something. i've also seen things but not many. that's another story.


3 post s
Aug 13, 2007
11:57 AM edit · delete
in reference to the dream i had about my mother, my grandma, and i standing at the dead end road and my mom fading out and it's just my grandma and i, i'm looking at the three of us like i was another person looking, ya know? and after the wreck happened my grandmother took legal gaurdianship of my brother and i and raised us. so do i have some sort of special
1 post
Sep 24, 2008
5:58 PM
I have also had experiences where i've heard unexplainable music and conversations. It's like i can hear people having a conversation. But, i can't TUNE IN and understand what they are saying. At first, it scared me. But, I have a big interest in the paranormal and have had experiences in the past. So, i really try to concentrate and hear what they are saying. And, no, i have no mental problems or scizophrenia. But, i have noticed that i have sensitive hearing and loud sounds bother me. So, i don't know what this means, if i am hearing something from another dimension. I am also aware when someone walks into the room. I can hear the lightest sound of a foot stepping on the carpet. This has been going on for a few years and at my old house i would hear someone walking
and there would be noone there. The house i live at now used to be my deceased grandfathers home. And, sometimes i think he is here visiting occasionally. Though, i have never seen any shadows, appartitions, etc. But, i have seen things out of the corner of my eye and heard doorknobs turning and things like that. I'm glad to see someone else has had the same experiences.
3 posts
Oct 25, 2008
8:24 PM
melina you are a gifted clairaudient. Remember that if you want clearer psychic information, all you have to do is ask. I will tell you the same thing i did on the other message board: You have to find closure. Your mother is gonna push you until you find it. She knows it's not easy. She's gonna do it.

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